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Abalone Council Australia Ltd Planning and Management for a National Research, Development and Extension (RD&E) Program

Project number: 2018-061
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $713,117.34
Principal Investigator: Dean M. Lisson
Organisation: Abalone Council Australia Ltd (ACA)
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2018 - 31 Jul 2023


Implementing an Industry Partnership Agreement (IPA) was needed to provide a more coordinated approach to RD&E and ensure that research funds were utilised in a more cost effective and strategic manner. It also “quarantined” funds to be overseen by the ACA for investment in Abalone specific research, giving the industry greater opportunity for input into the research that was funded and hopefully greater relevance of project outputs. The latest version of the IPA will now allocated 100% of the funding from Australian Abalone fisheries to the ACA for oversight.

This first IPA expired in late 2017 and the ACA Board and FRDC have now established a new IPA for the period 2018 to 2023.

Historically, industry’s focus has been on management and stock sustainability, and the potential for growth through higher harvest levels via upward quota adjustment is limited. Indeed, since 2011/12, the total annual harvest has fallen from 4,450t in 2011/12 to 2,890t in 2017/18 (a reduction of 35%). The industry is one of Australia’s major exporters and the value was around $220 million beach price in 2004/05.

Since then the value of the industry has declined to about $160 million primarily due to a reduction in quota across all states.

The second IPA will be tasked with many objectives, some of which must be focussed on rebuilding of abalone stocks across each state abalone fishery as well as ensuring our products are differentiated and properly marketed into an increasingly better informed and discerning international marketplace.

The industry structure comprises around 700 small owner operator businesses scattered amongst the southern Australian states with little or no capacity to coordinate investment in and manage industry development. Recovering lost industry value and delivering future growth is contingent upon coordinated investment in industry development at the whole of industry level.

The ACA is now established and well positioned with the FRDC to implement its strategic plan and to integrate R&D work across all stakeholders under its leadership. Two distinct needs are involved in any consideration of better national R&D co-ordination for the abalone sector:

1. The strategic issues of R&D prioritization, funding and the linkages to (and support for) both industry development plans and Government objectives of industry development.
2. The operational issues of facilitating effective communication and coordination at all levels (industry/researchers, among researchers, among industry, FRDC. and researchers etc).


1. To coordinate the planning, implementation, and reporting of abalone related R&D projects funded by the FRDC to achieve the outcomes specified in the ACA Strategic Plan. Specifically this must be at both the National level and regionally across WA, SA, VIC, NSW and TAS.
2. To facilitate the abalone industry participation in FRDC projects and the extension and utilization of the project results,
3. To deliver resources and processes that consolidates and coordinates Abalone related RD&E planning and funding so that overall RD&E outcomes are delivered in an efficient and cost effective manner

Blue carbon and the Australian seafood industry: workshop

Project number: 2018-060
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $50,803.00
Principal Investigator: Mathew Vanderklift
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2018 - 30 Oct 2018


The Australian seafood industry aspires to continue improving its sustainability in many areas, including reducing its carbon emissions and ultimately achieving carbon neutrality. The 2017 National Seafood Industry Leaders called for the industry to strive to become carbon neutral by 2030. There are many aspects to this, such as improving fuel efficiency and evaluating land transport options, but some emissions are inevitable. To offset these emissions, the seafood industry might choose to investigate carbon markets. Investments in blue carbon could also provide added value to the industry, say, through better fish nurseries, or through the social benefits of being seen to proactively nurture the ecosystems that support them. However, the mechanisms to allow the seafood industry to pursue this are poorly developed. Impediments include the paucity of blue carbon opportunities in existing regulatory markets, and uncertainty about the most appropriate financial mechanisms for blue carbon investment.

The industry would benefit from a clear guide that outlines the current (and likely future) opportunities, the risks, a realistic assessment of the benefits, and a set of options for potential investors to pursue. To facilitate this, we will hold a meeting of key seafood industry stakeholders: at this workshop we will inform stakeholders about the current state of knowledge and opportunities, ask the extent to which the industry aspires to be carbon neutral, and whether blue carbon investments are perceived to be relevant. We will identify the major impediments to the industry achieving its desired goals, and plan concrete actions that can be taken to achieve them. These will be compiled into a plan to inform the FRDC on what actions to invest in, and how much investment would be needed.


1. Inform and understand aspirations of the Australian seafood industry with respect to carbon neutrality
2. Map the aspirations against current opportunities in Australia and overseas
3. Identify actions that can be taken by the seafood industry and the FRDC that will help move the industry towards meeting aspirations
4. Synthesise 1-3 into a plan that also identifies enablers and constraints that the industry needs to be aware of, and develop recommendations about the best steps

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-4863-1196-5
Authors: Mat Vanderklift Andy Steven Raymundo Marcos-Martinez Daniel Gorman
Final Report • 2019-01-17 • 1.91 MB


Several stakeholders within the Australian seafood industry have demonstrated strong leadership by developing carbon neutral business practices. In 2017, participants in the National Seafood Industry Leadership Program challenged the industry to become carbon neutral by 2030. In response, the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) hosted a workshop that invited key stakeholders and thought leaders from industry, government and nongovernmental organisations to discuss the overall attitudes of the Australian seafood industry to the concept of carbon neutrality, and to gauge aspirations for investment in coastal “blue” carbon offsets as a way of achieving carbon neutrality
Blue carbon offsets are not yet available in Australia, including (but not limited to) Australia’s Emissions Reduction Fund, but voluntary market opportunities exist overseas. Several Australian businesses are seeking to promote efforts to accelerate their development in Australia. Developing partnerships between the seafood industry and like-minded businesses, to address key uncertainties and knowledge gaps (such as uncertainty over tenure, lack of reliable demonstration sites, absence of key data such as carbon accumulation rates) is likely to be a fruitful option for maximising the future blue carbon opportunities for the seafood industry

World Fisheries Congress 2020 - Sharing our Oceans and Rivers: a 2020 vision for the world’s fisheries

Project number: 2018-059
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $200,000.00
Principal Investigator: Jane Ham
Organisation: University of Adelaide
Project start/end date: 14 Nov 2018 - 29 Apr 2021


With fisheries resources under increasing pressure globally from both fishing and non-fishing activities, and the rapid expansion of aquaculture presenting both opportunities and challenges, there is a need to enhance cooperation and collaboration among fisheries professionals to ensure the world’s oceans and rivers are managed sustainably for the benefit of current and future generations.
The WFC2020 aims to attract fisheries professional worldwide by promoting an engaging program featuring internationally recognised keynote speakers that will prompt debate and discussion about new research, fisheries utilisation and access, and management implications and actions.
FRDC funding is sought to assist organisers generate successful outcomes by facilitating greater benefits and appeal to delegates. Funds will contribute to the overall Congress budget, and assist in providing dedicated resources to ensure successful planning and organisation of the event. This may include: attracting high profile international keynote speakers; world-class venue facilities; event promotion; and creating a legacy to the wider community.
This proposal addresses two of FRDC’s national priorities:
(i) Ensuring that Australian fishing and aquaculture products are sustainable and acknowledged to be so.
(ii) Improving productivity and profitability of fishing and aquaculture.
The WFC2020 provides an opportunity for the Australian and New Zealand seafood industries to demonstrate to the international fisheries community and the broader public that they are leaders in sustainable management of fisheries and aquatic systems, producing some of the highest quality sustainable seafood in the world. Furthermore, the Congress will provide the local fishing, aquaculture, recreational and indigenous sectors with unparalleled access to the latest research, technological developments and updates on global markets.
People Development is also addressed in this proposal, in encouraging knowledge transfer and R&D adoption within the international fisheries community and providing an opportunity for the Australian and New Zealand fishing industries to take a lead role in debating and discussing current and future research.


1. Deliver a successful World Fisheries Congress 2020 that explores the challenge of fishing sustainability
advances and promotes international developments
and fosters cooperation and engagement in identifying critical developments needed to ensure the world’s oceans and rivers are managed sustainably for the benefit of current and future generations.

Final report

Author: Jane Ham and Gavin Begg
Final Report • 2022-11-01 • 12.26 MB


The World Fisheries Congress is the premier international fisheries congress, bringing together research, industry and management to discuss the latest advances in fisheries world-wide. The 8th World Fisheries Congress, hosted from Adelaide, Australia from 20 to 24 September 2021, was led

by the South Australian Government (Department of Primary Industries and Regions – PIRSA, including the South Australian Research and Development Institute – SARDI) in partnership with the Adelaide Convention Bureau and the Adelaide Convention Centre and the Fisheries Research and

Development Corporation (FRDC); and support from the Australian Society for Fish Biology (ASFB) and industry and government agencies from other jurisdictions in Australia and New Zealand. The World Fisheries Congress 2021 (WFC2021) was delivered as a fully virtual event allowing the

international fisheries community to come together and exchange ideas at a time when travel was restricted due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In total, the Congress delivered over 800 presentations, covering a broad range of topics critical to the future of fisheries, and attracted 1,166 delegates from 60 countries.

The Congress provided an opportunity to reflect on how much has changed since the first World Fisheries Congress was held almost 30 years ago, as was evident by the developments and thought-provoking work presented and discussed over the week of the Congress. The Congress also

highlighted the many issues that remained, as well as identified new issues that have emerged. Importantly, discussions and presentations indicated that despite the persistence of some issues, we have advanced our thinking and actions and are moving forward in the right direction.

Every session and presentation were recorded and will remain available on the WFC2021 virtual portal for six months post congress. Plenary presentations and presentations of student award winners have been made publicly available on the WFC2021 website.

Population genomic assessment of Australian Blacklip Abalone for abalone viral ganglioneuritis (AVG) resistance

Project number: 2018-057
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $165,700.00
Principal Investigator: Adam Miller
Organisation: Deakin University Warrnambool Campus
Project start/end date: 14 Jul 2019 - 29 Oct 2020


AVG remains the greatest threat to the economic viability and stability of the abalone industry in south-eastern Australia. As a consequence, there is an urgent need for strategic research aimed at determining the likely vulnerability of fisheries to future AVG outbreaks and providing managers with the necessary tools for biosecuring wild and farmed stocks at regional, state and national scales.

The fact that some animals from AVG affected wild stocks survived the disease outbreak suggests they were either fortunate enough to have avoided coming into contact with the virus or are genetically resistant to the disease. A research program aimed at characterising AVG resistance in Australian wild abalone fisheries is expected to provide benefits to wild and farm fisheries at a national scale. If AVG resistance is present in wild abalone stocks, and its genetic basis can be characterised, there will be unique opportunities to:

1) Rapidly and cost-effectively screen stocks across all wild fisheries to determine the spatial prevalence of resistant genotypes and to gain an understanding of how biosecure wild abalone stocks are likely to be in the event of AVG re-emergence
2) Biosecure wild stocks through the movement of animals from ‘AVG resistant’ to ‘AVG vulnerable’ stocks as part of future restocking and translocation activities
3) Biosecure farm stocks across all states of Australia through the establishment of an AVG resistance breeding program

This project involves a direct partnership with AAGA, ACA and VFA and is expected to provide much needed insights into the vulnerability of abalone stocks to future AVG outbreaks, and the tools needed to bolster the biosecurity of wild and farmed abalone stocks. As a result, this project has the potential to dramatically improve the economic viability of this rapidly expanding industry.


1. This project will leverage the support of the abalone wild harvest and aquaculture industries, and the Victorian state government to determine if genetic resistance to the AVG virus persists in Australian wild blacklip abalone fisheries. This project will adopt state-of-the-art population genomic technologies to contrast genomic profiles of 350 individual abalone distributed across AVG affected and unaffected blacklip abalone stocks from Victorian Western and Central zone fisheries. Genomic variants differentiating animals from AVG affected and unaffected source stocks are expected to be indicative of a selective sweep and AVG resistance. Genomic variants associated with AVG resistance will act as the necessary markers for surveying the virus resilience/vulnerability of wild fishing stocks, and biosecuring wild fishing and farm stocks by providing a basis for a future virus resistance breeding program.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-7300-0303-8
Authors: Adam Miller Madeline Toomey Owen Holland Larry Croft Collin Ahrens Craig Sherman Ary Hoffmann Nick Savva Dean Lisson Andrew Clarke
Final Report • 2021-05-01 • 9.55 MB


Abalone viral ganglioneuritis (AVG) remains a significant threat to the economic viability and stability of the Abalone industry in south-eastern Australia. Consequently, there is an urgent need for strategic research aimed at determining the likely vulnerability of fisheries to future AVG outbreaks and providing managers with the necessary tools for biosecuring wild and farmed stocks at regional, state and national scales. The fact that some animals from AVG  affected wild stocks survived the disease outbreak in the early 2000s suggests they were either fortunate enough to have avoided coming into contact with the virus or are genetically resistant to the disease. A research program aimed at characterising AVG resistance in Australian wild Abalone fisheries is expected to provide benefits to wild and farm fisheries at a national scale. If AVG resistance is present in wild Abalone stocks, and its genetic basis can be
characterised, there may be opportunities to:
1) Improve industry knowledge of the mechanisms for animal persistence in virus affected Abalone fisheries and on the resilience of Abalone fisheries to environmental change;
2) Screen wild fishing stocks across all wild fisheries to determine the spatial prevalence of resistant genotypes and to help identify stocks are likely to be resilient or vulnerable to AVG reemergence;
3) Explore options for biosecuring wild stocks through the movement of AVG resistant genotypes to ‘AVG vulnerable’ stocks as part of future restocking and translocation activities; and
4) Establish AVG resistant breeding lines for biosecuring farm stocks across all states of Australia.
In this study we performed a genome wide association study on the Blacklip Abalone (Haliotis rubra) using pooled whole genome re-sequencing data from 343 H. rubra specimens representing 14 Victorian fishing stocks varying in historical AVG exposure. Analyses identified approximately 25,000 SNP loci associated with AVG exposure, many of which mapped to genes known to be involved in herpesvirus response pathways and general virus-host interactions in Haliotids and other animal systems. Most notably, candidate loci mapped to 24 genes known to be associated with Haliotid herpesvirus-1 (HaHV-1)
immunity in the New Zealand pāua (H. iris). Experimental trials are now needed to validate if, and how much, resistance is determined by the candidate genotypes identified in this study before the industry can harness them for management purposes with confidence. This study provides the first line of
evidence of genetic changes and adaptive responses in AVG affected H. rubra fisheries. These findings have potential implications for future management which are discussed in detail but will require further investigation.

Enhancing the understanding of the value provided to fisheries by man-made aquatic structures

Project number: 2018-053
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $376,840.06
Principal Investigator: Euan S. Harvey
Organisation: Curtin University
Project start/end date: 29 Apr 2019 - 19 Mar 2020


The north west of Western Australia has productive commercial and recreational fisheries and extensive offshore oil and gas (O&G) infrastructure. These man-made structures support a range of demersal and pelagic fishes which are targeted by recreational and commercial fishers. As this O&G infrastructure reaches the end of its productive life, decisions on the best practice option for decommissioning must be made. The current policy for decommissioning requires complete removal. Regulators may support alternative strategies, such as leaving infrastructure in place, if risks and impacts are minimised and there are clear environmental, social and economic benefits to do so. It is thought that removal of infrastructure will decrease catch rates and have negative ecological, economic (direct and downstream) and social consequences.

At the same time as the discussion is occurring about removing O&G infrastructure, there have been large investments in constructing and installing purpose built man-made aquatic structures on the seafloor for the express purpose of enhancing the experience of recreational fishers and SCUBA divers.

There is a need to deliver critical information on: 1) the ecological, economic and social value of these man-made structures to recreational and commercial fishers and other stakeholders; 2) the attitudes of stakeholders to man-made structures; and 3) the opportunities and risks of decommissioning strategies to fishers and other groups (e.g. tourism).

Policy regarding the removal of decommissioned structures will benefit from the increased clarity that this project will provide in regards to data requirements for socio-economic models and stakeholder consultation methods. Comparative assessments of decommissioning options rely on the existence of appropriate socio-economic data, a knowledge gap this project aims to fill. An understanding of the impact of man-made aquatic structures on recreational and commercial fisheries is a global priority, and as such this project has strong international importance and relevance.


1. To develop conceptual qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative models for describing the socio-economic values and decide what information is needed to give stakeholders an understanding of the value of manmade aquatic structures in the marine environment.
2. To collate a list and description of the manmade aquatic structures in the marine environment in Western Australian and the associated social, economic and biodiversity data.
3. To collect and collate data on four manmade aquatic structures in the marine environment and develop and compare the costs and benefits of qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative models.
4. To develop a decision support system or framework for undertaking socio-economic evaluations of manmade aquatic structures which can be used throughout Australia and guide end users on how to develop qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative models depending on their information requirements.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-84171-7
Author: Euan Harvey
Final Report • 20.59 MB


In 2018, the state’s recreational and commercial fishers (represented by the peak bodies Recfishwest and WAFIC) commissioned a program of research as part of a Fisheries Research Development Corporation project aimed at documenting the social and economic values and benefits that stakeholders obtain from MMS in Western Australia. These structures include shipwrecks, artificial reefs, break walls, structures associated with harbours, jetties, marine navigation markers, and O&G infrastructure such as platforms, wells, and pipelines.
During 2019 and 2020 the researchers undertook seven online surveys which focussed on understanding the social and economic benefits and values that recreational and commercial fishers, divers and other users gained from using MMS in Western Australia. This was complemented by eleven focus groups which included representatives from the commercial and recreational fishers, but also the Oil and Gas (O&G) sector, regulators (state and federal), conservation, non-government organisations (NGOs), scientific sectors, and the general community. The researchers used data to develop five case studies representing a range of different structures and end users. These case studies focussed on inshore Thevenard Island subsea O&G infrastructure (incorporating recreational fishing), Woodside’s Echo Yodel offshore subsea O&G infrastructure (incorporating commercial fishing), the Exmouth Integrated Artificial Reef (recreational fishing), the Exmouth Navy Pier (diving tourism), and the iconic Busselton Jetty in Southwestern Australia, which is used for tourism, by recreational fishers, divers, swimmers and many other stakeholders. A guidebook was produced outlining the different methods of identifying social and economic values, along with the types of data required, and the approaches to collecting this data. The guidebook also outlines the advantages, disadvantages and resource needs for each method. A database of the MMS in Western Australia was also compiled and made accessible online.

Where did the Snapper go? Determining factors influencing the recovery of Snapper stocks on the west coast of Australia

Project number: 2018-050
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $332,535.00
Principal Investigator: Gary Jackson
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 29 Apr 2019 - 30 Jun 2021


Ensuring that connectivity and stock dynamics are well understood is crucial to determining the appropriate scale for fisheries management and assessment.
There is strong industry and management interest in determining the extent to which connectivity and stock dynamics of snapper along the west coast might have changed over time reflecting changes in environmental conditions and stock abundance.
There is a need to reassess the most appropriate scale for management of the snapper resource in WA under the new Aquatic Resources and Management Act.
There is a need to evaluate whether active-acoustic methods can improve capacity to monitor the spatial distribution and abundance of snapper in key spawning aggregations and whether these methods are complementary to the existing approaches used to assess snapper stocks in the GCB and WCB and elsewhere in Australia.


1. Improve understanding of snapper stock connectivity between the Gascoyne and West Coast Bioregions using high-resolution genomic techniques
2. Identify evidence of key sources of recruitment to snapper stocks in the Gascoyne and West Coast Bioregions using otolith microchemistry
3. Quantify snapper egg and larval dispersal between the Gascoyne and West Coast Bioregions using high-resolution ocean circulation modelling
4. Evaluate the use of active acoustic methods for monitoring the distribution and abundance of snapper in spawning aggregations
5. Investigate possible changes in key biological parameters in snapper in the Gascoyne and West Coast Bioregions in relation to changes in environmental conditions and stock abundance

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925415-01-8
Authors: Gary Jackson David Fairclough Emily Fisher Yasha Hetzel Mirjam Van Der Mheen Ben Scoulding Bronwyn Gillanders Patrick Reis-Santos Luciano B. Beheregaray Jonathan Sandoval-Castillo and Matias Braccini
Final Report • 2023-05-02 • 9.74 MB


This report describes a collaborative project focused on Snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) carried out between 2018 and 2021 by researchers from the Western Australian Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), Flinders University, University of Adelaide, University of Western Australia, and CSIRO. The project was co-funded by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation and had three key aims, which were motivated by questions raised by commercial fishers in the Gascoyne and West Coast bioregions of Western Australia, about C. auratus stock structure in relation to current fishery management boundaries and the methodologies used to assess these Snapper stocks.


Firstly, the biological connectivity of C. auratus in waters offshore of Shark Bay (in the Gascoyne Coast Bioregion) and to the south off an area between Kalbarri and Geraldton (in the West Coast Bioregion) were investigated using population genomics, otolith chemistry and larval dispersal modelling. These studies identified, for the first time, nursery grounds inside Shark Bay that are attributable to the Gascoyne oceanic Snapper stock, confirmed the larval transport pathways linking these with known spawning grounds around islands off Shark Bay and commenced the development of a recruitment index for this stock. 


Secondly, a novel fishery-independent survey method, combining acoustics (sonar) with underwater cameras, termed acouptics, was trialled for monitoring C. auratus stocks off Shark Bay. The study has shown that these active acoustic methods can be used to monitor Snapper aggregations and estimate numbers of fish/biomass, providing a potential addition to the future Snapper assessment toolkit.


Thirdly, this project explored if there had been any changes in the biological characteristics of C. auratus in oceanic waters of the Gascoyne Coast Bioregion and northern West Coast Bioregion over the past 30 years. The study demonstrated changes in maturity of Snapper in the Gascoyne, with the updated parameters used to inform the most recent (2022) assessment of this C. auratus stock.


The outcomes of this project will provide the basis for a review of stock assessment approaches and management arrangements for C. auratus on the West coast of Australia. Outcomes of the acouptics work provides a conceptual basis for application in C. auratus assessment research elsewhere in Australia and New Zealand.

A Better Way to Fish: testing the feasibility of tunnel net ‘fish trap’ gear in North Queensland

Project number: 2018-049
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $125,693.00
Principal Investigator: Andrew Chin
Organisation: James Cook University (JCU)
Project start/end date: 31 Jan 2020 - 29 Aug 2021


• Bycatch reduction in the Qld East Coast Inshore Finfish Fishery (ECIFF), especially of species of conservation interest (SOCI) species is a key priority for Qld DAF (see https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/business-priorities/fisheries/sustainable/sustainable-fisheries-strategy/fishery-working-groups/east-coast-inshore-working-group/communiques/communique-5-6-march-2019).
• The trialing of alternative gear types such as tunnel nets is specifically listed in the Queensland Government’s Directions Paper release in January 2019 (see file:///C:/Users/jc184965/Documents/JCU/Projects/A%20BETTER%20WAY%20TO%20FISH/FRDC%202019/queensland-government-direction-on-fisheries-reform-2018.pdf)
The need for these policy reforms are driven by multiple factors:
• Inshore net fisheries face mounting challenges in operating costs, competition, environmental sustainability, regulatory environment, and social license. Bycatch of species of conservation interest (SOCI) and finfish bycatch mortality has fed community concerns, fisher conflict, and regulatory scrutiny.
• Sustainability concerns and conflict have driven recent regulatory changes that have diminished resource access and community trust of independent small scale commercial net fishers (SSCNFs).
• There is an urgent need to explore new options and approaches for SSCNFs if the fishery is to remain viable.
• There is also an urgent need to move the fishery in a direction of becoming a community supported fishery where consumers understand how fish are caught, are connected to SSCNFs, and value locally caught, demonstrably sustainable product.
• SSCNFs are interested in trailing new environmentally friendly fishing methods – tunnel nets or fish traps - that would replace existing mesh nets. This innovation aims to maintain harvest of target species, but significantly reduce interaction with and mortality of bycatch species including SOCI.
• However, gear feasibility and performance needs to be assessed. If the method is successful, this information will be crucial to designing future management and advising wider adoption.
• Trailing these methods also provides opportunities for SSCNFs and local communities for shared learning, increased understanding, and career development


1. Complete site visits and fisher exchanges to develop a “Preliminary Feasibility Trial Implementation Plan”. This also constitutes a GO/NO GO/ REVISE point for the project.
2. Limited tests of the feasibility of tunnel nets in north Queensland waters at two sites
Mackay and Cardwell.
3. Successful community engagement resulting in community knowledge of, and support for the preliminary feasibility trials.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-6452143-6-9
Authors: Andrew Chin Sushmita Mukherji Mark Ahern Allan Bobberman John Page Dave Thomson
Final Report • 2022-04-26 • 2.10 MB


This study found that tunnel nets are technically feasible in this location. In spite of the weather conditions, the fishing gear remained intact and successfully captured significant numbers of marketable fishes. Importantly, SOCI species were released alive and in excellent condition, as were other species of potential conservation interest such as wedgefishes and guitarfishes. Modifications to the gear by increasing the line strength of the ‘traps’ would likely increase the catch of key target species such as Barramundi and King Threadfin. While the tunnel nets are technically feasible, their viability as alternative fishing gear to replace N2 mesh nets remains unknown. The drawbacks of the gear include the need (and cost) for three to four fishers to work the gear, the limited number of suitable locations to deploy the gear, and the limited seasonal and weather window when the gear can be successfully used. Establishing viability will require full scientific trials to document the financial performance of the gear, modify the configuration of the traps and the exclusion grid to better suit local species, and to establish the gear’s fishing power to establish how often the gear could be deployed without causing local depletions. Further consultation and engagement would also be needed to identify opportunities to reduce inter-sector conflict. Project participants also expressed that some of the key limitations of tunnel nets could be resolved by using semi-permanent arrowhead fish traps instead, which have the same operational principles but are much less labour intensive and can be operated in more weather conditions.   

Barramundi origins: determining the contribution of stocking to the Barramundi catch on Queensland's east coast

Researchers from Queensland’s Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, James Cook University, and the University of Western Australia tested a range of otolith-based and genetic methods to identify hatchery-born from wild-born Barramundi. The project took place in the Dry Tropics region, where...
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries EcoScience Precinct

Improving Outcomes of Fisher Interactions with Sharks, Rays, and Chimaeras

This report summarises the outcomes of the Workshop on; prioritisation of species, identification of best-practice capture and handling, design of post-release survival studies, and development of effective communication campaigns, for developing positive behavioural change in recreational fishing...
Monash University Clayton Campus

Effects of climate change and habitat degradation on Coral Trout

Fishes are at considerable risk from changing environmental conditions because they are, for most part, unable to regulate their body temperature. Exposure to high temperatures may therefore compromise critical biological functions, resulting in reduced performance, fitness and ultimately survival....
James Cook University (JCU)
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