34,221 results

Determination of the diets of Snapper and Silver Trevally and construction of a food web for the demersal fish community in south-western Australia

Project number: 2009-006
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $74,288.75
Principal Investigator: Ian Potter
Organisation: Murdoch University
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2009 - 29 Sep 2011


Implementation of ecosystem-based fishery management requires sound knowledge of food webs if the indirect effects of fishing on trophic structure are to be understood. There is an urgent need to construct a quantitative food web so that we can understand the ways in which the marked declines in the abundances of important fish species off the lower west coast of Australia, which led to the recent closure of the metropolitan commercial fishery, are likely to have impacted on the ecosystem. While there are sound dietary data for most of the more abundant and important species in this region, no such data are available for Snapper (Pagrus auratus) and Silver Trevally (Pseudocaranx dentex). Snapper was a primary target species for commercial fishers, and Snapper and Silver Trevally both continue to be of great importance to recreational fishers. Sound dietary data for these species, which take into account the ways in which their diets change with body size and season, are essential for the construction of a reliable food web. There is a need to combine the new dietary data for these species with those that were collated in the database developed in FRDC 2002/016 and with the results from more recent studies, converting them into common dietary categories, size categories and a common format before they can be used to construct a reliable food web. The opportunity exists, while Ian Potter remains actively involved in research, to apply the experience and knowledge that he and Margaret Platell possess (noting that these two biologists have been involved in collecting much of the available dietary data for the demersal fish species of south-western Australia) to bring together the results of approximately 15 years of research to create a food web for this region that will be invaluable for future research and management.


1. To determine the diets of Snapper and Silver Trevally on the lower west coast of Australia and how they change with body size and season
2. To construct a reliable food web derived from quantitative dietary data for a wide range of demersal fish species off the lower west coast of Australia

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-921877-06-3
Author: Ian Potter

Seafood CRC: Australian Barramundi Farmers Association - R&D planning, implementation, extension and utilisation

Project number: 2008-915
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $31,950.00
Principal Investigator: Marty Phillips
Organisation: Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA)
Project start/end date: 31 Dec 2008 - 30 Nov 2011


The Australian barramundi farming sector is a small and growing industry, with the opportunity to sell high quality product at premium prices.

Although many aquaculture ventures across Australia have licences to grow barramundi, the industry comprises only 25 ventures that produce barramundi on sufficient scale to regarded as full time enterprises. These businesses have little or no capacity to coordinate investment in, and manage industry development. There is great difficulty in providing a whole of industry perspective on R&D and hence difficulty in capturing the benefits of scale arising from investment in innovation. Collective action on R&D will help capture the benefits of R&D and will deliver future growth.

The ABFA is now established and well positioned with the CRC to implement its strategic plan and to integrate R&D work across all stakeholders under its leadership. CRC staff have participated in several planning meetings, the proposed projects have been decided.

There is now a need for the ABFA to appoint one of our members to act as a liasion point with the CRC, to ensure barramundi farmers are involved in the R&D and contribute their resources when required. This person will also faciltate effective communication and coordination with all stakeholders, particularly at the start of projects and coomunication of results.


1. To coordinate the planning, implementation, and reporting of R&D projects conducted by the Seafood CRC to achieve the outcomes specified in the ABFA Strategic Plan.
2. To facilitate the barramundi farming industry participation in Seafood CRC projects and the extension and utilization of the project results, particularly in relation to the development of new products and new markets
3. To establish, by December 2011, a mechanism by which the ABFA can fund its own R&D coordination and communication activities

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9871427-1-9
Author: Graham Dalton
Final Report • 2012-04-01 • 109.04 KB


This project allowed work with the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA) to:

  • Coordinate the planning, implementation, and reporting of R&D projects conducted by the Seafood CRC to achieve the outcomes specified in the ABFA Strategic Plan.
  • Facilitate the barramundi farming industry participation in Seafood CRC projects and the extension and utilization of the project results, particularly in relation to the development of new products and new markets.
  • Work towards establishing a mechanism by which the ABFA can fund its own R&D coordination and communication activities.

This project provided ABFA with the capacity to provide information and essential contacts and support to CRC participants and researchers involved in projects relating to this industry. This was especially important as the capacity of the industry was stretched as a result of floods and cyclones. The resources provided as part of this project enabled research and development to continue as a priority.

SCRC: Retail Transformation Project Preparation

Project number: 2008-913
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Paul Graham
Organisation: Market Strategy Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 17 Nov 2008 - 14 Mar 2009

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925982-95-4
Author: Paul Graham
Final Report • 2009-03-15 • 461.02 KB


The ‘Interpretative Overview of Consumer Seafood Research in Australia’ is a result of the CRC Retail Transformation project. This project indentified the need to review and consolidate the existing research available and assess its usefulness.
Publically available research was gathered from SEA, CRC and FRDC in consultation with various industry professionals. The work was assessed by Market Strategy Ltd, a commercial market development agency.

This research identifies the need for general socio economic information, food trend information, specific seafood trend information and specific seafood performance information. Gaps in Australian research knowledge are identified in all these areas, along with potential sources of information. The current research is found to lack currency, consistency and accuracy. It also lacks trended perspectives and structured recommendations of consumer responses to research results.

SCRC: Seafood Packaging Masterclass for the Australian Seafood Industry 2008/2009.

Project number: 2008-912
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Mohan Raj
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 14 Nov 2008 - 14 May 2009


The Australian Seafood CRC has agreed that establishment of hubs is needed within the seafood industry to build national capability and capacity for trialling and adopting innovative technology in seafood processing, distribution and sales. This project contributes significantly to that need, offering fora for information transfer and engagement by industry members with experts in the fields of packaging, freezing/chilling, traceability and new product development.

Given increased competition with imports and rising overall production costs, there is a need for industry to address issues relating to processing efficiency, packaging solutions and operation of refrigeration systems and freezers.

The most pressing need indicated by the Australian Seafood CRC participants is for information about new packaging technologies.

SCRC: Smart Australian Seafood Innovation (SASI)-Using smart processing and packaging techniques to transform Australian seafood, including underutilised and undervalued species, into commercially viable products in the "Market Pride" product range. SASI I.

Project number: 2008-911
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Mark Boulter
Organisation: Sydney Fish Market Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 30 Apr 2009 - 30 Apr 2011


Commercial in confidence. To know more about this project please contact FRDC.


Commercial in confidence

Seafood CRC: automation of western rocklobster processing

Automation of processing is widespread in many food production industries. Currently, labour costs in the Western Rocklobster industry are high and availability of labour is extremely poor. This is especially problematic given the processing of Western Rocklobsters is a highly manual process....
Western Australian Fishing Industry Council Inc (WAFIC)

Seafood CRC: Market Access for Abalone

Project number: 2008-909
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $57,333.50
Principal Investigator: Catherine McLeod
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 31 Mar 2009 - 31 Mar 2010


Approximately 48% of the total Australian abalone legally captured (5465 tonnes) in 2006/2007 was exported to China (+Hong Kong). The Chinese market accounts for ~70 % of all exported abalone (3911 tonnes).

In China the retail price of Haliotis discus hannai (in shell Japanese abalone) in 2005 was RMB 250/kg (~$52 AUD) and the price in 2008 is RMB 150/kg (~$31 AUD). One possible forecast is for rising volumes of abalone from Chinese aquaculture, with further declines in Chinese domestic prices.

The high reliance of the Australian abalone sector on the Chinese market, falling prices in China, and the introduction of strengthened import requirements for live seafood into China (including requirements for testing seafood for a range of pathogenic bacteria and marine biotoxins) suggests that market diversification would be beneficial.

The EU, North America, and China are the biggest markets for seafood (~350 million seafood consumers), however the EU is the biggest importer of seafood. The EU produces limited quantities of abalone at the moment (e.g. Ireland and France produce small amounts).

Until March 2007 several companies in Australia were exporting abalone to the EU, since this time the EU abalone market has been ‘closed’ due to the EC requirement to classify production areas.

The low scale production of abalone in the EU coupled with the declining prices and new food safety requirements for abalone in China presents a market opportunity for Australian abalone in the EU.

The abalone industry (ACA and AAA) has expressed a desire to re-enter the EU market. This project aims to provide information for use in technical market access negotiations to assist in ‘re-opening’ the EU market for Australian abalone.


1. Stipulate current requirements to meet the EC regulations for abalone.
2. Determine alternate risk management procedures that may be viewed as equivalent to the current EC regulations for abalone.
3. Define risk of biotoxin poisoning from consuming canned abalone.
4. Identify key information gaps that may influence the efficacy of risk assessment.
5. Provide industry risk management information on the depuration of biotoxins from abalone.
6. Provide a package of information with which to develop a risk based management plan that meets EC requirements.

SCRC: COMMUNAL PROJECT: Seafood CRC Participation in the Seafood Access Forum (SAF)

Project number: 2008-907
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Ted Loveday
Organisation: Seafood Services Australia Ltd
Project start/end date: 31 Jan 2009 - 30 Jan 2012


The CRC has identified the need to prioritise trade and market access research activities and to have a forum where government and industry can agree on apropriate trade and market access negotiation strategies. The SAF operated by SSA can provide that service for the CRC.

The CRC recognises that having a focus on trade and market access research activities will significantly increase the workload for the SAF and that this will create a need for additional consultation, reporting and extension activities. The CRC has agreed to fund SSA to proivde this addtional functionality that will benefit all users of the CRC (Sellfish Theme Business Plan).

Meetings with senior DFAT and DAFF officials confirmed that the seafood industry needs to take a more coordinated approach to addressing trade issues and that primary industries with such frameworks had achieved significant success. The CRC needs to ensure that such a framework exists so that the benefitsof its trade and market access research can be realised.

The SAF provides a solid, rigorous and inclusive process for systematically tackling our seafood trade and market access barriers by:
1. Identifying and prioritising opportunities for improving trade and market access for Australian seafood including:
a. Maintaining and improving access in existing markets;
b. Establishing access to new trade opportunities, particularly in higher value markets; and
c. The reduction or removal of tariff and non-tariff barriers to seafood trade.
2. Developing well researched positions and strategies on priority opportunities for improving trade and market access for Australian seafood.
3. Providing leadership and coordination in the delivery of actions to realise priority opportunities for improved trade and market access for Australian seafood.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925983-27-2
Author: Ted Loveday
Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

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