Published: 29 June 2021 Updated: 28 June 2024
Table of contents

FRDC reports on performance across all aspects of the business. Our reporting requirements can arise from legislation (e.g. PIRD and PGPA Acts), agreements and general practice of good governance such as the Australian Institute of Company Directors guidelines.

Performance reporting is undertaken at different intervals, from monthly financial statements through to annual whole of agency reporting. The key documents and work relating to performance reporting can be found here:

If there is a specific aspect of performance reporting you wish to find, please send your request to


FRDC Evaluation Framework

Under our Statutory Funding Agreement, we are required to develop both a Program Framework and Evaluation Framework to guide our reporting of performance to the Department.


Performance Reporting

We have launched our first interim performance report for the period 1 July 2021 to 4 March 2022. This report helps connect our stakeholders to our monitoring and the impacts of our research. It also allows us to understand how we can shape our investments in response to what we are learning.

Interim Performance Report 2020-21 - Year 2 of 2020-2025 R&D Plan