Project number: 1992-125.09
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $30,000.00
Principal Investigator: Michael Walker
Organisation: Western Rock Lobster Council Inc (WRLC)
Project start/end date: 5 Feb 1994 - 12 Dec 1994


1. Survey the packaging systems used with Western Rock Lobster
2. Determine the range of some physiological parameters which may occur to western rock lobsters during transport, in particular, temperature, humidity, oxygen, carbon dioxide and ammonia levels.
3. Research which packaging system best copes with the above physiological parameters.
4. Communicate the results to the fishing industry.

Final report

Author: M H Walker P B Walsh A P Gibson J A Roe
Final Report • 1994-10-30 • 2.32 MB


Marketing the western rock lobster has undergone a dramatic transformation over the last 5 years. For the 1993/94 season 2.8 m kg out of a catch of (ca) 11 million kg was marketed live, approximately 25.5%, compared with 5% of the catch, which was the norm 5 years ago.

The rock lobster industry has developed on its own initiative handling, processing and packaging systems for live rock lobsters largely on an 'ad hoc' basis.

The Rock Lobster and Prawning Association of Australia, which includes amongst its members most WA lobster processors, packers and marketers, decided in 1993 that there was value in RLPA conducting and/or commissioning some applied post harvest research. Accordingly, it sought funds from the National Seafood Centre to conduct a research project into packaging systems used by its members during the 1993/94 rock lobster season. This project commenced in February 1994 and was completed in September.

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