PROJECT NUMBER • 2018-067 PROJECT STATUS: COMPLETED Socio-economic characterisation of a small scale commercial fishery: opportunities to improve viability and profitability in the Tasmanian Scalefish Fishery ORGANISATION: University of Tasmania (UTAS) TAGS Wild Catch Wellbeing Trade Supply & Demand Social Science SPECIES Snook Banded Morwong Jackass Morwong Silver Trevally Southern Garfish
PROJECT NUMBER • 2018-035 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Fisheries biology of Western Australian Salmon: improving our understanding of population dynamics in South Australia to enable quantitative stock assessments and improved fisheries management ORGANISATION: University of Adelaide TAGS Workforce Sustainability Survey Stock Assessment Stakeholder SPECIES Australian Salmons
PROJECT NUMBER • 2017-100 PROJECT STATUS: COMPLETED Status of Australian Fish Stocks (SAFS) reports 2018, and further development of the SAFS production and dissemination system ORGANISATION: Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) TAGS Sustainability Stock Assessment Stakeholder Data SPECIES Ballot's Saucer Scallop Ocean Jacket Swordfish Grey Mackerel Spotted Mackerel