Project number: 2016-418
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $64,080.00
Principal Investigator: Anwen Lovett
Organisation: Anwen Lovett Consulting
Project start/end date: 23 Feb 2017 - 19 May 2017


There is a relatively small number of universities, education and training providers offering programs in the fishing and aquaculture industries. There is an absence of consolidated data on, for example who they are, how active they are, the programs they offer, and course participant commencements and completions. The extent to which these providers keep abreast of the latest R&D outcomes, how and where they access information on R&D outcomes and the degree to which the content of their training/education programs include the latest research outcomes is not known.

Understanding the current state of play in the provision and uptake of industry-related training programs will provide valuable information that can be used by FRDC and the fishing and aquaculture industries to make more informed decisions on how to most effectively ensure new R&D outcomes are accessed and used in current course content at universities and in vocational education and training. This could be, for example by developing incentives and close working partnerships with a cadre of active training providers best positioned to include both new industry practices, procedures, etc and the required underpinning knowledge in their training programs.

Due to the time and cost involved in updating course materials there is a limit to the extent well established training and education programs can be continually updated to include the latest R&D outcomes.
A related project activity therefore is to confirm with the industries their most critical and emerging jobs and functions and marry these to the most recent R&D outcomes. These are considered to be of the highest priority for inclusion in some capacity in training and education programs.


1. Describe the current situation for delivery of higher and vocational education and training for the seafood industry, including identification of major providers,courses being offered and trends in demand. Content to include available courses, participant numbers, demand, and commencement and completion data
2. Identify how current and/or recent research is extended through vocational and higher education training systems. This will included assessing the range and extent of existing industry training and education courses which make reference to R&D outcomes from FRDC, and feedback from providers about how they retain the currency of their courses and knowledge of teaching staff.
3. Determine those critical jobs and functions in the seafood industry where currency and performance relies on understanding and/or application of R&D outputs.
4. Determine key issues or innovations addressed through FRDC's research portfolio that align with critical jobs and functions in the seafood industry.
5. Provide recommendations to increase currency of training and education with a focus on improving pathways to adoption of knowledge and technologies generated through FRDC's investment in R&D
including development of a plan to improve how FRDC RD&E outputs can delivered through a RTO through a commercialisation agreement. This plan would identify the major RTO/s that FRDC should develop agreements/partnerships with.

Final report

Author: Anwen Lovett and Ross Ord
Final Report • 2017-10-01 • 2.72 MB


The Building Education and Training Pathways for research and development ( R&D) Adoption Project commenced in March 2017. The project explored how Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) could more effectively engage with education and training providers to create opportunities for enhanced dissemination of the outcomes of its investment in R&D through courses and degrees. The Final Report was completed in July 2017.

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