Published: 11 April 2022 Updated: 12 April 2022
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DATE 12 Apr 2022

Welcome to the April issue of FRDC News.

In this edition of FRDC News, we welcome our new Extension Officers Nathan Bicknell and Matt Jones. Our Extension Officers are part of significant changes at FRDC to deepen our engagement with you, our stakeholders. The Extension Officers will be based in each state and the NT and they’ll work with people in aquaculture, commercial wildcatch, Indigenous and recreational fishing to accelerate uptake of research outcomes.

Tuna Champions 2 is an exciting project working with commercial and recreational tuna fishers to develop and adopt best practice stewardship of our tuna stocks. 

Congratulations to Rob Fish, who we’re sponsoring in the Australia Rural Leadership program. We’re looking forward to the new perspectives Rob will bring to leadership.

The release of the National Fisheries Plan is an exciting development for our industry. It reflects the input of state, territory and the Australian Government and I encourage you to read through the plan.  

Easter is a great time to eat seafood and there is plenty of delicious seafood available, as you can see from this article from the Sydney Fish Market.   

And finally, if you’re looking for a good read over Easter, Bob Kearney's book “Fishing in the Good Old Days” is a great read.


Enjoy your Easter.