34,221 results

Seafood CRC: improving profitability in the Western Rocklobster fishery using a rocklobster trap

This project investigated the efficiency of using different pot designs to increase the profitability of the Western Rocklobster fishery. The motivation for this study was a more efficient pot would reduce the number of pot hauls, and that this in turn would increase profitability of the fishery by...
Western Rock Lobster Council Inc (WRLC)

Seafood CRC: Australian Edible Oyster Industry Business Plan

Project number: 2008-798
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $3,344.10
Principal Investigator: John Carragher
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 17 Feb 2009 - 29 Oct 2009


The project aims to a) resolve a lack of direction for the oyster industry's R & D investment and b) provide direction for the industry's growth. In order to construct this it is essential to examine:
• Market development
• Production efficiencies
• Supply chain management
• Environmental sustainability
• Community perception
• Industry structure
• Human capital
• Regulatory environment
• Financial performance

The overarching objective is to facilitate industry growth, value and increase farm profitability, hence the reason for a Business Plan rather than a strategic plan.

The Consortium has purposely named the project ‘Business Plan’ as it needed a plan that;
• is more than a strategic plan confined to R & D purposes
• will contain achievable profitability and growth goals having examined industry financials and other constraints
• will propose models for conducting the future ‘business’ of the oyster industry, one of which is likely to be a new incorporated national entity

Each state has varying levels of strategic plans, some designed for policy direction, others for R&D, but none examine the industry at a national level. To assist industry set future strategies an analysis of the national industry and development of a 5 year business plan is required. The business plan will be used to guide industry advocacy, policy and R&D groups at a state and national level.


1. Provide direction to facilitate industry growth, value and increase farm profitability through a 5 Year Business Plan for the period 2010 - 2014
2. Provide direction for industry R & D, policy and advocacy work through a 5 Year Business Plan
3. Create a 5 Year Business Plan, encompassing Sydney Rock and Pacific Oysters in all oyster producing states, containing a series of national prioritised strategies and objectives in each of the key areas: Market development, Production efficiencies, Supply chain management, Environmental sustainability, Community perception, Industry structure, Human capital, Regulatory environment and Financial performance

SCRC: Retail Transformation: Identifying opportunities for creating consumer focused Australian Salmon value added products. (Curtin)

Project number: 2008-794.30
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: David Harris
Organisation: Curtin University
Project start/end date: 31 Dec 2009 - 30 Dec 2010


There is a need to:

1. Develop low value Australian seafood options in order to give the Australian seafood consumer the chance to purchase local seafood at accessible price points.

2. Evaluate the sensory characteristsics, product acceptability and perception of Australian Salmon from a consumer perspective. The attributes evaluated will include, but not be limited to, taste, texture, appearance, mouth feel portion size, etc. This information should relate to pricing and potential product forms that appeal to consumers. This will demonstrate if the species has the potential to be a sustainable, consumer commercial fishery. There is currently no consumer research information of this type available.

3. Show what attributes consumers value in seafood.

4. Understand the composition profiling, nutritional values and bio chemical factors that:

a) influence the spoiling of desirable characteristics;
b) influence the overall degradation of this particular species

This will fill gaps in the current research that is being undertaken.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925982-36-7
Final Report • 2010-12-31 • 1.19 MB


There are many different factors that affect fish purchasing decisions. These range from personal preferences for sensory characteristics to environmental and financial concerns. In understanding why a particular species of fish is or is not popular in the market place all these influencing factors need to be considered.

The aim of this study is to gain some understanding of the factors that influence consumers when considering purchasing Australian salmon.


Seafood CRC: retail transformation - identifying opportunities for creating consumer focused Australian salmon value added products

Project number: 2008-794.10
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $28,955.93
Principal Investigator: Ken Dods
Organisation: ChemCentre (WA)
Project start/end date: 31 Dec 2009 - 30 Dec 2010


There is a need to:

1. Develop low value Australian seafood options in order to give the Australian seafood consumer the chance to purchase local seafood at accessible price points.

2. Evaluate the sensory characteristsics, product acceptability and perception of Australian Salmon from a consumer perspective. The attributes evaluated will include, but not be limited to, taste, texture, appearance, mouth feel portion size, etc. This information should relate to pricing and potential product forms that appeal to consumers. This will demonstrate if the species has the potential to be a sustainable, consumer commercial fishery. There is currently no consumer research information of this type available.

3. Show what attributes consumers value in seafood.

4. Understand the composition profiling, nutritional values and bio chemical factors that:

a) influence the spoiling of desirable characteristics;
b) influence the overall degradation of this particular species

This will fill gaps in the current research that is being undertaken.


1. Identify at least 3 concepts for a range of potential new retail added value Australian Salmon products (ChemCentre)
2. Develop a consumer model for the evaluation of product acceptability and perception (Curtin University).
3. Improve understanding of the nutritional and bio chemical profile of Australian salmon as the basis for product and process development (ChemCentre)
4. Report of consumer attributes of Australian Salmon and its current positioning (Curtin University).
5. Provision of a comprehensive final report on potential of retail transformation for the Australian salmon industry (ChemCentre)

Final report

Author: Ken Dods
Final Report • 2008-01-01 • 87.66 KB


Australian Salmon represents one of the last sustainable, relatively untapped wild catch fisheries in Australia with capture and harvest techniques not having changed significantly for many decades. Fish quality is quite variable and harvest practices are not optimised. As a result, consumer confidence in Australian Salmon product has been adversely affected. Harvest practice and immediate post-catch handling can be significantly improved, and are major determinants of product quality.

Current and existing research lacks fundamental, basic information on consumer perceptions and acceptance of the Australian Salmon. This project aimed to fill a critical knowledge gap in existing and concurrent research projects.

PROJECT NUMBER • 2008-793.10

Seafood CRC: optimising quality and value in domestic prawn value chains

The aim of this project was to undertake a value chain analysis (VCA) on four Australian prawn fisheries: SGWCPFA, SBPTOA, CRFC, and MBSIA. Following the VCA to define some improvement strategies/projects, work would then be carried out with the individual fisheries to select, implement and evaluate...
Curtin University
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