309 results

Modelling environmental changes and effects on wild-caught species in Queensland

This project studied environmental factors which may be influencing the recruitment, catchability or productivity of Snapper, Pearl Perch, and Spanner Crab stocks in Queensland. Two environmental variables: GSLA and Chl-a were found to have strong associations with either abundance or catchability...
University of Queensland (UQ)

Establishing an industry recovery strategy for the Area 3 zone of the Western Australian Abalone Managed Fishery

The Southern Seafood Producers (Western Australia) Association in conjunction with the Abalone Industry Association of Western Australia hosted a two-day workshop (the workshop) at the Swan Yacht Club in East Fremantle on the 12th and 13th of June 2019. The aim of the workshop was to...
Southern Seafood Producers (WA) Association

Bursaries for emerging leaders in the Southern Rock Lobster industry to attend the 2019 Trans-Tasman Lobster Congress.

Project number: 2018-207
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $21,225.38
Principal Investigator: Tom T. Cosentino
Organisation: Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL)
Project start/end date: 31 May 2019 - 30 Oct 2019


Commercial in confidence. To know more about this project please contact FRDC.


Commercial in confidence

FRDC Community Engagement Strategy Evaluation Framework

Project number: 2018-201
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $89,891.00
Principal Investigator: Victoria Pilbeam
Organisation: Clear Horizon
Project start/end date: 14 May 2019 - 31 Oct 2019


The objective for this project is to design and pilot an M&E framework and toolkit for fisheries and aquaculture community engagement. The M&E Framework support a more systematic approach to industry evaluation and generate useful information to support industry decision-making by clearly articulating priority outcomes. While the evaluation toolkit will provide industry organisations with practical resources for planning, conducting and learning from the evaluation of community engagement processes


1. Design and pilot an M&E framework and toolkit for fisheries and aquaculture community engagement
2. The M&E Framework will support a more systematic approach to industry evaluation and generate useful information to support industry decision-making by clearly articulating priority outcomes.
3. The M&E toolkit will provide industry organisations with practical resources for planning, conducting and learning from the evaluation of community engagement processes.

Final report

Author: Clear Horizon
Final Report • 2020-12-01 • 3.30 MB


This report outlines the process and outcomes of the Community Engagement Monitoring & Evaluation Framework and Toolkit project that the FRDC contracted Clear Horizon Consulting to complete.

Developing FRDC’s 2020-2025 RD&E Plan

Project number: 2018-197
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $370,061.23
Principal Investigator: Matt Barwick
Organisation: Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)
Project start/end date: 19 Apr 2019 - 30 Dec 2020


Section 19 of PIRD Act requires R&D corporations to prepare R&D Plans for each consecutive 5-year period. Each plan is to include (at a minimum):
· a statement of the Corporation’s objectives and priorities for the period to which the plan is expressed to relate; and
· an outline of the strategies that the Corporation intends to adopt in order to achieve those objectives.
Under section 10 of the Funding Agreement between FRDC and the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR), FRDC is required to develop a consultation plan, which seeks to:
• explain the purpose and objectives of consultation to inform the 2020-2025 RD&E Plan;
• describe who will be consulted;
• outline methods proposed; and,
• explain how input provided will be used.

FRDC is to obtain DAWR approval for the consultation plan prior to commencement of activities.
In order to develop an RD&E Plan which accurately interprets and responds to RD&E needs for Australia’s fishing and aquaculture community it is important to understand the aspirations, pain points, risks and opportunities of each sector over the intended life of the plan through undertaking broad consultation. It is also important to understand the current situation of the fishing and aquaculture (F&A) community (including indigenous, wild catch, aquaculture and recreational, and post-harvest sectors). The situational analysis should provide an updated understanding of what fishing and aquaculture looks like in Australia today, who is involved, what drives them, how they are performing, how the product (if retained) is used, what are the main dominant risks and trends. An earlier situational analysis delivered as an output of FRDC Project 2014/503.20 provides a useful template.
Finally, it is for any RD&E plan to be informed by an understanding of likely future trends, risks and opportunities facing Australia’s F&A community in the future. This requires:
· compilation of evidence to enable consideration of likely future geopolitical, social, economic, environmental and/or technical changes likely to occur in the future, and drivers of those changes;
· generation of projections relating to supply and demand for seafood products as well as cultural and/or recreational time use


1. Undertake consultative activities to inform development of the 2020-2025 RD&E Plan
2. Deliver a contemporary situational analysis for Australia’s fishing and aquaculture community to inform FRDC’s 2020-2025 RD&E Plan
3. Deliver a future-scan with a decadal time horizon (2030) to inform FRDC’s 2020-2025 RD&E Plan
4. Undertake activities necessary to enable launch of the 2020-2025 RD&E Plan by 30 June 2020.

Final report

Authors: Jeff Dambacher Alistair Hobday Fabio Boschetti Chris Moeseneder Linda Thomas
Final Report • 2020-05-28 • 2.57 MB


This report covers the second of two CSIRO contributions to the project FRDC 2018-197. This project was reviewing FRDC research objectives through a process that developed alternative scenarios of possible futures relevant to Australian fisheries. Discussed here is the development of a quantitative model to explore future seafood scenarios developed elsewhere. The purpose of this modelling exercise was to support the project FRDC 2018-197. The development of these possible future scenarios was undertaken in a process 
that ran in parallel to the CSIRO contribution. This process involved a series of stakeholder workshops and follow-up discussions, to which CSIRO staff were occasional observers.
The qualitative models developed to describe present day dynamics were then tested to see if they could account for previously observed shocks or perturbations the Australian aquaculture and fisheries system. This involved a face-to-face workshop and teleconference with representatives of the Stage 1 expert group.
Based on external input to management, employment and environmental variables, the qualitative models produced a set of predictions that were highly consistent with previously observed impacts in Australian fisheries and aquaculture. 
The models were then tested to see how well they compared to the dynamics described in the future scenarios, and here model predictions were found to be highly consistent with the dynamics played out in the two future scenarios – that is, both worlds are likely.
With ongoing support from CSIRO, these models can now be used to explore alternative perturbations, identify the informative indicators, and to determine when these models of the future (World A and B) are no longer realistic representations of real situation. If insufficient information is being gather on these indicators, the efforts could be made to collect such data, or if the information is too expensive, the alternatives can also be investigated to determine how many alternative indicators provide the equivalent conformation
Final Report • 2020-05-28 • 2.57 MB


This report covers the second of two CSIRO contributions to the project FRDC 2018-197. This project was reviewing FRDC research objectives through a process that developed alternative scenarios of possible futures relevant to Australian fisheries. Discussed here is the development of a quantitative model to explore future seafood scenarios developed elsewhere. The purpose of this modelling exercise was to support the project FRDC 2018-197. The development of these possible future scenarios was undertaken in a process 
that ran in parallel to the CSIRO contribution. This process involved a series of stakeholder workshops and follow-up discussions, to which CSIRO staff were occasional observers.
The qualitative models developed to describe present day dynamics were then tested to see if they could account for previously observed shocks or perturbations the Australian aquaculture and fisheries system. This involved a face-to-face workshop and teleconference with representatives of the Stage 1 expert group.
Based on external input to management, employment and environmental variables, the qualitative models produced a set of predictions that were highly consistent with previously observed impacts in Australian fisheries and aquaculture. 
The models were then tested to see how well they compared to the dynamics described in the future scenarios, and here model predictions were found to be highly consistent with the dynamics played out in the two future scenarios – that is, both worlds are likely.
With ongoing support from CSIRO, these models can now be used to explore alternative perturbations, identify the informative indicators, and to determine when these models of the future (World A and B) are no longer realistic representations of real situation. If insufficient information is being gather on these indicators, the efforts could be made to collect such data, or if the information is too expensive, the alternatives can also be investigated to determine how many alternative indicators provide the equivalent conformation

Removing seabirds from the otterboard trawler danger zone.

Project number: 2018-196
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $150,000.00
Principal Investigator: Simon A. Boag
Organisation: South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association (SETFIA)
Project start/end date: 30 Apr 2019 - 30 May 2020


The conservation status of seabirds means that any level of interaction is of serious concern. The only known mitigation strategy known to reduce interactions to almost zero is to not discard biological material (discards and offal) while fishing gear is in the water.
In late March AFMA advised industry that vessels fishing south of 38.00 (the Victorian southern coast) would not be able to discard biological material while fishing. This regulation is to be rolled out in two phases starting executed in July and September 2019.
AFMA contend that this will reduce catches on impacted (southern) trawlers by 20% but SETFIA believes that this might be up to 40%. AFMA and SETFIA agree that the SETF's revenue will reduce by $6-12m from $40m to $28-34m in its current form. Additional AFMA management costs associated with seabird mitigation will bring 2019/20 levies to $3m which will be 9-11% of revenue.
SETFIA and AFMA have agreed that in principle exemptions can be granted IF vessels can prove that seabirds are no longer attracted to the area where trawl warps enter the water (the "danger" zone).
The purpose of this urgent application is to seek emergency funding to fund innovation around how trawl vessels might stop birds from entering this danger zone. Without a solution it is likely that given the increase in levies of $0.5-1.0m and decrease in revenue, many southern trawl vessel operations will cease to be profitable and leave the fishery. Further, small New Zealand trawlers are not subject to any seabird mitigations; this fleet is the main competitor to SETF sales. As vessels exit the fishery the levy base will be spread across remaining vessels and the fishery may be reach a tipping point in which it collapses. The SETF is the major supplier of local finfish to the Sydney and Melbourne fish markets and it the largest Commonwealth managed finfish fishery in Australia.


1. Development of strategies to remove seabirds from the danger zone (between trawl warps and the water), i.e. achieve exemptions from the "no biological material discharge while fishing" rule
2. When successful distribute these strategies to other trawl fishers allowing them to duplicate them where possible

'If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else' - Future proofing the Australian Mud Crab Industry through improved strategic direction

BACKGROUND Australian mud crab fisheries extend from northern Western Australia (WA) across the Northern Territory (NT) and Queensland (Qld) through to northern New South Wales (NSW) and are managed across the four jurisdictions. The product from each jurisdiction is sold into a...
C-AID Consultants

Review of FRDC's Industry Partnership Agreements (IPAs), Research Advisory Committees (RACs), Subprograms and Coordination Programs

This report presents the outcomes of a project commissioned by the Fisheries Research & Development Corporation (FRDC) to provide: ‘…a comprehensive and independent review of the current FRDC partnership models with a view to identifying: how the various models are managed by the...
Forest Hill Consulting

Methods to profile and connect the provenance of wild caught prawn fisheries and their values to the community

The wild prawn industry, as a key influencer of the community's (sustainability) perception of the Australian seafood industry, has addressed identified risks to social license so that it can protect its legal license to operate in public waters. This report provides the results and conclusions on...
Australian Council of Prawn Fisheries Ltd (ACPF)
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