Project number: 2018-150
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $7,799.21
Principal Investigator: Hayley Abbott
Organisation: Narooma Seafood Direct
Project start/end date: 26 Nov 2018 - 14 Dec 2018


As an investor in one of the few new-build tuna longline vessels on the East Coast, Hayley Abbot has a strong personal interest in the future sustainability of the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery (ETBF). Given the highly migratory nature of the target species (including yellowfin, bigeye, albacore and billfish) the future of the ETBF is inexorably linked to the status of the resource in the western Pacific and decisions made at the Western and Central Fisheries Commission (WCPFC).

With this connection, there is a need for fishers to have an understanding of, and where possible have industry input into, the international aspects of the management of the fishery.

Hayley has the potential to become a young industry leader in Australian fisheries. To achieve her potential, there is a need to expose her to a wide variety of relevant fisheries experiences - this opportunity will provide one of those experiences

At a personal level, Hayley will benefit greatly from gaining an understanding of the wider international context management of the fishery, the major industry players, researchers (SPC )and managers (FFA and other national delegations). Hayley will be able to use this knowledge, and especially the interaction with researchers, to enhance my input into ComRAC. The experience will build both her leadership experience and confidence.


1. To gain an understanding of the international aspects of the WTBF fishery
2. To participate in an international forum discussing the status and management of the fishery on which the ETBF depends
3. To interact with the Australian delegation to WCPFC15 and provide industry input into delegation deliberations on issues before the Commission
4. Personal development
increasing confidence and leadership capabilities in the seafood industry

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9752258-2-0
Author: Ms Hayley Abbott
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.
Final Report • 2019-02-28 • 2.55 MB


This report is an overview of my attendance at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting 15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 9–16 December 2018 which was made possible through a FRDC Development Award.
The report includes information on: (i) what issues were discussed at the meeting, (ii) key learnings; (iii) any networks made, (iv) how might you use any learnings in your career and (v) any opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adaption for the ETBF fishery. The report was circulated to Australian Tuna fishers via David Ellis and a Power Point was prepared for presentation at COMRAC as a communication and extension component of this development award.

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