Project number: 2018-173
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $52,627.28
Principal Investigator: Scott Williams
Organisation: Forest Hill Consulting
Project start/end date: 21 Feb 2019 - 20 Jun 2019


The independent review of performance of the FRDC, undertaken in 2018 by Forest Hill Consulting, made two recommendations that have given rise to this review:
• Recommendation 3: During the development of the next RD&E plan, FRDC should review the way it organises and manages its RD&E program (its investment and evaluation framework) with the aim of simplifying it so that it is easily understood by the average stakeholder.
• Recommendation 7: FRDC should strengthen its approach to extension, possibly by creating a specific position to oversee or coordinate extension across the organisation.

Recommendation 3 reflected a finding that the FRDC's investment and evaluation framework is very complex and difficult to understand from outside the organisation, even by stakeholders who are closely engaged with and have a good understanding of the FRDC. This is likely to be creating additional overhead cost for the organisation and for those working with it (for example, researchers submitting project applications), and leading to sub-optimal understanding by stakeholders of FRDC's performance.

The FRDC's approach to extension (recommendation 7) is closely tied to its stakeholder engagement model, hence its inclusion in the scope of the current project.


1. Identify how the various partnership models are managed by the FRDC and how that management might be improved
2. Identify the the degree to which the FRDC's partnership models meet stakeholder needs
3. Identify how well the FRDC's partnership models are meeting the FRDC’s extension/adoption/impact goals
4. Identify areas for improvement in the FRDC's partnership models generally
5. Identify how well the FRDC's partnership models are contributing to the FRDC realising its planned outcome

Final report

Author: Scott Williams and Russell Pattinson
Final Report • 2020-01-23 • 931.19 KB


This report presents the outcomes of a project commissioned by the Fisheries Research & Development Corporation (FRDC) to provide: ‘…a comprehensive and independent review of the current FRDC partnership models with a view to identifying: how the various models are managed by the FRDC and how that management might be improved, the degree to which they meet stakeholder needs, how well they are meeting the FRDC’s extension / adoption / impact goals, areas for improvement generally (and) how well they are contributing to the FRDC realising its planned outcome’.

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