Project number: 2000-401
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $73,042.00
Principal Investigator: Richard N. Stevens
Organisation: Western Australian Fishing Industry Council Inc (WAFIC)
Project start/end date: 12 Aug 2000 - 30 Nov 2004


The shark fishing industry needs a framework of Good Manufacturing practices to make sure it complies with existing and future health, and food safety regulations.

Shark fishing involves a level of processing that is no longer common practice in the fishing industry, it needs a framework of good manufacturing practices so that it is able to demonstrate due diligence in the case of a food related health incident.

The fishery wants to know where quality needs to be improved how this may be achieved in practice to improve the landed value of its product, reduce waste and extend the shelf life of fresh shark meat.


1. In consultation with industry, formulate a code of parctice that sets out best practice in the fishery and satisfies current and projected food safety standards.
2. Print and distribute the code of practice, encourage adherence to code.

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