Project number: 2010-404
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $15,290.70
Principal Investigator: Bryan McDonald
Organisation: Department of Industry Tourism and Trade
Project start/end date: 1 May 2011 - 29 Sep 2011


It has been widely recognised that Australia needs to adopt a more coordinated, cross-jurisdictional approach to allow for more efficient and effective research and development. The jurisdictions across Northern Australia (NT, Qld and WA) would benefit from this approach as they often share tropical wild stocks, research priorities and occupy similar markets. Collaboration amongst these jurisdictions would deliver better science outcomes by consolidating capability, coordinating the development of new capability, improving networks and stimulating innovation. Social and economic benefits would be realised through more effective resource management and each jurisdiction’s ability to attract investment in business, infrastructure and research would be strengthened. Apart from setting in place a shared vision of tropical fisheries and aquaculture R&D a partnership would facilitate a coordinated approach to significant social R&D.

This proposal directly addresses the National RD&E Strategy for Fishing and Aquaculture that aims to improve the focus, efficiency and effectiveness of RD&E by adopting a more national and co-ordinated approach.


1. Facilitate the establishment of a formal partnership that steers tropical fisheries and aquaculture research in Northern Australia
2. Align capabilities and further capacity building activities with the needs of the region
3. Develop a clear Strategic Research and Development Plan for Tropical Northern Australia.

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