Project number: 1998-102
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $203,379.34
Principal Investigator: Andre Punt
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 14 Jun 1998 - 26 Jun 2001


Given AFMA’s need to satisfy its ESD objective, there is a need to consider uncertainty explicitly and identify performance indicators and harvest strategies that are as robust as possible to incorrect assumptions and misinformed interpretations of data. Use of these indicators and harvest strategies will improve the chances of achieving a reasonable balance between the conflicting objectives of long-term resource sustainability and the maximisation of economic gains. SEFAG's 1997 assessment plan explicitly states the need to "develop harvest strategy evaluation and performance indicators for all SEF quota species." There is a need to ensure that research and resource monitoring is conducted in a cost-effective manner (e.g. the SEF research priority to develop cost-effective fishery-independent surveys of stock abundance and recruitment indices). The results of the research will highlight the research areas most likely to improve management in the SEF.

The project also addresses two key research areas in subprogram (B) of the Wild Stock Program of the SCFA Research Committee to some extent: "Biological and socio-economic evaluation of alternative management scenarios for different species and categories of fishery to provide a framework for management planning" and "The evaluation and provision of harvest strategy models through comparison of management strategies using theory and case studies, establishing objective performance indicators for different jurisdictions and identifying options which are appropriate to the nature of the fishery".


1. To evaluate alternative performance indicators in measuring performance against management objectives for the SEF.
2. To select robust assessment methods and harvest strategies for the SEF.
3. To evaluate the costs and benefits associated with different data aquisition strategies for the SEF with particicular reference to different monitoring strategies (fishery-dependent and fishery-independent).
4. To develop the modelling software in a manner which lends itself to tailoring (by CSIRO and other agencies) to suit other Commonwealth or State fisheries.

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