Project number: 2019-022
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $133,990.00
Principal Investigator: Joanne Freeman
Organisation: Honey and Fox Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 1 Mar 2020 - 14 Apr 2021


To date fishers have had to adapt to technologies and digital platforms on their own. Some fishers are early adopters of new technologies, whilst others struggle with a lack of confidence and digital-know-how.

Fisheries management reform in Queensland, in due course, will change the way commercial fishers operate but fishers and fishing businesses need to have the capability to identify and use technologies that will help them adapt to the change such that their businesses remain commercially viable.

An industry wide approach that involves localised supportive communities where people can get advice and assistance from people who not only understand digital technologies but also the fishing industry context is needed. It is also important that the program take a staged approach that builds confidence and delivers both short and long-term business improvement outcomes for participants.

Stage 1 focuses on building general business digital literacy skills to ensure that commercial fishers have the underlying technical skills and knowledge to adopt technologies (the intended users of the new QDAF digital reporting platform) that will potentially improve business operations – accounting, HR and project management, social licence, sustainability, communications, B2B and B2C marketing, storytelling and provenance.

Stage 2 focuses on maximising the uptake of the QDAF reporting app by fishers as well as many other existing and new online QDAF service functions including the Vessel Monitoring System operation, reporting catch, trading quota units or other license entitlements.

This approach will create resources and tools as well as a network of skilled people providing a legacy for ongoing development of digital literacy and adoption within the seafood industry, initially in Queensland but potentially throughout Australia.


1. To identify key success factors and barriers to building digital literacy amongst the seafood industry to contribute towards maximising the uptake of digital technologies, processes, platforms and systems
2. To build capacity among commercial fishers to use new digital technologies in their businesses and for 50 fishers to engage with the digital literacy program.
3. To evaluate the program and document the learnings of the project that can be used by other fishing sectors and states as part of the project’s legacy as well as informing a possible Stage 2 project)


Author: Emily Mantilla

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