Project number: 2008-331
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $60,000.00
Principal Investigator: Ross McGowan
Organisation: Seafood Industry Victoria Inc (SIV)
Project start/end date: 31 Oct 2008 - 29 Jun 2010


The seafood industry operates in a diverse and dynamic environment and although the volume produced in Australia is small by world standards, the quality of our product and sustainability of our practices are globally recognised. For the seafood industry to continue to be a world leader in seafood production and quality there must be an opportunity to learn from each other and plan for the future.

The role of Seafood Directions is to provide an opportunity for stakeholders of the seafood industry to review and discuss priority issues and future planning and development.

This need is supported by key stakeholders of the seafood industry, as is evident by the number of delegates previously attending the biennial conference.

Despite several successful Seafood Directions conferences there is a need to look at how the conference is run and what its focus is. There is a real need to engage the whole supply chain sector from fisher to consumer.


1. Plan and deliver the sixth Seafood Directions conference in Victoria 2009
2. Increase the attendance of industry members, to include members from other sectors within the seafood industry.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9808260-0-5
Author: Ross McGowan

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