Project number: 2011-251
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $105,000.00
Principal Investigator: Shalan Scholfield
Organisation: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)
Project start/end date: 27 Feb 2012 - 29 Jun 2012


In the past few years, the fishing sector has come under intense scrutiny for the poor management of bycatch, especially threatened, endangered and protected species, and incidentally caught shark species. It has been ten years since the development of the commonwealth and national bycatch policies and circumstances and issues relating to bycatch management have changed considerably from a domestic and international perspective.

Outputs/outcomes from a review of existing Australian bycatch policies will assist in delivering the following:
- streamlining current approaches for the management of bycatch and threatened, endangered and protected species, to reduce regulatory and financial burden to fishers and fisheries managers while increasing the effectiveness of minimising bycatch;
- increase the confidence of consumers that the management of Australian fisheries and production of seafood can be sustainable;
- further advancing claims that Australia has sustainably managed fisheries that link with domestic and international legislative and policy objectives.


1. Assess the robustness and applicability of risk based approaches to bycatch management for species or groups of species, taking into account their biological status, data availability and other factors.
2. Evaluate the efficacy and appropriateness of reference points and structured decision rules in meeting the legislative and policy objectives for some bycatch species and/or groups.
3. Initially assess approaches to incorporating and addressing the potential cumulative impacts of fisheries’ interactions with bycatch.
4. Assess the robustness and application of risk based approaches to byproduct management for species or groups of species, taking into account their biological status, data availability and other factors

Final report

ISBN: 978‐1‐74323‐136‐4
Author: Shalan Bray

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