Project number: 2006-409
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $5,000.00
Principal Investigator: Norm Grant
Organisation: Seafood Australia Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 3 Feb 2008 - 5 May 2008


The Eyre Peninsula Seafood and Aquaculture Trail was developed in 2002 and currently involves 14 operators who provide public tours of seafood and/or aquaculture operations. The program is promoted through Tourism South Australia and uses a specific ‘food trail’ map/guide to show details of tour opportunities along the coastal highway between Adelaide and Ceduna. The program:
(1) provides additional income streams for the operators through tour fees and farm gate sales, and for other local businesses such as restaurants and motels;
(2) promotes regional seafood and aquaculture produce; and
(3) positively influences community perceptions about these industries.

Since its inception, the program has resulted in over 77,000 tours - succeeding in all the above objectives.

Aquaculture in NSW (and to some extent in other States) is predominantly comprised of small operations. Most would benefit significantly from additional income streams (eg. tour income and farm gate sales), and regional promotion of their products. There are also issues of public perception (particularly in coastal areas) that would benefit from positive tourism. Similarly, the fishing industry in some States is in decline (in terms of permitted fishing effort and profitability) and would also benefit from the above.
This project meets the following FRDC research priorities for 2005/08 :
- Increase the profitability of businesses supporting the (three sectors of the) fishing industry.
- Develop relationships with community groups that can assist the fishing industry.
- Educate the community about fisheries and aquaculture management and its contribution to Australia.


1. To document the development of the successful Eyre Peninsula (SA) Seafood and Aquaculture Trail.
2. To provide a resource for those interested in developing a similar concept in other States.

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