21,988 results

Harvest and slaughter methods for farmed Barramundi to minimise fish stress and achieve premium market quality and improved fish welfare outcomes

The Australian Barramundi Farmer's Association (ABFA) has learned how harvest teams on farms can take simple preparatory steps to ensure the quality and consistency of Australian farmed Barramundi reaching the market. Scientists have worked with farmers that have nurtured their Barramundi for...
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries EcoScience Precinct

Southern Ocean IPA - variation to 2018-124: Science to support Australia's Southern Ocean Fisheries 2018-2020. Addition of Heard Island Patagonian Toothfish 2019 Stock Assessment Review

Project number: 2018-218
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $12,808.00
Principal Investigator: Rhys Arangio
Organisation: Austral Fisheries Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 3 Sep 2019 - 30 Sep 2019


Commercial in confidence. To know more about this project please contact FRDC.


Commercial in confidence

2019 Bi-Annual Seafood Industry Awards

Project number: 2018-215
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $17,200.00
Principal Investigator: Peter Horvat
Organisation: Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)
Project start/end date: 3 Jun 2019 - 28 Nov 2019


Commercial in confidence. To know more about this project please contact FRDC.


Commercial in confidence

Developing primary school teacher kits for use by the Professional Fishers Association (NSW)

Project number: 2018-213
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $13,047.39
Principal Investigator: Emily A. Mantilla
Organisation: Honey and Fox Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 2 Jun 2019 - 29 Sep 2019


PFA has been awarded 50% funds to hold a Seafood Industry in Partnership with Coffs Harbour School - (Grades 2-6). The students will visit the Coffs Harbour Fishermen's Cooperative on the 21-22 May to be shown the variety of seafood, seafood handling, filleting, fishing methods, the ocean to plate story etc.


1. Develop two teacher kits
2. Collate existing Australian seafood, aquaculture and wild catch school resources currently available nationally

Final report

ISBN: 13: 978-0-9876352-3-5
Author: Emily Mantilla
Final Report • 2019-09-10 • 409.00 KB


To support a series of school excursions run by the Professional Fisherman's Association a series of lesson plans were developed to support teaching during the excursion and back in the classroom. These lesson plans made up the first stage of the project. The second stage of the project was to conduct an audit of existing primary and secondary school resources that are available in digital and hard copy. 

Project products

Resource list • 2019-08-01 • 1.20 MB
2018-213 Appendix 4 Seafood Primary and Secondary School Resources.pdf


This project conducted a search for and listed primary and secondary school resources relevant to the seafood sector. 
Curriculum • 2019-09-01 • 4.38 MB
2018-213 Appendix 1 PFA NSW Fisheries Teacher Kit 1 - Years 2 3 4.pdf


A teachers kit to accompany class excursions to learn about the NSW fishing industry. In this unit, students will cover an extensive range of curriculum points through an in-depth look at New
South Wales' fishing industry and an inquiry project.

Establishing an industry recovery strategy for the Area 3 zone of the Western Australian Abalone Managed Fishery

The Southern Seafood Producers (Western Australia) Association in conjunction with the Abalone Industry Association of Western Australia hosted a two-day workshop (the workshop) at the Swan Yacht Club in East Fremantle on the 12th and 13th of June 2019. The aim of the workshop was to...
Southern Seafood Producers (WA) Association

Long-term analysis of the sea-state in the Great Australian Bight

This report provides a detailed characterisation, assessment and prediction of the meteorological and oceanographic conditions that will be encountered by, and have the potential to impact, future petroleum activities in the Great Australian Bight. In the absence of direct, long-term...
University of Adelaide

Various NCCP Operations case studies for the Mid Murray region, and Murray and Murrumbidgee river systems and GIS support for two other NCCP case studies (Lachlan and Loch 1 - Loch 3)

Project number: 2018-209
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $104,095.00
Principal Investigator: Karl Mathers
Organisation: The Wedge Group Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 26 May 2019 - 29 Aug 2019


This project has been identified as a priority by the NCCP Operations Working Group.
The NCCP requires detailed costings planning for large scale carp clean-up based on a selected case study region as a critical input to the NCCP Benefit/Cost study. In addition, the further refinement of a case study region applying contemporary biomass and epidemiology outputs, will enable the NCCP to demonstrate how the virus release could occur across a particular region.
The case study refinement project will build upon the 2018 ‘engineering options for large scale carp clean-up workshop and investigations’, in particular building upon the Torrumbarry to Swan Hill Case study.
The project will also provide strategic GIS and mapping services to two other NCCP Case Studies being delivered by third parties. These are:
- The entire Lachlan River catchment, and
- The Murray River and associated wetlands between Lock 1 (Overland Corner) and Lock 3 in (Blanchetown) in South Australia.


1. 1. To define a release and clean up strategy for an identified case study area (Torrumbarry weir to Swan Hill). In delivering the project objective the project team will give consideration to the following:a) Current NCCP biomass and epidemiology results for the selected waterbodies. b) Optimal release strategies, noting that two different release strategies may be considered for each case study.c) Clean-up and disposal requirements (for initial release then minor operations for a period of 10 years).d) Resource requirements and detailed costings over the life of the case study.e) Statutory approval requirements.2. To provide GIS support for two other NCCP case studies (Lachlan catchment and Loch 1 -3 in SA)

Final report

Authors: Karl Mathers Geordie McKinlay and Greg Stevens
Final Report • 2019-12-19 • 6.72 MB


National Carp Control Plan (NCCP) to develop and report on a conceptual case study and cost
estimate for the carp virus deployment and management across the Southern Murray-Darling Basin
The case study was undertaken in three parts, being:
I. An initial investigation designed to develop a conceptual deployment and carcass
management strategy and to test approaches to developing resource plans and costs
estimates. This initial investigation was focussed on the Mid-Murray region of Southern NSW
and Northern Victoria, specifically the Edward River offtake through to the Kow Swamp and
Gunbower Creek areas.
II. A further regional investigation applying the conceptual deployment and management
strategies to a higher carp biomass region with a range of differentiating factors to the Mid-
Murray area, for example static weir pools and extensive connected wetlands. For this
investigation a section of the Lower Murray River and associated wetlands was selected,
specifically the Lock 1 to Lock 3 region in South Australia.
III. The third component of the case study involved scaling up the adopted methodologies to the
entire Murray and Murrumbidgee Rivers systems. The area covered included the respective
river systems downstream, and inclusive of, Hume and Burrinjuck reservoirs through to the
Murray Mouth, including the Lower Lakes in South Australia.
It is the third component that is the primary focus of this report, and along with a parallel case study
undertaken by the NCCP covering the Lachlan River catchment in NSW, illustrate how the carp virus
would be implemented to suppress carp populations and manage risks. In addition, the conceptual
resource plans, scheduling and cost estimates have informed the NCCP cost-benefit analysis.
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