Project number: 2001-316
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $18,000.00
Principal Investigator: Bob G. Pearson
Organisation: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries EcoScience Precinct
Project start/end date: 12 Jan 2002 - 30 Jun 2004


The simple list of priorities identified by QFIRAC prior to the current round of R&D was prepared as a short term measure, prior to a full examination of all the relevant issues and the development of a 3-5 year plan.
Since the production of QFIRAC's original R&D Strategic Plan several key stakeholders have reported on completed R&D, or reviewed their priorities for R&D. (refs. 1-6)

Research Advisory Bodies (FRAB) advise inter alia the FRDC on the appropriateness and priority of the R&D. The changes in fisheries management in Queensland reported above in the Background section, and the contents of the reports and reviews alluded to here, suggest that QFIRAC must revisit not only its R&D priorities, but also the way in which it interacts with its stakeholders. This will ensure that it recommends R&D which is timely, of high priority and of use to its stakeholders. The aim is to ensure that R&D is performed by research providers who are informed of contemporary needs, have the best technical competence, and ensure that research results are of use to, and understood by, the end users. It is expected that this exercise will produce a methodology to identify the critical needs for R &D in Queensland, and to ensure that these can be addressed promptly by R&D providers.

1. Anon. 1997 Research needs and priorities for the management of Queensland's fisheries. QFMA, Brisbane. 16pp.
2. Anon. 1998. The Seafood industry's strategic plan for achieving seafood excellence. SeaQual, Canberra. 12pp.
3. Kirkwood, J. 2000. Marine Fish Habitat Research. Strategic Plan 2000-2002. A whole of ecosystem approach. DPIQ Brisbane Qld. 10pp.
4. Newman, G 1998. Research Priorities for Australian Fisheries and Aquaculture. Standing Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture, Canberra. 22pp.
5. Retif, S. 1998. Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Report 1995-97. DPIQ Brisbane. 100pp.
6. Williams, L E 1997 Queensland's Fisheries Resources. Current Condition and Recent Trends 1988-1995.


1. The development and publication of a Strategic Plan for R&D in Queensland that incorporates a process for continuous improvement in the identification of change in R&D priorities and communication between stakeholders.
2. The development and adoption of an operating process for QFIRAC that will enhance its interaction with all research providers and funders in Queensland, and maximise the outcomes of each dollar spent on R&D.

Final report

ISBN: 0-7345-0232-X
Author: Bob Pearson
Final Report • 2003-06-27 • 1.67 MB


The Queensland Fishing Industry Research Advisory Committee (QFIRAC) undertook a one-year period of consultation with stakeholders (industry sectors and R&D providers) to develop a new Strategic R&D Plan.  
The plan’s purpose is to identify the research priorities of industry and resource managers and facilitate the meeting of those needs by research providers.
The Plan was released in June 2002 to coincide with the new round of applications to FRDC for 2003-04. The plan has been endorsed by the Fishing Industry Development Council, Queensland’s peak industry-government consultative body.
QFIRAC is now engaged in consultative processes with stakeholders to ensure the plan is kept up to date. 

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