33,543 results

Review of regulation and policy guiding use of artificial reefs and Fish Aggregating Devices (FAD) in Australian waters

Project number: 2021-046
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $226,750.00
Principal Investigator: Daryl McPhee
Organisation: Bond University
Project start/end date: 31 Jan 2022 - 30 Jan 2023


Globally, Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) and artificial reefs are increasingly used tools to enhance fisheries – particularly recreational fisheries. Over the last decade there has been greater use of these tools in Australia. In recent years, FADs have been increasingly deployed including in Commonwealth waters for the purpose of enhancing recreational fisheries managed by state governments. There are concerns that the recent rapid deployment of FADs, particularly in Commonwealth waters have negatively impacted the operations of some Commonwealth fisheries such as the East Coast Tuna and Billfish Fishery. There are also marine safety concerns which extends beyond just commercial fishing vessels. There is a need to better understand the regulatory environment for FADs and artificial reefs to ensure that benefits can be realised while impacts avoided or mitigated. The regulatory environment for the deployment of FADs (and artificial reefs) in Commonwealth waters is potentially different from that when they are deployed in state waters. It also extends beyond fisheries legislation and includes the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act 1999), the Sea and Submerged Lands Act 1973, and the Navigation Act 2012. The administration of these Acts and associated subordinate legislation crosses several government agencies. In relation to the EPBC Act 1999, the Commonwealth marine area is a Matter of National Environmental Significance (MNES). There is however little specific guidance as to whether FADs potentially impact MNES and how any impacts can be mitigated. In addition to better understand the complex regulatory environment, there is a need to develop more effective and fit for purpose engagement strategies with all stakeholders. There is a need for national project as it is an issue which is now cross jurisdictional.

Please note we have attached responses from three State Ministers indicating their support for a collaborative approach to this issue.


1. Identification of the current regulatory and policy frameworks in all Australian jurisdictions that guide or impact the deployment and use of FADs and artificial reefs in State, Territory and Commonwealth waters.
2. Identification of the current and projected use of FADs and artificial reefs in Australian jurisdictions.
3. With relevant input through a workshop and other tools where appropriate, development of a best practice guide for the planning, sighting and deployment of FADs and artificial reefs.

Impacts of COVID19 on the Australian Seafood Industry: Extending the assessment to prepare for uncertain futures

Project number: 2021-042
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $179,564.00
Principal Investigator: Emily Ogier
Organisation: Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) Hobart
Project start/end date: 20 Dec 2021 - 14 Mar 2024


In March 2021 the FRDC published an initial rapid assessment - Impacts of COVID19 on the Australian Seafood Industry: January-June 2020 - of the direct and indirect effects of disruption to seafood production, supply chains and markets caused by the global COVID19 pandemic. That assessment covered the initial period of the shocks wrought by COVID19 and demonstrated the availability of data to support rapid assessment in such conditions.

However gaps remain to be addressed, including:
1. comprehensive coverage of production effects in fishing and aquaculture across all Australian jurisdictions,
2. coverage of impacts on recreational fishing activity and Indigenous commercial seafood activities;
3. assessment of emerging medium-term impacts (such as changes in Australian consumer purchasing behaviours, structural effects in labour markets and export-oriented sectors, effects of alterations in tourism patterns); and the interactions with non-CV-19 impacts (such as trade tensions affecting exports); and
4. the effectiveness of crisis responses.
Furthermore, the capacity to access data to support rapid assessment in times of systemic shock needs to be consolidated. Finally, insights from rapid assessments need to be harvested to provide Australia with a framework for assessment of systemic (i.e. large-scale, multi-level) risk to the Australian seafood community.

This project addresses these needs through a follow-up Impact assessment report which is more comprehensive, given data availability. The follow up report will include case studies of crisis responses by key government and industry decision makers, and the lessons learned for preparedness for future shocks. It will develop a Guideline for rapid assessment of economic and social effects in fisheries and aquaculture, which will contribute to FRDC's capacity for rapid appraisal and assessments. The guideline will include quality assurance steps to be applied to rapid assessments. Finally, the project proposes to draw insights from this more comprehensive assessment to identify what risk factors to assess, and how, in order to prepare for systemic shocks in future.


1. Complete assessment of impact of COVID-19 on Australia's commercial, recreational and charter fisheries and aquaculture sectors for the period July 2020 to June 2021
2. Determine what were effective responses and interventions using selected case studies to inform preparedness for future shocks
3. Document all data streams and their source (organisation, private data, public domain data) - STOP / GO MILESTONE
4. Develop guidelines for data production, governance and use when rapid situational assessments are required.
5. Develop a framework for systematic risk assessment
6. Develop 'data architecture' for a portal to access live/near-real time data to support early detection and risk assessment of large-scale shocks (architecture to include: data sources, access and permissions

Shark depredation in Australian fisheries: understanding the scope of the issue and identify potential mitigation options

Project number: 2021-038
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $25,510.00
Principal Investigator: Toby P. Piddocke
Organisation: Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)
Project start/end date: 5 May 2021 - 29 Mar 2023


Shark depredation of catches have been nationally acknowledged as an issue for all stakeholders – however, much of the information is anecdotal and there is a lack of clarity on where efforts need to be prioritised to find possible solutions.
In response, the FRDC will facilitate up to two national workshops to understand the scope of depredation and approaches to mitigate and manage this source of mortality.


1. Define key dimensions of the shark depredation issue in Australian fisheries (across all relevant sectors) in terms of (i) relevant characteristics of the shark species and populations involved, (ii) relevant traits of the fisheries involved, (iii) potential impacts of shark depredation, from economic, ecological, stock assessment, and social perspectives
2. Clearly identify and discuss potential mitigation options
3. Facilitate a national approach to collaborate cross-jurisdictional knowledge and efforts to define the scope of shark depredation in Australia and potential next steps


Author: Jonathan D. Mitchell
Report • 2022-08-10 • 806.52 KB
2021-038 Discussion paper for FRDC National Workshop on Shark Depredation.pdf


To guide the workshops, FRDC commissioned Dr Jonathan Mitchell (Qld DAF) to draft a discussion paper exploring key issues in Australian shark depredation research. Given that at least one substantial global review on shark depredation had been published recently (Mitchell et al. 2018; doi:10.1007/s11160-018-9528-z), an exhaustive survey of the literature was not sought. Rather the discussion paper was intended to situate insights from the global experience of shark depredation in the context of Australian fisheries.
Final Report • 2022-12-25 • 9.91 MB


At the request of the Australian Fisheries Management Forum and in response to increasing stakeholder concern, FRDC held a series of workshops to explore the issue of shark depredation in Australian fisheries addressing two areas:

  • Workshop 1: Developing a shared understanding of the nature and dimensions of the shark depredation issue, and

  • Workshop 2: Identification of possible mitigation measures and pathways towards their development or adoption.

This document provides a synopsis of discussions, presentations, and attendee comments collated from the shark depredation workshops facilitated by FRDC through May and June 2022.

Determining if the CCSBT Management Procedure sufficiently demonstrates sustainability credentials of Australian Southern Bluefin Tuna

Project number: 2021-037
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $34,377.00
Principal Investigator: Brian C. Jeffriess
Organisation: Australian Southern Bluefin Tuna Industry Association
Project start/end date: 5 Aug 2021 - 13 Oct 2021


After discussions with MSC, ASBTIA applied for MSC and completed the pre-assessment (ACDR) for SBT caught in the Great Australian Bight (GAB) for farming. An approved CAB, Marine Resources and Assessment Group (MRAG) completed the ACDR (attached) and identified three possible challenges to certification. First was that the MSC Standard requires the product to be “landed.” This was resolved because SBT caught for farming is officially deemed “landed” by AFMA and CCSBT. Second was the SBT listing under the EPBC Act 1999 – the same problem faced by Orange Roughy East (ORE). ASBTIA has applied to the Australian Minister for Environment for SBT to be delisted in 2021.

Another major problem is that the MSC Standard requires the SBT stock to be “at least an 80% probability that the true status of the stock is higher than the point at which there is an appreciable risk of recruitment being impaired” (MSC Standard SA2.2.1.1 and SA2.2.1.2). The Standard notes that: “Where proxy indicators and reference points are used to score Principle 1 (Pl 1.1.1), the team shall justify their use as reasonable proxies of stock biomass for the PRI and/or MSY.” The Standard also notes that “The recent trends in fishing mortality rate may be used as a means of scoring stock status.” (SA2.2.4). Currently the CCSBT MP is tuned to a 70% probability of rebuilding the stock to the interim rebuilding target reference point of 20% of the original spawning stock biomass by 2035, which does not meet the MSC Standards.

As soon as this problem was identified by MRAG in the ACDR – ASBTIA had detailed discussions with AWE and CSIRO on how this barrier could be overcome. The view that SBT could not pass the MSC Principle 1 without this being resolved was then supported by the ISSF analysis in February 2021 (see www.iss-foundation.org) CSIRO noted that the problem could be addressed by a project – but that it required use of data and analysis which evolved from the meetings of the CCSBT Extended Scientific Committee (ESC) but were not published or used in the ESC annual Reports (see www.ccsbt.org)


1. For CSIRO (on behalf of Australia) to produce a report on how the current CCSBT Management Procedure (MP) can be tuned to achieve the default PRI within the next 3-5 years.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9807000-3-9
Author: Brian Jeffriess and Claire Webber
Final Report • 2022-02-01 • 523.29 KB


This research project is an important step for the Australian Southern Bluefin Tuna fishery for catching fish for farms. The project directly addressed the point which is seen as the remaining barrier to the fishery achieving Marine Stewardship Council certification.

The project establishes that Southern Bluefin Tuna exceeds considerably the Marine Stewardship Council sustainability criteria required to meet Marine Stewardship Council Principle 1: Sustainable target fish stocks. The methodology used by Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation was confirmed by the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna Extended Scientific Committee in August 2021 and might be seen as model to be used by other fisheries facing the same problem with certification bodies.


Identifying mechanisms and data collection options to aid socio-economic analysis of the NT seafood industry

Project number: 2021-034
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $99,000.00
Principal Investigator: Katherine Winchester
Organisation: Northern Territory Seafood Council (NTSC)
Project start/end date: 24 Feb 2022 - 27 Oct 2022


This project seeks to position the NT seafood industry to have a clear understanding of suitable and cost effective, valued systems and processes for adoption. It is the critical first step required to aid a shift in the behaviour and culture from a government driven data collection process for legislative purposes, to a process that is trusted and valued by industry to deliver data insights beyond regulatory requirements. As a result, it will help position the NT wild harvest and aquaculture sectors with securing access, investment and development opportunities.

Current negotiations for access to Aboriginal-owned tidal waters have reached a critical point. A gap exists in understanding what level of industry adjustment might be required to ensure Indigenous investment in the industry is not unnecessarily impacted. Better understanding the full value of the NT seafood industry to the NT community could assist with all strategic decisions related to Blue Mud Bay negotiations, infrastructure investments – and help support investment in the industry going forward.

Without a plan to enhance the visibility of the wider socio-economic value and benefits of our industry, we will continue to face increasing pressure on our social licence to operate – which has the potential to impact all aspects of the local industry, including access, industry structure and increased fees. It will also limit our ability to identify the best opportunities for future growth and sustainability.

Further, there is limited availability of current financial and economic information for our individual NT wild harvest fisheries and sector specific aquaculture activities. Due to this lack of information there is little scope for economic analysis, hence limiting opportunities for providing advice to policy and decision makers.


1. Consolidate a methodology for ongoing valuation reporting and capacity for impact assessment of the NT's seafood industry via application of the FRDC’s National Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry social and economic contributions study
2. In consultation with the relevant fishery sectors and the NT Government prepare a list of agreed economic indicators for annual reporting
3. Establish a set of protocols with NTG to provide, on an annual basis, the data already collected and held by NTG that will underpin the preparation of annual economic indicators
4. Develop a program/schedule for undertaking an economic survey of concession holders in NT commercial fisheries

Provision of strategic advice to Oysters Australia - identifying opportunities and associated value for the Australian Oyster Industry in Carbon Neutral Accreditation and Environmental Accounts.

Claiming carbon offsets is currently unlikely to be a viable option for oyster growers, so this project discussed other opportunities related to sustainability and reducing and offsetting product and supply chain emissions to become carbon neutral and the benefits of acquiring carbon neutral...

Digital transformation of the WRL industry to help resolve challenges and leverage opportunities to grow GVP and maintain competitiveness

Project number: 2021-030
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $2,352,000.00
Principal Investigator: David C. Pietersen
Organisation: Western Rock Lobster Council Inc (WRLC)
Project start/end date: 14 Oct 2021 - 27 Jun 2024


Lengthy engagement/negotiation periods, lack of visibility, and complicated processes surrounding the Management Plan creates uncertainty for the fishers and hinders their ability to plan. DPIRD implements requirements and controls that specify how the industry operates which can impact business efficiency and cost. This is exacerbated by current market conditions. This project will undertake research to understand how to improve co-management and increased visibility of markets and trade environments driven by data and technology.
Multiple layers of compliance and reporting are required (vessel, on board, catch) and are managed by different entities (DoT, AMSA, DPIRD). Processes are unclear, difficult to interpret, inconsistently applied and systems are unstable and poorly designed. This leads to difficulty to consistently meet requirements and unnecessary operating pressure for the fishers. There is a need to ework with these entities in a co-management approach to develop mutually beneficial solutions to increase efficiency for all parties. This project will undertake research to determine how digital technology can be applied to Industry compliance requirements (DoT, AMSA, DPIRD) to improve efficiencies and fishery sustainability.
There is no ongoing research into fishing technology to ensure the industry remains abreast of developments and responds accordingly. Additionally, this is a generational industry perceived to be reluctant to adopt new ways of working. Focused research will be undertaken to understand how the industry can apply technology and innovation to strengthen the industry’s position and provide the necessary training to do so.
The 'back of boat sales' initiative creates retail challenges for fishers seeking to serve the local market effectively and efficiently. There is a need to undertake research to determine how the industry can apply digital technology to serve and engage the community more effectively while ensuring compliance to government requirements.
There is little community understanding of the Industry while Industry engagement is inefficient. Undertake ongoing focused research to understand how digital technology can be applied to strengthen engagement.


1. Resource co-management and improved control of compliance and operational costs
2. Provide members with greater financial and operational certainty
3. Leverage technology to drive GVP growth for future resource security
4. Traceability systems that tracks catch to plate allowing market diversification, increased confidence in the product and brand recognition
5. Increased sustainability through efficient precision fishing backed by robust data analytics platforms that provides insights from different data sources
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