Project number: 1992-007
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $553,079.96
Principal Investigator: Kurt Derbyshire
Organisation: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries EcoScience Precinct
Project start/end date: 3 Apr 1993 - 1 Jan 1996


1. Evaluate the relative importance and pattern of use of different seagrass habitats by juvenile commercial penaeid prawns
2. Study and describe the recruitment process of penaeid prawns
3. Provide advice to managers and fishermen on the best use of strip closures
4. Develop an interactive animated model that can be used as an educational and decision support for managers and industry

Project products

Guide • 2.16 MB
1992-007 Geographical Fisheries System.pdf


Geographical Fisheries System (GFS) was developed as part of a project jointly funded by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Queensland Fisheries Management Authority and the Department of Primary Industries, Queensland and based at the Northern Fisheries Centre, Cairns. The project 'Small prawn habitat and recruitment study' (FRDC 92/7) ran from July 1992 to June 1995. GFS was developed during the period August 1994 to June 1995 as an animated, interactive model for displaying the data collected during this project. It can also display other user's data, making GFS a more flexible tool.
Geographical Fisheries System (GFS) is an interactive, animated tool for visualising fisheries data. It is able to read M.ap Info mif files for importing maps, whilst Access, Paradox, SQL Server, Btreive, Excel and text files can be read for data input. The data can then be displayed on a map. GFS has the facility to track movement through time on the map (such as in tagging data). GFS also has thematic mapping functions (such as densities or species composition at each site mapped through time). Although GFS is set up to be specific to this project, it has been developed to be flexible enough for many different applications depending on the data input.
Guide • 344.90 KB
1992-007 Exploring Strip Closure Options in the Turtle Group Region Using GFS.pdf


GFS is provided with data from the Turtle Group region that you can use to explore strip closure options. As GFS is a flexible tool, there are a number of ways you can approach this task. What follows is a suggested path for exploring closure options. As you become more familiar with GFS,you may develop your own procedure, or even use your own data for other regions. Consult the GFS User's Manual or the on-line help for full details of how to use the features described below.

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