Project number: 2018-063
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $40,000.00
Principal Investigator: Julian J. Harrington
Organisation: Seafood Industry Tasmania
Project start/end date: 30 Nov 2018 - 31 Jul 2019


The Tasmanian seafood industry operates in an exceptionally complex environment, with a diverse range of stakeholders who have input and influence over the decision making process. Furthermore, an increasing number of issues and challenges threaten the ongoing viability of the industry, notable examples include large scale harmful algal blooms on Tasmania's East Coast, community and industry acceptance of salmon expansion and political influence overriding a scientific evidence base. Industry associations and the volunteer Directors of such organisations are tasked with steering the Tasmanian seafood industry towards a sustainable and prosperous future. Fundamental to the success of seafood sector associations is sound governance, fiscal responsibility and strategy and risk preparedness. Directors of not-for-profit associations must clearly understand their role and legal obligations of being a Director, and their role in steering industry in a positive forward projection.

Governance, fiscal responsibility and strategy and risk preparedness are fundamental skills and knowledge that all Directors must be aware of and constantly reminded of, and it is important to provide volunteer Directors the opportunity to up-skill or re-skill in this important area. Noting that the Tasmanian Rock Lobster Fishemen's Association and Oysters Tasmania are about to finalise new Directors, it is timely that TSIC run professional development opportunities to support these and other sector association representatives.

The Australian Institute for Company Directors offer short, one day courses tailored to the Tasmanian seafood industry needs.


1. To conduct two (2) one (1) day Australian Institute of Company Directors courses focusing on Governance and Strategy and Risk for Directors, with a focus on not-for-profit organisations.
2. To improve the skills and knowledge of seafood industry representatives
3. To ensure sector associations are operating within their legal requirements
4. To improve industry capacity and capabilities to strategise and address risk

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925983-15-9
Author: Julian Harrington
Final Report • 2019-08-01 • 866.20 KB


Twenty (20) Tasmanian seafood leaders participated in a two (2) day Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) course over the 30 and 31 May 2019. Courses completed were:
• Governance for Directors
• Finance for Directors
Participants gained a better understanding of best practice governance and how to interpret and understand financial reports.
The skills gained will provide greatly improved capacity and capability within Tasmanian seafood sector associations and the Tasmanian Seafood Industry Council (TSIC).

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