34,561 results

Determination of the biological parameters required for managing the fisheries of four tuskfish species and western yellowfin bream

Project number: 2000-137
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $186,868.00
Principal Investigator: Ian Potter
Organisation: Murdoch University
Project start/end date: 9 Oct 2000 - 26 Oct 2004


Fisheries WA has identified Shark Bay as a priority area for developing a formal management process for its fisheries and the habitats occupied by its commercial and recreational fish species (Fisheries Western Australia 1999). Such management plans are needed to sustain the commercial and recreational fish stocks and biodiversity of the fish communities of the region, both of which are considered essential for maintaining the value of Shark Bay both socially and as a World Heritage area (Fisheries Department of WA 1996; Fisheries WA 1999).

Appropriate advice for managers to develop plans for conserving western yellowfin bream, baldchin groper, blackspot tuskfish, blue tuskfish and bluespotted tuskfish stocks in Shark Bay requires for those species (1) reliable data on the age and size compositions, growth rates, lengths and ages at first maturity, fecundity, and the proportions of each sex in each age and size class of these hermaphroditic species and (2) a thorough understanding of the types of habitat occupied at sequential stages in the life cycle so that critical habitats can be protected.


1. To obtain, for western yellowfin bream, baldchin groper, blackspot tuskfish, blue tuskfish and bluespotted tuskfish, the following data for use by Fisheries WA for managing effectively and appropriately the fisheries for these species.
2. Age compositions and growth rates.
3. Location and duration of spawning
4. Fecundity.
5. Length and age at which fish change their sex.
6. Length and age at maturity, taking into account the fact that the five species are all likely to be hermaphrodites.
7. The habitat occupied at each stage in the life cycles

Final report

ISBN: 0-646-39851-2
Author: Ian Potter
Final Report • 2004-07-06 • 2.46 MB


Data have been collected on the biology of western yellowfin bream and four tuskfish species that are of the type and quality required by managers for developing appropriate plans for conserving the stocks of these five commercial and recreational species. Emphasis was thus placed on determining (1) the size and age at which each species reaches sexual maturity, (2) the size and age at which the first species, a protandrous hermaphrodite, changes from male to female and the other four species, which are protogynous hermaphrodites, change from female to male and (3) the proportions of individuals of each species that change sex. The marked interspecific variations in the above characteristics imply that each species should be considered independently when developing management plans. We are using the experience gained during this study to assist Dr Rod Lenanton, the chief supervising scientist for finfish at WA Fisheries, to produce a document on the importance of considering carefully the implications of hermaphroditism in managing fish species. During this study we developed an improved method for determining natural and total mortality in fish populations, which will be invaluable for managers of all fisheries for which there are appropriate data. The new method for estimating mortality has been provided to and discussed with Dr Lenanton. 

Keywords: reproduction, hermaphroditism, protandry, protogyny, age composition, growth, mortality, habitat.

Regrowth of pilchard (Sardinops sagax) stocks off southern WA following the mass mortality event of 1998/1999

Project number: 2000-135
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $508,065.00
Principal Investigator: Dan Gaughan
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 9 Oct 2000 - 30 Jul 2008


There is a need to assess the regrowth of pilchard stocks in southern Australia because of (1) the socioeconomic problems associated with fishery declines and the associated need to provide sufficiently detailed information so that management can proceed with the appropriate balance between sustaining the fishery and allowing recovery of the stocks, and (2) the potential for causes of wide ranging ecosystem affects to go unrecognized if there is no baseline data (i.e. abundance) for this key pelagic species.

In order to provide a time-series of the regrowth of S. sagax stocks in WA the biomass size of each adult assemblage needs to be assessed over the next few years. Because the ecosystem-based goal of this project is to provide a baseline of pilchard abundance which may relate to other species, the longer life spans, slower growth etc. typical of these higher trophic levels necessitates a long time series of surveys. Changes in biomass of the four pilchard assemblages should be assessed for a period of at least five years. Although this is a relatively short period of time over which to examine the recovery of a pelagic stock, such a routine will provide a solid basis for assessing the rebuild of pilchard abundance and thereby pro-actively collect data which could subsequently assist our understanding of other ecosystem affects of the Herpesvirus mortality event. This project will compliment the annual DEPM surveys intended for SA pilchard stock.

Collection of a continuous, albeit short-term, series of estimates of spawning biomass will permit the age structured simulation model being developed by Hall and Gaughan (in prep.) to be fitted to a likewise continuous series of these estimates. This should improve the fitting of the model, thereby making it more useful for predicting impacts of further mortality events involving S. sagax in southern Australia and facilitating the decision -making process in the ongoing management of pilchards in WA.


1. Document changes in the biomass of the four exploited adult assemblages of S. sagax in WA during the six year period following the 1998/99 mass mortality event.
2. Integrate results of biomass surveys into the age structured model for each assemblage of pilchards. Further develop the age-structured simulation models for S. sagax and investigate ongoing behaviour of these under conditions of different levels of information
3. Determine if there is a measurable change in biological parameters of pilchards important to ongoing development of the simulation models, in particular growth rate, in response to the decrease in stock size.

Final report

ISBN: 1 921258 26 8
Author: Dr Daniel J Gaughan
Final Report • 2008-07-07


This project produced time series of estimates of spawning biomass for pilchards in four purse seine management zones in Western Australia, three on the south coast and one on the west coast. The pilchard stocks in Western Australia have recovered strongly since the 1998/99 mass mortality.

This project has shown that the fishery independent and fishery dependent methods applied to Western Australia’s pilchard fisheries cannot provide precise estimates of the size of the pilchard spawning biomass in each management region. Although the trends indicated by the age-structured simulation model are reliable and provide good evidence for a strong recovery of pilchard stocks, the magnitude of changes in stock size from year-to-year are not known with sufficient certainty to allow high rates of exploitation.

The demonstrated increases in pilchard spawning biomass has lead to optimism for the future of the purse seine industry in southern WA, which in turn has encouraged this industry to be proactive in ensuring that exploitation rates were not set at levels that were too high to impede the recovery of the stock or put undue pressure on the long term viability of the stocks. Tracking the progress of estimating of pilchard biomass in each region over the duration of this project was a crucial factor that assisted industry members to better appreciate the need to examine factors additional to the point estimate of biomass generated in any one year.

The project also determined that the growth rates of pilchards in WA can be highly variable, sometimes changing markedly from year to year while at other times exhibiting more gradual changes over several years. The tendency for a negative relationship between annual growth rates and stock size suggests density dependence, which in turn supports the contention that that pilchard stocks in this region are limited in size by the biological and oceanographic characteristics of the continental shelf waters of southern WA. The magnitude and variability of pilchard biomass observed during this project builds on the knowledge obtained during the 1990s, providing a strong basis against which the purse seine industry can expect future quota levels to be set.

Keywords: pilchard (sardine), recruitment, age-structured model, spawning biomass, daily egg production method, stock recovery, fisheries management.

Biology and stock assessment of the thickskin (sandbar) shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus, in WA and further refinement of the dusky shark, Carcharhinus obscurus, stock assessment

Project number: 2000-134
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $528,470.00
Principal Investigator: Rod Lenanton
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 29 Dec 2000 - 16 Nov 2006


Presently, no stock assessment for thickskin sharks has been completed in Western Australia. New management arrangements are being proposed for the West Coast Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Fishery, Western Australia’s two Northern shark fisheries and the Commonwealth Tuna and Billfish Fisheries (which could lead to a dramatic increase in longline fishing effort in Western Australia). It is necessary for fisheries managers to have a much better understanding of the catch of thickskin sharks, the status of their stocks and the catch of other long lived carcharhinids, such as the dusky shark, as a basis for future management decisions.

There is also a need for a methodology to be established on which to base future stock assessments for thickskin sharks. The stock assessment process requires a better understanding of the species’ biology in Western Australia than is currently available. With the northern and western fisheries for thickskin sharks separated by a large closed area, studies of stock discrimination and movement are necessary to determine the appropriate geographic scale for management of this species.

Bycatch of (particularly adult) thickskin and dusky sharks by ‘non-shark’ fisheries needs to be quantified and considered in relation to Australia’s international conservation responsibilities. If the exploitation of these species is shown to be unsustainable the future viability of valuable fisheries (eg. Southern and Western Tuna and Billfish) may be threatened, unless this bycatch can be eliminated or minimised.


1. Study the biology of thickskin sharks in Western Australian waters, including: (i) Movement patterns(ii) Age and growth(iii) Reproductive biology(iv) Diet(v) Stock Discrimination
2. Determine the level of mortality and exploitation of thickskin, dusky and related oceanic shark species in Western Australian waters by all fishing methods
3. Conduct stock assessments, including risk assessment of management options for thickskin sharks and refine the assessment of the status of the dusky shark stock

Final report

ISBN: 1-877098-75-2
Author: Rod Lenanton
Final Report • 2006-02-05 • 5.67 MB


The purpose of this project was to collect the biological and fishery information necessary to conduct a stock assessment of the sandbar (known locally as ‘thickskin’) shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus and to improve and update the existing stock assessment for the dusky shark, Carcharhinus obscurus.  Results from this project have already been used by the Western Australian Department of Fisheries to determine appropriate management arrangements for the State’s shark fisheries to ensure the sustainable exploitation of these species.  Results have also assisted the WA target-shark fisheries in conducting Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) assessment in order to meet Department of Environment and Heritage ecological assessment requirements for maintaining the fisheries’ export approval.

During the mid to late 1990s, changes in targeting practices of vessels operating in the west coast zone of the temperate WA target-shark fisheries caused rapidly escalating sandbar shark catches.  By 1998, sandbar sharks had overtaken dusky sharks as the primary component of the west coast fishery’s catch and had become the 3rd largest component of the temperate fisheries’ total catch.  At the same time, a demersal longline fishery, targeting sandbar shark off the Pilbara and Kimberley coasts began to develop and sandbar catches also began to increase dramatically in the State’s north.  Given this species’ demonstrated vulnerability to overfishing, a formal assessment of the status of this stock and sustainable levels of exploitation became imperative.

The current project therefore collected the biological and fishery-related data that was necessary for accurate stock assessment and developed assessment models appropriate for this long-lived species.  Extensive sampling was undertaken in the target fisheries, as well as in those fisheries that were identified as having a significant bycatch of sharks.  Additional research was conducted through a series of cruises on board the WA Department of Fisheries research vessels Flinders and Naturaliste.  Commercial sampling involved the collection of operational data from the various fisheries, e.g. fishing locations, dates, set times, depths, gear characteristics, etc., as well as identifying and measuring catches, collection of biological data and samples and tagging large numbers of sharks.  Fishery independent sampling allowed data to be collected from areas in which commercial vessels are prohibited from operating, in areas where commercial fishers choose not to operate and with fishing gear-types in areas where commercial vessels are not permitted to use them.

Previous FRDC funded research into WA’s shark stocks (projects 93/067 and 96/130) focussed on the traditional target species of the State’s temperate target-shark fisheries, i.e. dusky shark, C. obscurus, gummy shark, Mustelus antarcticus, and whiskery shark, Furgaleus macki.  One of the key findings of this previous research was that, whilst the exploitation of dusky sharks in the target fisheries was likely to be sustainable, their sustainability was dependent on a very low level of mortality of older sharks outside the temperate shark fisheries.  Since this research was undertaken, several potential and developing sources of adult dusky shark mortality were identified.  Consequently, the assumption that there was a negligible level of exploitation of older dusky sharks could no longer be relied upon and further advice on the status of this species was required. In addition, it was necessary to update the biological parameters and exploitation rates used in the previous assessment with new data, derived from project 96/130 and the current study.

Characterisation of the inshore fish assemblages of the Pilbara and Kimberley coasts

Project number: 2000-132
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $472,686.74
Principal Investigator: Stephen J. Newman
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 5 Sep 2000 - 18 Mar 2005


Inshore demersal fish stocks in Australia’s north-west face increased exploitation pressure by an ever increasing number of recreational fishers in direct competition with an adjacent commercial fishing industry. There is, therefore, an urgent need to determine the species distribution and the composition of demersal scalefish resources in the inshore region of north-western Australia in waters outward from the shoreline to depths of 30 metres, including the documentation of the abundance and diversity of any significant finfish by-catch of prawn trawlers operating within the region, as a basis for formulating rational management plans for the exploitation of the demersal scalefish resource among user-groups.

The sharing of the inshore demersal fish resource in this region will require careful future management to ensure sustainability and avoid conflict among these user groups. This project will provide baseline information on the species composition and relative abundance of the inshore fishes of Australia’s north-west and identify possible nursery areas of species of commercial and recreational fishing significance which may need protection, possibly as nursery closures, in the future. Furthermore, in order to facilitate sagacious management plans and to safeguard the interests of commercial and recreational fishers, the baseline information on the nearshore fishery resources of the north-west provided by this study can be used to assess the impact of any possible access restrictions that may be imposed in areas nominated as future marine reserve sites in north-western Australia.


1. To determine the overall catch of the key species of commercial and recreational fishing significance (that is, the recreational catch, commercial catch and other landed catch).
2. To determine the species composition and relative abundance of the inshore demersal finfish resource from the shoreline outward to a depth of 30 metres along the inner-continental shelf in north-western Australia.
3. To determine the nursery areas of fish species of commercial and recreational significance in the Pilbara and Kimberley regions.

Final report

ISBN: 1-877098-40-X
Author: Stephen Newman
Final Report • 2004-07-02 • 9.95 MB


The catches of the main fish species obtained by commercial, recreational and charter boat fishers along the Pilbara and Kimberley coasts have been determined by analysing the Department of Fisheries Western Australian Catch and Effort Database System (CAES), the results of a recreational creel survey and the statutory monthly reports of catch and effort by charter boat operators.

The weight of finfish caught by nearshore and inshore commercial fishers along this coast during 2002 was approximately 590 tonnes. The total annual recreational fishing effort along the coast between Onslow and Broome in 2002 was estimated as 190,000 fisher days, which yielded approximately 320 tonnes of fish. The 111 licensed charter boat operators in the Pilbara and Kimberley undertook 3628 tours in 2002, during which they caught 53 tonnes of fish. Thus, the total catch from all three sources approached 1000 tonnes.

Nearshore, shallow waters on beaches and in mangroves and intertidal pools in three regions along the Pilbara and Kimberley coasts were sampled during the wet and dry periods of two consecutive years. Data derived from the resultant catches were used to determine the ways in which fish species use the different habitat types and how the characteristics of the fish faunas varied with latitude, habitat type and season. 

The fish catches from all habitat types collectively yielded 170 species representing 66 families. Fifty three of these species are fished commercially and recreationally along the Pilbara and Kimberley coasts, and a further 17 fish species are caught solely by recreational fishers. The most abundant species included the blue and king threadfin salmons, salmon-tailed catfish, the blue-spot and large-scale mullets, queenfish, western school whiting, Quoy’s garfish, Moses snapper and estuary rockcod. 

Some species, such as the two threadfin salmons, spend the whole of their life cycle in nearshore, shallow waters, whereas others, such as Moses snapper and estuary rockcod, use those waters solely as a nursery area. Species such as the two threadfin salmons and also whiting species were caught predominantly over bare sand, whereas species such as the large-scale mullet and the nervous shark were obtained mainly from mangroves, and Moses snapper and estuary rockcod were collected almost exclusively from intertidal pools.

The species compositions of the fish assemblages were influenced not only by habitat type, but also by season and region and also apparently the extent of tidal action and thus turbidity. Differences between the compositions in the extreme wet and dry periods found in the region were attributable to emigrations and immigrations of large numbers of particular species at certain times. For example, mature catfish aggregate in nearshore, shallow waters during the wet period. 

This project has synthesised the available data from commercial, recreational and charter boat fisheries with baseline survey data throughout the region.  In order to build on the outcomes of this project a number of priority areas for research in this nearshore zone have been identified.

These priority areas of research include; estimation of biological parameters of key species for the purposes of fisheries management (a list of key species is provided in the Further Development Section of this Report); evaluation and assessment of recreational and aboriginal netting activities in the Pilbara and Kimberley region of north-western Australia; determination of the genetic stock structure of the key species of commercial and recreational fishing significance in the nearshore areas throughout north-western Australia to define the appropriate spatial scale for fisheries management; and refinement of commercial and recreational data collection programs in the Pilbara and Kimberley region of north-western Australia.

Keywords: Tropical, commercial, recreational, nursery habitats, nearshore reefs, estuaries, beaches, intertidal, rockpools.

Assessing short-term movements of western rock lobsters by analysis of carbon and oxygen isotope ratios in their exoskeleton

Project number: 2000-131
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $33,456.00
Principal Investigator: Lionel Glendenning
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 5 Sep 2000 - 26 May 2003


Reporting of visible anchor tags by commercial fishers is believed to be biased in some circumstances. There is therefore a need to develop a fishery independent technique of identifying the origin of migrating whites lobsters so as to address the extent of movements of these animals between management zones, without having to rely on visible tags.


1. To investigate the factors affecting the carbon/oxygen isotope composition of the exoskeleton of western rock lobsters as a location specific chemical signatures for that species.
2. To apply these results as a method for determining the locality and depth (temperature) of a lobsters origin, at the time of its most recent moult.

Final report

ISBN: 0-7309-8461-3
Author: Lionel Glendenning

Predicting and assessing recruitment variation - a critical factor for the management of the mother-of-pearl (Pinctada maxima) fishery in WA

Project number: 2000-127
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $346,257.50
Principal Investigator: Anthony Hart
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 29 Dec 2000 - 29 Sep 2006


Historically, total allowable catches (TAC) of respective zones in the pearl oyster fishery have been changed in response to significant fluctuations in the previous year’s catch rate (catch per unit effort). These changes, however, have been influenced by factors other than variations in stock abundance, e.g. as changes in available technology or variations in fishing efficiency due to weather conditions or water clarity.

In order to make more reliable projections on future catch and effort there is a need to move away from reliance on retrospective catch data. In order to do this, information supplied to decision makers should include: 1) the size structure (length frequency) of past catches; 2) information on the abundance of pre-recruits (piggyback spat); 3) information on important environmental variables affecting stocks; and 4) other factors affecting catch rate such as water clarity and the use of new technology (e.g. GPS).

A recommendation from Project No. 95/41 states:
"The relationship between "piggyback" spat settlement, environmental effects and recruitment to the fishery which can be used to forecast increases/decreases in abundance should be developed. This enables changes to quota to be forecast to allow forward planning in pearl seeding and farm operations."

A framework for the collection of this data is needed, as pearl oyster fisheries have large fluctuations in recruitment over time, and management needs to base quota decisions on the presence or absence of emerging year classes. Collection of this data will give a more stable signal on the "health" of the fishery and allow more confident predictive assessments to be made.


1. To establish set protocols for piggyback spat sampling within the pearl oyster fishery and develop a database for the storage of data collected.
2. To establish set protocols for length frequency sampling within the pearl oyster fishery and develop a database for the storage of data collected.
3. To establish a database of factors affecting catch rate.
4. To examine links between spat sampling data set, environmental factors and the abundance estimates for the pearl oyster fishery.

Implementation of an age-structured stock assessment model for pilchards (Sardinops sagax) in South Australia

Project number: 2000-125
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $196,311.50
Principal Investigator: Timothy M. Ward
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 12 Nov 2000 - 30 Nov 2005


1. Implement an age-structured stock assessment model. Stock assessment models that incorporate catch-at-age data and annual fishery-independent estimates of spawning biomass are powerful tools for optimising management strategies for fisheries resources that undergo large inter-annual fluctuations in abundance (Cochrane 1999). The need to implement the WA age-structured stock assessment model in SA is pressing (Fletcher 2000) as there is considerable pressure to further expand the rapidly growing fishery and a clear responsibility to ensure the resource is managed sustainably.

2. Develop a reliable and accurate age-determination method. Knowledge of patterns of age and growth is central to the development of strategies for the sustainable management of clupeoid populations (Cochrane 1999). The major factor limiting current understanding of the age and growth of SA pilchards is the absence of a reliable and accurate age-determination method (Fletcher 2000). The development of a valid ageing protocol has been impeded by lack of data from juveniles (Ward et al 1998). A reliable and accurate method for determining the age of SA pilchards is needed to implement the WA model.

3. Estimate the age structure of the commercial catch. Age-structured stock assessment models require reliable estimates of the age structure of the commercial catch and/or population (Cochrane 1999). Otoliths collected from the SA fishery since 1995 and by the fishery-independent means since 1998 provide an opportunity to assess (1) the validity of the age-determination method developed in objective 2 and (2) the degree to which catch-at-age data reflects the age structure of the population. Reliable estimates of the age structure of the commercial catch and/or the population are needed to implement the WA model.


1. To implement an age-structured stock assessment model for the SA pilchard fishery.
2. Todevelop a reliable age-determination method for SA pilchards.
3. To determine the age structure of the SA pilchard fishery/population.
4. To assess the potential for using data on the abundance of pre-recruits in catches as an index of recruitment.

Final report

Risk analysis and sustainability of the southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) resources in SA

Project number: 2000-123
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $163,116.00
Principal Investigator: Yongshun Xiao
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 10 Sep 2000 - 29 Apr 2009


A new stock assessment model is required to improve the estimated time series of recruitment, exploitation, and catchability of lobsters in the South Australian lobster fisheries. This information is needed to (a) on its own quantify the current state of the fishery; (b) develop a reliable simulation model to answer important questions like, “what is the “right” TAC in the southern zone fishery, or the “right” amount of effort in the northern zone fishery to achieve the long term goals of these fisheries?”. These questions cannot be answered at the present time with the current SA assessment methods.

Of immediate concern is the lack of a capacity to respond to external threats to the industry. The lobster industry is presently exposed and vulnerable to claims of over-fishing because it cannot respond with a defence of its management strategies and practices based on a formal risk assessment.

Because the risk of over-fishing is not quantified, the management committees must adopt the precautionary principle which may be costing the industry and the broader community millions of dollars in revenue from foregone commercial catch as well as substantially reduced recreational opportunities.

The industry may not be able to capitalise on opportunities for attracting premium prices for their product through certification of the fishery’s sustainability, and may even face problems meeting Australia’s own (future) export requirements unless it can quantify risk.

There is no doubt that the industry will require the proposed assessment tools. Securing the proposed capability can either be pro-active, or it will have to be re-active.


1. Undertake a careful review of appropriate models developed and used in other invertebrate fisheries, including those used in Tasmania and Western Australia.
2. Develop a spatial-, sex-, time- and age-dependent model (or equivalently a spatial-, sex-, time- and size-dependent model), taking advantage, where possible, of model components developed elsewhere.
3. Develop a simulation model based on the outputs from the model in (2).
4. Use the simulation model to evaluate various harvesting strategies to empower the fishing industry and managers to make better informed decisions and respond skilfully to critics.
5. Use the model to forecast catch and abundance for individual areas.
6. Use the model to answer the following questions: How much risk is associated with any particular TAC or level of effort? How much more can fishers gain in revenue terms under alternative harvesting strategies while demonstrating long term sustainability with a quantified risk? Which fishing regime produces a sustainable fishery, while, at the same time, maximises catch and revenue? How does the current harvesting strategy compare with to the optimal harvesting strategy? How much more biological information is gained or lost by adopting various harvesting strategies? What are the implications of lobsters' aggregating behaviour for the assessment of the stock?
7. To develop a modelling option that allows management to produce reports consistent with the ESD reporting framework developed by SCFA.

Final report

Population dynamics and reproductive ecology of the southern calamari in Tasmania

Project number: 2000-121
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $230,188.00
Principal Investigator: Natalie Moltschaniwskyj
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 16 Oct 2000 - 7 Mar 2004


Squid differ from fish in more than just short life span. They also have a relatively long juvenile phase, exponential growth, short spawning periods, spatial and temporal variability in population dynmaics and considerable inter-individual variability. Therefore, existing fish management strategies are unlikely to adequately address the spatial and temporal variability evident in squid populations. This project directly addresses the key areas of squid fisheries research, that is the need to clarify the variability in the life history characteristics in space and time. It will only be through the quantification of this information and the application of modelling techniques that we will be able to determine the appropriate management strategy for squid, eg closures vs limited access vs total allowable catch.

A need for research on Southern Calamari has arisen because the fishery targets sexually mature individuals on the spawning grounds while they are mating and laying eggs. This is a short-lived species (6-8 months) and populations are entirely dependent on successful production of young by each generation. Therefore, we need to determine the impacts of fishing upon adult populations and egg production, which may compromise future recruitment.

Fishers and managers in Tasmania have raised questions about the current status of Southern Calamari stocks, with suggestions that increasing exploitation may place the stocks at high risk of collapse. A number of factors such as the short lifespan, low fecundity, non-overlapping generations and high inter-annual recruitment variability of this species exacerbate the risk. Especially since managing a species with these biological characteristics cannot be based on previous catch history. We need to develop numerical models that can use biological indicators to manage stocks that are vulnerable to recruitment failure given that the primary target is spawning individuals.

The current state of biological and ecological knowledge about Southern Calamary does not allow management decisions to be made to allow this fishery to develop at sustainable levels. Consequently, there is an urgent need to quantify the productivity of Southern Calamari populations and determine which components of the population are fished by different gear types.


1. Describe temporal and spatial variability in rates of growth, size and age distributions, and reproductive status of populations of Southern Calamari.
2. Describe the spatial and temporal patterns of spawning activities and quantify the reproductive output of Southern Calamari populations.
3. Determine the age, size, spawning condition, and sex composition of the Southern Calamari caught by commercial fishers using different fishing gear.
4. Develop performance indicators to be used with Southern Calamari populations and other short-lived marine species.

Final report

ISBN: 1-86295-104-7
Author: Natalie Moltschaniwskyj

Population dynamics and assessment of sand and rock flathead in Victorian waters

Project number: 2000-120
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $109,550.00
Principal Investigator: Sandy Morison
Organisation: Agriculture Victoria
Project start/end date: 29 Dec 2000 - 1 Jun 2004


The recent declines in the abundance, average size and recreational and commercial catches have raised the question of the sustainability of sand flathead stocks in Port Phillip Bay. New information regarding the longevity of this species raises further questions as to their sustainability. It is expected that the introduced and expanding populations of exotic species (eg Asterias, Sabella and Corbulla) (Cohen et al. 1998) may also impact on sand flathead given their abundance and habitat requirements.

The recent decline in the commercial catch of rock flathead has also raised the question of sustainability of the fishery within Corner Inlet. The suggestion that the decline in rock flathead catches in the 1970’s was due to the loss of seagrass beds within Corner Inlet (MacDonald, 1997), highlights the need to understand the links between habitat and recruitment.

Surprisingly, there are few publications on sand and rock flathead and there is no information on the population dynamics of the local stocks of rock flathead. There is a growing need to undertake research on these potentially vulnerable species because of their longevity and catchability, and to identify appropriate sustainability indicators. There is also a lack of detailed analysis of catch and effort data for both species. Given the lack of preliminary data analysis, there have been no attempts at stock assessment of these important recreational and commercial species to support management strategies. This research proposal attempts to address these information gaps and to incorporate the biological data into an integrated age-based, population dynamic model that could be used to manage both the sand and rock flathead fisheries, and to determine whether the current levels of fishing are sustainable.


Cohen, B. F., Currie, D. R. and McArther, M. A. (1998). Epibenthic community structure in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. MAFRI. Victoria. Int. Rep. No. 10.

MacDonald, M. (1997). Corner Inlet/Nooramunga fin fisheries - 1994. VFRI. Queenscliff. Assess. Rep. No. 3.


1. Determine the age structure and growth of sand and rock flathead in Port Phillip Bay and Corner Inlet
2. Estimate biological parameters for sand and rock flathead
3. Develop stock assessment models for sand and rock flathead
4. Adoption of results by Fisheries Victoria

Final report

ISBN: 1-74106-555-0
Author: A. K. Morison
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