Project number: 2013-748
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $24,694.05
Principal Investigator: Sarah M. Jennings
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 14 Oct 2014 - 26 Mar 2015


As part of the activities of the FRDC 2008/306 Building Economic Capability in Fisheries Project an online survey of professional training needs in fisheries economics of 56 managers, industry representatives, and researchers within the seafood industry was conducted. Results of this survey indicate a high level of demand (100% of respondents) for short course training in fisheries economics. The highest level of interest was for a basic introductory course in fisheries economics of 1-2 days duration. Interest was also high in web-based modes of delivery.
Based on this feedback the initial round of Master Classes were developed in conjunction with the Seafood CRC. Results of the evaluation of these classes indicated that past participants will be recommending the class to others. The following organisations also expressed interest in dedicated Master Classes; AFMA; DPI Victoria; Dept. of Fisheries WA; and SA Rock Lobster Advisory Council (SARLAC) and could be approached individually to ascertain possible enrolments.

Ongoing demand for such training opportunities was also highlighted in the review of the project undertaken by Ian Cartwright as part of the Legacy from Future Harvest review, where it was concluded the initial offering be revised and extended. This work was initially presented and approved as an extension to Seafood CRC Project 2010-714 ‘The Future Harvest Master Class’ but subsequently has required a separate project application.


1. To revise/extend the existing face-to-face Masterclass materials/resources
2. To develop an online version of the Masterclass
3. To develop a strategy for marketing, delivery and funding of the Masterclass

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