33,543 results

Commercial use of ATP-ase for the prediction of smoltification on Atlantic Salmon stock in Tasmania

Project number: 2021-102
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $197,414.00
Principal Investigator: Christine C. Huynh
Organisation: Petuna Group
Project start/end date: 31 Mar 2022 - 30 Aug 2022


Commercial in confidence. To know more about this project please contact FRDC.


Commercial in confidence

FRDC Extension Officer Network

Project number: 2021-100
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $4,015,000.00
Principal Investigator: Jamie Allnutt
Organisation: Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)
Project start/end date: 16 Jan 2022 - 29 Jun 2025


Commercial in confidence. To know more about this project please contact FRDC.


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Incorporating Aboriginal perspectives into fishery management review processes, using the Northern Territory Barramundi Fishery as a case study

Project number: 2021-098
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $505,392.00
Principal Investigator: Rachel Groom
Organisation: Charles Darwin University (CDU) Northern Institute
Project start/end date: 28 Apr 2022 - 30 Dec 2025


Commercial in confidence. To know more about this project please contact FRDC.


Commercial in confidence

Environmental risk factors that may contribute to vibrio outbreaks - A South Australian case study

Project number: 2021-097
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $59,100.00
Principal Investigator: Stephen Pahl
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA)
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2022 - 30 Oct 2022


Vibrio parahaemolyticus can live in sediments and waters year-round and generally proliferates in the water column when water temperatures are greater than 14degC. V. parahaemolyticus are rarely isolated from seawaters below 10degC, though some cold-tolerant strains have been isolated overseas. The concentration of V. parahaemolyticus in the water column increases as the water temperature increases. Oysters naturally accumulate and depurate V. parahaemolyticus through filter-feeding, but once oysters are no longer underwater depuration can no longer occur and V. parahaemolyticus levels increase quickly unless the oysters are less than 10degC. Recent outbreaks in South Australia have been very unusual in that they have occurred in winter-spring. Other environmental factors including salinity, chlorophyll and turbidity have also been linked to vibrio prevalence, but relationships are inconsistent. Internationally some growing areas have established relationships between V. parahaemolyticus and other environmental parameters such as suspended matter, chlorophyll a and dissolved organic carbon, although this varies between areas and is not consistent.

Little is known around why outbreaks have begun occurring in Australia and Vibrios are an increasing risk to commercially produced oysters in Australia. The prevalence of vibriosis is globally linked to the effects of climate change, aging populations, dietary changes and improved detection methods. It is vital that all available relevant environmental data associated with these recent outbreaks is recorded and made available for future interrogations. The identification of data gaps and tools that could be used to identify and assess potential vibrio risk factors may help guide where additional effort is required to assist future understanding of this complex and emerging food safety issue in Australia. This project is important to help defend current demand, consumer trust and safety in oysters.


1. To collate and record all available environmental conditions (pre- and post-harvest) associated with the recent vibrio outbreaks in South Australia
2. To review the environmental conditions which may have been risk factors contributing to the recent vibrio outbreaks in South Australia
3. To review available tools that could be used to identify and assess potential vibrio risk factors and any approaches for improved surveillance
4. Recommendations on data and information collection deficiencies related to the South Australian situation

Southern Rock Lobster Planning and Management for a National Research Development & Extension (RD&E) Program

Project number: 2021-096
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $556,600.00
Principal Investigator: Tom T. Cosentino
Organisation: Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL)
Project start/end date: 31 Jan 2022 - 30 Dec 2025


The operating environment for Southern rock lobster fishing and exporting businesses has changed significantly since January 2020. Prior to this the value of the catch (beach price) has remained consistently high (average around $80/kg with highs up to $120/kg). Investment has had an exceptional ROI in this industry due to the scale of the fishery. This has enabled the fishery to engage in a progressive research agenda which focused on consolidation of knowledge and expansion of existing programs (biotoxins, lobster health, supply chain development).

However, the global pandemic and trade disruptions to the live export market in China have seen a precipitous decline in beach price (as low as $25/kg) making some operations unviable. Ongoing trade disruption has brought about a need for industry to urgently adapt to new markets and market offerings. Changing consumer preferences are demanding that out sector make further advancements in carbon and waste reduction as well as the circular economy. Performing in a changing climate will also be a focus of the fishery going forward.

The Southern Rock Lobster industry has a complex array of business structures. Many of the quota units or catch shares are owned by small family businesses while an increasing amount is owned by larger companies. Catch is taken by around 600 vessels and packed and processed by a number of different companies. The large and complex array of firms across three States means there is a need for leadership in prioritising and coordinating the investment in and managing industry RD&E.

SRL remains an active supporter and stakeholder in SafeFish and the Seafood Trade Advisory Group (STAG) to primarily address issues regarding food safety and international market access. The continuance of these relationships are paramount to the SRL industry's success to service new and existing markets as well as build on domestic opportunities.

This project will build on the existing capacity to deal with Southern Rock Lobster RD&E needs in a strategic and efficient way. The industry will benefit from continued collaboration on R&D initiatives with other Australian Rock Lobster representative bodies.


1. Coordinate Southern Rock Lobster RD&E planning and management so that RD&E is strategically prioritised and delivered cost-effectively.
2. Deliver a corporate structure, resources and processes for SRL that ensures:a) Leadership focusing on continuous industry development through the delivery of the SRL Strategic Planb) a strategic focus on maximising profitability across the value chain within the limits of sustainability of the resource,c) high level governance at the operational, planning and strategic level
andd) effective engagement of all stakeholders in planning and building SRL’s value proposition to ensure further development within the fishery and relevance of SRL’s functions.
3. Communicate consistent information and the extension of R&D outputs to support and promote the adoption of new technology, science and other project outcomes through effective extension.
4. Respond to emerging issues coming from changing markets and consumer preferences including carbon reduction, the circular economy, animal welfare and climate.

Designing the integration of extension into research projects: tangible pathways to enhance adoption and impact

Project number: 2021-095
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $10,000.00
Principal Investigator: Jane Wightman
Organisation: Hort Innovation
Project start/end date: 9 Jan 2022 - 9 Jul 2022


Project aim
• What is the value proposition and the processes and resources required which will engage researchers in incorporating an adoption pathway in the design and delivery of the projects they are involved in, where researchers can articulate ‘where’ on the impact pathway their research starts and finishes and what role it plays in identifying core problems and finding solutions.
Project outcome
• Researchers and extension officers actively engaged in the design of a theory of change that will best inform the pathways to adoption and impact.
• This is not about the design of the technology or the research methodology (although these will contribute to adoption and impact), it is specifically about mapping the role of extension in supporting projects to optimise adoption and impact.


1. 1. Researchers and extension practitioners who are involved in the project increase their knowledge, attitude, skill, aspiration and practice (KASAP) in applying an impact pathway approach to their work.
2. 2. Researchers and extension officers actively engaged in the design of a theory of change that will best inform the pathways to adoption and impact.
3. 3. A practical co-designed model/process and guidelines of a theory of change that is ready to pilot with researchers and extension practitioners for levy funded projects.
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