Published: 3 June 2021 Updated: 30 March 2022
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DATE 24 Mar 2017

The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation today announced a sponsored study tour project to enable young leaders in recreational fishing to attend the 8th World Recreational Fishing Conference in Canada.

The Executive Director of FRDC, Dr Patrick Hone said that the program was part of FRDC’s commitment to developing young future leaders for the seafood and fishing industries throughout Australia.

“FRDC has sponsored successful study tour programs to the World Seafood Expo for the commercial fishing industry and to previous world recreational fishing conferences. We have seen the development of many of today’s leaders through these programs and it is part of our commitment to having a sustainable fishing industry in the longer term.”

The program offers the opportunity for people from around Australia who are under 35 and who have not attended a previous world conference to attend the conference and a study tour following the conference. In addition, there are positions available for young researchers to attend the study tour. It is anticipated that up to seven bursaries will be offered.

Many of the state and national organisations have been undertaking future leader programs and this study tour provides an opportunity for further learning from people who have commenced their leadership journey.

The theme of the World Recreational Fishing Conference is:  Balancing Values - The Future of Recreational Fishing around the World.  The study tour following the conference will examine resource allocation models used in Canada and the US, habitat and stock enhancement programs, education and angler engagement programs, licence administration and volunteer programs.

Dr Hone said, “Projects of this type allow our Australian leaders to see what is happening in the rest of the world. They can see where Australia is doing a good job, and get ideas about where we can improve our natural resource management.”

Applications are being sought for these bursaries and applications close on 14 April. Applicants will be required to make a financial contribution to the study tour, and support from a peak body or government agency will be highly regarded. The conference runs from 16-20 July and the study tour will conclude on 28 July.

“There are many future leaders who will be able to benefit greatly from these bursaries. They will be able to talk with some of the world’s leaders in fisheries research and management and get see how successful programs can be adopted in Australia. I strongly encourage recreational fishers who share our vison of a quality and sustainable fishery to apply for these bursaries.” Dr Hone said.

This FRDC funded project is administered by the Recfishing Research sub-program. Successful applicants will be advised by the end of April.

Further contact: Frank Prokop Study program leader – 0419949118

FRDC contact: Joshua Fielding – 02 6285 0421