Project number: 2008-720
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $246,154.00
Principal Investigator: Alexandra McManus
Organisation: Curtin University
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2008 - 2 Dec 2011


Value for money: There is a need to overcome the barriers to seafood consumption, particularly those cited in the general seafood consumption (Ruello, 2000) and the peri-natal seafood consumption studies conducted in Perth (McManus et al, BMC Public Health 2007). Establishing regular seafood consumption as a healthy, cost effective dietary option has the potential to impact upon short and long-term health, both in the general population and in those with specific health conditions. This study aims to develop strategies to increase seafood consumption by targeting specific sectors of the population (e.g. children, consumers) and groups with specific health conditions (e.g. pregnancy, diabetes, heart disease, obesity). The project should result in increased seafood consumption with concomitant increases in value for the seafood industry.

Level of Impact: The condition/sector educational resources will be developed in user-friendly formats/programs to meet the needs of each of the specific target groups and to ensure maximum uptake. For example, condition specific resources will be in formats that facilitate discussion between general practitioners and clients to promote seafood as part of a healthy diet. They will also be extended through relevant representative bodies (e.g. WAGP Network, Diabetes Council, Heart Foundation). Resources for schools will be developed in line with existing curriculum frameworks across a range of disciplines and piloted through existing and relevant educational programs. Resources will be initially developed at a state level with the potential to be extended nationally through existing links.


1. To conduct a systematic review and gap analysis to: a) inform the development of industry guidelines around health messages and seafood and b) identify research gaps and priorities in seafood health benefits research.
2. To develop, implement and evaluate a series of targeted seafood health benefits communication resources for educational institutions, medical professions and their clients, seafood consumers and members of the seafood industry.
3. To develop and evaluate a seafood health benefits skills set for incorporation into relevant vocational training packages administered through the Tertiary and Further Education institutions (TAFE).
4. To trial and evaluate the seafood health benefits communication resources developed (see Obj2) in a single community to determine whether seafood consumption in that community is significantly altered through access to the developed resources.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9872086-0-6
Author: Professor Alexandra McManus
Final Report • 2011-11-01 • 24.78 MB


The Community Intervention to Increase Seafood Consumption (CIISC) Project aimed to translate the most up-to-date evidence around the health benefits of regular seafood consumption into a suite of resources and educational programs specific to the needs of various sectors within the community. The resources were then trialled and evaluated in a single community to determine whether seafood consumption in that community is significantly altered through access to the developed resources.

The project followed a participatory action research model with each stage of the research informing the subsequent stages, thus ensuring the outcomes were relevant to the end users.

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