Project number: 2017-219
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $159,000.00
Principal Investigator: Monica Jain
Organisation: Manta Consulting Inc - Fish 2 0
Project start/end date: 11 Mar 2018 - 31 Mar 2019


The concept of innovation in the fishing industry dates back hundreds, if not thousands of years. However, with an ever changing and more regulated environment affecting change and making business more resilient and open to change is becoming more difficult.

FRDC has already started the process of developing and expanding its reach through funding the FISH-X program. However it is only a small step on the journey and focuses on one aspect of the broader innovation and framework - namely the start, assisting industry to get ready for change.

Other global industry initiatives such as Fish 2.0 ( have a similar intent but go further bringing together the whole innovation chain – both drawing together disparate stakeholders to explore new opportunities and innovative solutions to big problems, and to shift the mindset of all players towards entrepreneurship and linking them with expertise and finance to make it happen. The FRDC can leverage significant benefits by linking its existing programs to global partners via FISH 2.0. FRDC can facilitate and build Australia's Fishing and Aquaculture industries’ ability to tap into new sources of innovation investment, technology, insights and talent.

However a key part of the framework to deliver this program is missing - that of funding. New funding programs and avenues exist across all agriculture, driven by a renewed interest by investor in food production as a sustainable investment. The Australian seafood industry has not actively engaged in this space. Though there have been some pockets where companies have looked outside the traditional sphere of investment and/or partnered with overseas companies.

While the FRDC has invested in the front end via FISH-X, there is a clear need to invest in a program that will establish linkages to expertise and new funding sources.


1. Grow the value of the Australian sustainable seafood sector
2. Support innovators in the sector, connecting them with peers, investors, industry and resources
3. Establish a network of Australian investors and experts to drive regional investment and growth
4. Build general awareness of the opportunity which sustainable seafood offers for the economy and the environment


Author: Fish 2.0
Workshop • 2019-06-01 • 823.28 KB


The major Australia-based activities, including events in Melbourne and Brisbane have been successfully completed, some companies have already qualified under the online process and a second group of companies is currently undertaking the online Readiness Assessment that occurs between May and August of this year. The outcome of that process will be a selection of the top scoring Australian innovators to attend and pitch at the Fish 2.0 Global Innovators Forum, to be held in Stanford in November 2019.

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