Project number: 1997-125
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $108,390.00
Principal Investigator: Kevin Rowling
Organisation: NSW Department of Primary Industries
Project start/end date: 22 Jun 1997 - 19 Dec 2000


Because of the increasing significance of silver trevally to a number of fisheries off NSW (including the trawl sector of the SEF, where it is one of 16 species managed by Total Allowable Catch) and the current lack of data on which to assess the impact of fishing on the stock, it is important to undertake research which will lead to an understanding of the current status of the stock.

There is a need to determine the basic biological parameters, including growth rates and spawning biology for use in stock assessment modeling.

In order to provide the data necessary to adequately assess the status of the trevally stock, there is a need to document the portion of the stock utilised by the various fishery sectors, and to determine the relative impacts on the stock of each sector. It is also important that a monitoring regime be established which will provide data on which to base advice for the future sustainable management of exploitation of the resource.


1. The first objective of this research program is to describe the size and age composition of the catch of silver trevally taken by each of the sectors utilising the resource in waters off NSW..
2. The reproductive biology of the species will also be investigated, including determination of the size at first maturity, spawning period and fecundity.
3. Techniques to age silver trevally will be refined and applied to samples from both commercial and recreational catches following which a growth rate model for this species in NSW will be developed.
4. All relevant data will be incorporated in an initial stock assessment which will describe the relative impact on the silver trevally stock of the various fishery sectors.
5. Advice will be provided to fishery managers on the status of the stock, and the appropriateness or otherwise of establishing a minimum legal size for silver trevally.

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