Project number: 2011-525
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $51,750.00
Principal Investigator: Tom Lewis
Organisation: RDS Partners Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 31 Jan 2012 - 7 Oct 2012


On 25 October the Chair of the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC), the Hon. Harry Woods, announced to the National Seafood Directions Conference that the results from the last community perception study of the seafood industry was poor and that something needed to be done to rectify this situation. As a result, Mr Woods announced that FRDC would pro-actively promote the results of research to the Australian community, media outlets and seafood consumers, and formally respond to factually incorrect media stories or information in the public arena.

Some activities are areas of work where a few stakeholders will work together. For example: + developing briefing notes on specific fishery issues, such as by-catch or interactions with non-target species.

This project supports this new FRDC direction.


1. To provide the Australian “marketplace” with easily understood, factual information demonstrating the sustainable practices of selected aquaculture sectors
2. To build aquaculture’s social licence to operate.

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