Project number: 2007-059
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $30,000.00
Principal Investigator: Richard Campbell
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 18 Sep 2007 - 30 Dec 2008


Incidental mortality in commercial fishing activities is acknowledged as an issue for many protected and endangered species throughout the world. Whilst Australia is considered a world leader in managing
these interactions, further improvements and development of additional knowledge is still required to
meet the expectations of the community. Within WA, to address the variety of interactions with protected
and listed marine species across all our commercial fisheries in a cost effective manner, an holistic and
integrated approach needs to be taken. Several protected species issues have already been identified through existing management processes, including entanglement of whales in fishing ropes and interactions between seals and demersal gillnets. These two issues involve protected species on the Commonwealth threatened list (i.e the Australian sea lion, Humpback and Southern Right Whale) which generates attention from both an ecological and political respect. A greater understanding of the factors involved in these interactions will be needed to design mitigation programs. Assessments at both the individual fishery and bioregional level will be required to input into the ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) frameworks that are being developed for each WA bioregion. There is also the ongoing requirement for all fisheries to satisfy the protected species criteria under the EPBC Act which for some is vital to maintain their export certification. Moreover, there is the potential for significant pressure from advocacy groups to press for regulation of fishing effort or methods unless well-formulated management systems to address these pressing issues are developed.


1. Development of risk-based management system using evidence-based science to assess the impact of incidental capture of protected and threatened speciesin the demersal gillnet fishery
2. Analysis and interpretation of the interaction between demersal gillnetting and pinnipeds based on fishing effort and pinniped foraging behaviour
3. Analysis of the factors influencing the rate of entanglement or large cetaceans in ropes of the Western Australia fishing industry and development of future interaction rate scenarios

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-921845-27-7
Author: Richard Campbell

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