Project number: 1992-125.33
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $27,545.00
Principal Investigator: Nick Ruello
Organisation: Ruello and Associates Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 14 Sep 1996 - 9 Mar 1998


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1. Examine current handling, processing and distribution of farmed barramundi in order to identify weaknesses and propose improved procedures to maximise quality, shelf life and the economic returns on the fish.
2. Collect information on the strengths and weaknesses, costs and benefits of selling plate size fish in the gutted, ungutted and in a deboned form. This includes an examination of the handling and shelf life characteristics (for fish merchants) of these three products.
3. Examine the costs and benfits of utilising 2+ kilo fish for production of fillets (entire and portions) and cutlets, rather than selling at a smaller size whole.
4. Examine the costs and benefits of utilising processing by products of large fish and other opportunities for total utilisation and maximising returns from farmed barramundi.

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