Project number: 2009-315.29
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $4,800.00
Principal Investigator: Shane D. Roberts
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA)
Project start/end date: 30 Nov 2013 - 29 Jun 2014


Government and industry have state, national and international obligations for responding to biosecurity incursions, including notifiable diseases. The emergency response framework includes OIE (world organisation for animal health) manuals, national AQUAVETPLAN manuals, State legislation and emergency management plans. Readiness requires on-going training to ensure skills are maintained and updated.

Ongoing aquatic disease response training should be considered at the National, State and industry levels (FRDC 2012/044). National protocols for fish kill investigations have previously been documented (FRDC 2005/620). South Australia have since developed protocols for responding to fish kills (PIRSA's Emergency Management Doucment: aquatic animal health). However, a fish kill training program (in line with national standards) in South Australia (aimed at government and industry personnel) is needed.

This project (training funds) aims to upskill key PIRSA fish kill investigators by attending the WA fish kill investigation course.

As an outcome, knowledge gained will assist in the development of a fish kill training program in South Australia.


1. Up-skill key PIRSA fish kill staff through attendance at a nationally recognised Western Australia Fish Kill workshop
2. Disseminate knowledge to government and industry personnel

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