Project number: 2023-095
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $60,304.00
Principal Investigator: Lindsay Hermes
Organisation: Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance
Project start/end date: 30 Nov 2023 - 30 Jan 2025


ASSA has developed and published the Australian Seaweed Industry Blueprint Implementation Plan (Blueprint) that identified the critical path activities to industry growth. This proposal is for enhancing the knowledge and expertiese of the Australian seaweed industry through those visiting Korea to see and discuss that country's well developed seaweed industry which is currently at a size similar to what the Blueprint seeks to achieve for Australia in coming years. The proposal seeks to fill a major gap identified in the farm technology space with preliminery discussions with Korean seaweed industry representatives highlighting that the country uses a variety of 'in sea' and 'on land' seaweed culture systems. The information attained from the delegation's visit to Korea will be dissemenated by producing a final report and through planned workshops and meetings with the broader Australian seaweed industry.


1. Gaining knowledge from viewing Korean seaweed R&D to commercial scale at sea and on land operations
2. Gaining knowledge from viewing seaweed supply chain activities from farm to market
3. Building and developing lasting relationships with Korean companies and R&D agencies
4. Disseminating the information captured by the delegation to the Australian seaweed industry

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