In 1982, CSIRO applied to the Fishing Industry Research Trust Account for funding of a joint biological investigation of northern Australian pelagic fish stocks. At that time these stocks supported a Taiwanese surface gill-net fishery based on sharks, tunas and Spanish mackerel.
During the 1970's...
The research program supported by this grant was directed at determining the number and distribution of subpopulations or genetic stocks which contribute to Australian fisheries for barramundi, northern sharks, and narrow-barred Spanish mackerel. Starch gel electrophoresis was used to reveal...
Food is a primary factor affecting the growth and survival of juvenile western rock lobsters in nursery areas. Determining how far juveniles travel when searching for food is essential in determining the size of area foraged and how much food is potentially available to them. Knowledge of foraging...
This is the final report for FIRTA project 1981-056. The principal objective has been to study the application of real-time satellite-derived sea surface temperature measurements in assisting particular fisheries located in southern waters of Australia. Initially proposed for a three year period...