Project number: 2007-312
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $27,600.00
Principal Investigator: John C. Harrison
Organisation: Recfish Australia
Project start/end date: 30 Mar 2007 - 30 Jun 2008


With the ASIC now no longer in existence Recfish Australia is currently the only representative organisation of the FRDC. With the changes to the constitution of Recfish Australia in 2005 to provide for a Board it is essential that we have in place appropriate governance, induction measures, policy frameworks, conflict of interest provisions, board recruitment processes, skills and knowledge audit and general board performance assessment.

This will ensure that Recfish Australia is being managed in a way that will secure its future and in doing so the future of the voice of recreational fishers at the national level. This review will also give confidence to our members and other stakeholders, including the Australian Government, that appropriate and necessary processes are in place and are relevant, robust and sufficient to ensure good governance for Recfish Australia.


1. provide recommendations for induction processes and materials for new members
2. identifying skills and knowledge gaps on the board to assist the Board appointment of the 8th member and recommend a process for appointment of the 8th member
3. reviewing the effectiveness of board process (including conflict of interest provisions)
4. assessing the performance of the board as whole and identifying areas for board improvement
5. identifying what changes directors believe would assist them improving their performance

Final report

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