Project number: 2011-205
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $215,918.80
Principal Investigator: Bronwyn M. Gillanders
Organisation: University of Adelaide
Project start/end date: 24 Oct 2011 - 26 Apr 2013


Spencer Gulf represents an area of significant economic significance to the fisheries and aquaculture sectors of South Australia. The region is also experiencing considerable industrial growth. This year alone in Spencer Gulf, there has been the release of BHP-Billiton’s supplementary Environmental Impact Statement for the massive Olympic Dam expansion including a coastal desalination plant, the State government has recently revived plans for a deep water port at Port Bonython (in Upper Spencer Gulf) which is predicted to be a major hub for the export of mineral resources, and IronClad mining has announced plans for a floating harbor south of Port Bonython. Given this level of proposed development it is imperative that the fisheries and aquaculture sectors have a better understanding of how future developments may impact their industries.

This project is needed to provide a whole of Spencer Gulf ecosystem model to the fisheries and aquaculture sectors with the capability to address “what if” scenarios. A suite of linked habitat, biophysical, trophodynamic and economic models will be developed that can be used to assess and optimize the future ecological and economic performance of the seafood industry in Spencer Gulf.

A Spencer Gulf Ecosystem model is needed for various scenario studies to provide fisheries and aquaculture managers with sound, evidenced-based information on the impacts of current and future developments in Spencer Gulf.


1. To conduct an ecosystem-based assessment of the fisheries and aquaculture industries in Spencer Gulf, which includes the establishment of performance indicators of ecosystem health.
2. To develop a suite of linked habitat, biophysical, trophodynamic and economic models that can be used to assess and optimize the future ecological and economic performance of the seafood industry in Spencer Gulf.

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