Project number: 1995-054
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $519,520.00
Principal Investigator: Neil Trainor
Organisation: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries EcoScience Precinct
Project start/end date: 2 Sep 1995 - 4 Jun 2003


1. To provide the tool to facilitate the 'build up of an on-going national information base - a store of knowledge', as recommended by the National Recreational Fisheries Working Group
2. Development of a Recreational Fisheries Database would provide a common structure for the collection, processing, storage and retrieval of recreational fisheries data the database would be suitable for use by all fisheries agencies, irrespective of their current hardware and database server facilities (ie. mainframes, mini-computers or PC's) through the incorporation of a custom front end
3. To ensure the database meets the standards set by the Fisheries Statistical Working Group
4. To ensure the database can be integrated with commercial catch and effort databases

Final report

Author: Neil Trainor
Final Report • 2001-03-15 • 11.89 MB


SIRFIS is and acronym for Standardised Integrated Recreational Fisheries Information System. The system is designed to provide a user friendly and flexible environment in which to enter, store and retrieve data relating to recreational fisheries. The system also allows storage of comprehensive metadata (information about the data collection such as the methodology used) as well as storing associated documents such as journal articles or management plans produced from the data collected.

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