Project number: 2008-328.11
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $20,000.00
Principal Investigator: Alyssa Joyce
Organisation: University of Wollongong (UOW)
Project start/end date: 29 Jul 2009 - 28 Feb 2010


Historically there has been an interest to expand the pilot scale operations of shellfish (mussel) farming in Jervis Bay, NSW. In addition, there are two major players from within and external to NSW that are interested in investing in shellfish (mussels, scallops and perals) farming inside the Bay, as well as pilot-scale, land-based, integrated systems that would like to develop shellfish culture. There have however been many barriers to such a sustainable seafood industry becoming a reality on the south coast, including complex jurisdictional and stakeholders issues, as well as expert capacity to evaluate industry potential.

From this perspective, the NSW Department of Primary Industries has taken the initiative to establish a working group that can identify the key sites (650ha) within Jervis Bay that could support a viable shellfish industry, and a draft NSW Aquaculture Industry Development Plan identifies potential shellfish culture sites. Alyssa Joyce has expertise in shellfish industry technology, site suitability assessment and indigenous development from Canada, and is currently researching applications of integrated shellfish-culture in Scandinavia. Alyssa's skills would provide a valuable contribution to the development of the shellfish industry on Jervis Bay as well as in integrated systems on the south coast.

The demand for high quality, locally produced seafood is increasing in NSW, particularly in response to tourism linked to fine food and wine trails. Jervis Bay is ideally suited to link sustainable aquaculture to the tourism experience as it boasts being in one of the top three most visited regions on the East Coast of Australia.


1. Visiting fellow Alyssa Joyce will come to the Shoalhaven Marine and Freshwater Centre to collaborate and provide additional expertise to refine the selection of identified potential shellfish culture sites in Jervis Bay through an examination of biophysical capability.
2. The study will priorotise potential extensive aquaculture areas within the framework of the Jervis Bay Draft Aquaculture Industry Development Plan, with particular reference to suitable species, culture methods and environmental monitoring for legislative instruments (s.750 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the Jervis Bay Marine Park Operational Plan).
3. To identify further gaps and opportunities for research and development of shellfish culture in seabased and land-based integrated systems.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-74128-187-3
Author: Alyssa Joyce

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