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Aquaculture Nutrition Subprogram: strategic planning, project management and adoption

Project number: 2001-251
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $212,860.00
Principal Investigator: Robert van Barneveld
Organisation: Barneveld Nutrition Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2001 - 1 Jun 2006


1. To identify R & D priorities for reducing the real cost of aquaculture diets and feeding and increasing the use of Australian agricultural ingredients in aquaculture diets.
2. Establish what the fundamental non species specific nutritional constraints are to aquaculture production (eg diet form, nutritional requirements, feeding strategies, feed evolution or a combination of several factors) and then establish and manage a collaborative core research program to address this.
3. Develop a risk management strategy for all aquaculture industries in relation to nutrition to assist the research priority setting process.
4. Forge an agreement between the FRDC an other relevant RDC's and research providers for the management of research relating to aquaculture nutrition under the auspices of an aquaculture nutrition subprogram accounting for variations in priorities between agencies.
5. Define and facilitate a mechanism for lead agencies for the commercialisation of all relevant nutrition research arising from FRDC funded projects.
6. Provide a single point of contact for aquaculture nutrition research in Australia and improve the aquaculture nutrition skills base in Australia.
7. Facilitate the functions of an aquaculture nutrition "Expert Working Group" to ensure ongoing research programs have a high degree of industry relevance and focus.
8. Improve communication of nutrition research outcomes and current nutrition research between scientists, aquaculturists, ingredient suppliers and feed manufacturers.

Final report

Author: Robert van Barneveld
Final Report • 2006-04-29 • 1.11 MB


The Aquaculture Nutrition Subprogram was established to maintain communication and momentum in aquaculture nutrition research in Australia, and to ensure focussed investment in this research discipline and optimum return on research investment. The Subprogram was successful in establishing an Expert Working Group used for the evaluation of research projects and strategic research priorities, a strategic plan for 2002-2007, a number of short courses, workshops and conference sessions,  and the basis for a more standardised and relevant approach to aquaculture nutrition research through a methodology manual.

Keywords: aquaculture, nutrition

Aquafin CRC - SBT Aquaculture Subprogram: strategic planning, project management and adoption

Project number: 2001-250
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $278,957.13
Principal Investigator: Steven Clarke
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 30 Jan 2002 - 31 May 2005


1. Coordinate the use of resources of the tuna research farm, Boston Bay, Port Lincoln and nay other core facilities requried.
2. Provide a coordinated research program addressing the foucus areas of the R&D plan for the SBT Aquaculture Industry.
3. Communicate, where appropriate, the research outcomes to all relevant sectors of the SBT aquaculture industry to facilitate the commercialisation of research outomes directed at ensuring the sustainability and profitability of the industry.
4. Coordinate administration and meetings of the SBT Aquaculture Subprogram ensuring effective communication throughout members of committees and industry.

Final report

ISBN: 0-7308-5320-9
Author: Steven Clarke
Final Report • 2005-02-17 • 444.95 KB


The Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT), Thunnus maccoyii, Aquaculture Industry has undergone rapid expansion since it commenced in 1990. In 2002/03 the industry was Australia’s third largest export fishing industry (ABARE, 2002) with most of its value coming from aquaculture. In this year the industry produced about 9,100 tonnes (whole weight) worth approximately $267 million (Knight et al, 2004), employing over 2000 people directly and indirectly, particularly in the Eyre Region of South Australia.

In recent years, however, production has levelled off, with nearly the entire available quota going into aquaculture. The value of the industry has also been affected by increasing competition on the Japanese market (the largest importer of Australian SBT) from overseas supplies of northern bluefin tuna (NBT), the fluctuating Japanese and Australian currency exchange rate and world health and terrorism events.  More than ever there is a need for well prioritised and coordinated R&D to address key issues that will maintain or enhance the industry’s competitiveness.  

In 1997 the coordination of the Subprogram commenced as part of ‘Project 1: Implementation and coordination of research experiments conducted with caged SBT, to access manufactured diets, feeding regimes and harvesting techniques (FRDC No: 1997/361)’. In 2001 this role was formalised in the current, more focused project (FRDC No: 2001/250). The objectives of this project were to provide a cohesive approach to R&D aimed at meeting the priority needs of the industry; to provide a management structure to oversee the active research projects and ensure that they achieved their desired outcomes; to manage and coordinate the infrastructure and activities associated with SBT research in Port Lincoln, and to provide a focused strategy for disseminating research results to industry, obtain feedback and set research priorities.  The Subprogram has also been successful in providing a focus for all SBT research projects in Australia, in particular with the Aquafin CRC Programs: Production; Value Adding; Health; Environment and Education and Training, which have all been run through the Subprogram.

Aquafin CRC - SBT Aquaculture Subprogram: optimisation of farmed Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) nutrition to improve feed conversion efficiency and reduce production costs

Project number: 2001-249
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $995,671.00
Principal Investigator: Robert van Barneveld
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 30 Jan 2002 - 27 Jun 2008


1. Improve overall industry feed conversion efficiency with a view to increasing the quantity of tuna produced from the same nutritional inputs.
2. Improve nutritional knowledge to reduce the cost and efficiency of SBT production by enhancing our capacity to control the supply of nutrients to farmed SBT
improving our knowledge of the nutritional requirements of SBT and understanding factors that influence feed intake in SBT.
3. Provide nutrition research support to other tuna research projects.
4. To establish the digestibility of extruded pelleted diets and measure changes in diet digestibility over the tuna season.
5. To establish the effectiveness of formu bait feeding software, for predicting SBT responses to diets, under commercial conditions.

Aquafin CRC - Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Subprogram: control of precocious sexual maturation in Atlantic salmon

Project number: 2001-246
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $521,251.00
Principal Investigator: Mark Porter
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 30 Jan 2002 - 15 Dec 2006


There are two major aspects:

1. Importance to industry of control of precocious sexual maturation
Tasmanian salmon typically mature after only one winter at sea, in contrast to northern- hemisphere populations where the majority take two ‘sea-winters’ to mature. The Tasmanian fish still reach 3 – 5 kg during this period due to the favourable effects of higher temperature on growth, however, the less desirable outcome of early maturation is the compression of the harvest season. Strategies designed to improve seasonal production have been estimated to be worth $A 8 – 16 million per year to the Tasmanian salmon industry (confidential industry estimate prepared for CRC for Aquaculture in 1998).

2. Requirement to conduct research in Tasmania
Functional photoperiod manipulation techniques have been developed overseas so why do it in Tasmania rather than simply import solutions? Overseas protocols have been trialled by the Tasmanian industry but have given negative or unpredictable results. Confounding factors which require consideration before overseas protocols can be applied successfully and predictably in Tasmania are:

A. Light intensity.
Due to Tasmania’s low latitude and high number of sunshine hours relative to the majority of northern hemisphere salmon farming areas, it is likely that salmon farmed in Tasmania are exposed to higher daytime light intensities, particularly at the equinoxes. Relative light intensity is a critical factor for the success of photoperiod manipulation practices and it is expected that higher, yet to be determined, levels of nighttime illumination will be required under Tasmanian conditions.

B. Temperature.
Overseas scientists report increased melatonin secretion (up to approx. 30%) at summer temperatures relative to winter temperatures in Atlantic salmon maintained under identical photoperiods. Tasmania’s relatively high water temperatures suggest that a further increase in light intensity will be required to reduce plasma melatonin levels below the putative threshold required to ensure that the fish perceive any modification to photoperiod.

C. Seasonal and individual variation.
Assuming that the preceding factors can be adequately clarified, it will be necessary to account for the possible effects of differences between seasons (both within and between years) and individual variation within fish populations in relation to the response of stocks to photoperiod manipulation. Relative to overseas salmon farming areas, Tasmania tends to have a short, mild winter, an early, warm spring and a long, hot summer. Thus timing of the critical “gate-open” decision period for maturation has yet to be determined under Tasmanian conditions.


1. An improved understanding of the mechanisms of light regulated control of melatonin secretion in salmon
2. An improved understanding of the association between melatonin levels and reproductive development in salmon
3. The capacity to rapidly and non-destructively assess the acute reproductive condition of caged salmon
4. The development of commercial scale photomanipulation techniques for the retardation or prevention of precocious sexual maturation in farmed Tasmanian salmon.

Aquafin CRC - Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Subprogram: model development for epidemiology of Amoebic Gill Disease

Project number: 2001-245
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $322,051.00
Principal Investigator: Barbara Nowak
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 30 Jan 2002 - 23 May 2005


The Australian salmon industry is free from the major infectious diseases affecting salmon industries in other countries. Amoebic Gill Disease is the main infectious disease affecting the salmon industry in Tasmania. While this disease occurs in other countries, it does not appear to be as severe as in Australia. The disease-related fish mortalities are greatly reduced by freshwater bathing, however the disease treatment results in greater production costs and reduces the Australian salmon industry’s ability to compete in international markets. While development of a vaccine to protect against the causative agent is a desirable solution for the industry, it must be appreciated that this is a challenging task and requires a long-term view. In the meantime, the industry needs more knowledge of AGD epidemiology and more tools to improve management of fish with AGD on the farms, which would improve AGD treatment and control and decrease the risk of large outbreaks of AGD. As a direct result this should lead to reduced production costs. Improved understanding of the epidemiology of the disease will also provide a valuable basis on which to develop strategies for vaccine application in the future.

The ultimate goal is to have an AGD surveillance system in place, to provide information about the host, agent and environment which is relevant to prevention and management of the disease. The results will improve our understanding of factors contributing to AGD outbreaks and will develop a best industry practice protocol aimed at the reduction of AGD effects on the salmon industry in Tasmania. Information from the surveillance system will facilitate better decisions on the timing of treatments as well as provide long term data for analysis to identify additional management strategies aimed at minimisation of disease risks and economic impacts. Specifically, farm-level surveillance data will eventually provide a basis for measuring spatial and temporal trends in AGD occurrence in both the host and potential reservoirs as well as environmental and production factors associated with changes in AGD occurrence. Analysis of retrospective data will permit the identification of improved management strategies as well as providing farm managers with a more reliable basis on which to make decisions on prevention and control. This project will provide ways of value adding to the data collected by the salmon industry in general. It will protect individual company interests with respect to privacy of commercial information.


1. Identification of Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis reservoirs
2. Identification of risk factors for AGD including the spatial relationship between infected and uninfected cages.
3. Development of a pilot surveillance system

Final report

ISBN: 1-86295-227-2
Author: Barbara Nowak
Final Report • 2005-01-17 • 1.92 MB


Amoebic Gill Disease (AGD) is the main health problem affecting salmon industry in Southern Tasmania.  To improve management of fish with AGD on the farms, the industry needs better understanding of AGD epidemiology.  This will provide a basis on which to develop strategies for new treatment or vaccine application in the future.

We have identified reservoirs of the amoeba causing AGD in Atlantic salmon in Tasmania.  The amoebae were widespread and easily isolated from marine and estuarine sediments and cage netting.  There was no apparent relationship between the presence of the amoebae in the environment and AGD prevalence in the cages.  Development of methods to isolate amoebae from water samples and to accurately quantify the amoebae is needed if the relationship between the amoebae in the environment and AGD outbreaks is to be fully understood. However, computer simulations suggested that once fish in a cage are infected with AGD, they become the main source of amoebae and other reservoirs become insignificant.

This project provided specialised training in introductory and advanced epidemiology, sampling design, design of field trials and data analysis to all stakeholders, including researchers, government veterinarians and industry. Potential for AGD data sharing and analysis for the whole industry was discussed. A trial AGD database was set up, however industry showed no interest in using it. A computer model was developed based on data from one farm collected during 2003.  While the simulations provided interesting insights and identified knowledge gaps, the model could not be validated using data from the same farm from 2002, proving that it has serious limitations.   Increased understanding of the disease outbreaks dynamics is needed before a predictive model of AGD can be developed.

Aquafin CRC - Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Subprogram: host-pathogen interactions in Amoebic Gill Disease

Project number: 2001-244
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $860,814.00
Principal Investigator: Barbara Nowak
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 30 Jan 2002 - 23 May 2005


This project will develop methods and provide information for vaccine and novel treatment development. For example, techniques for the isolation and maintenance of N. pemaquidensis are based on monoxenic cultures. This culture is highly problematic because preparations of protozoa are contaminated with bacteria. Studies to determine cell function, protein and DNA composition have been seriously compromised by the bacteria. Culture relies on the use of agar. Cell propagation and harvesting by this system is time consuming and inefficient. Development of practical systems for cell factory production of N. pemaquidensis is required. This is important for studies of cell wall composition and cell function, which require considerable biomass. There is no model of infection using protozoa derived from monoxenic or xenic cultures. This represents a major limitation, particularly when it is necessary to use controlled doses of a single strain. Current methods rely on the use of N. pemaquidensis harvested from infected fish. While this strategy meets an immediate need, long-term it cannot be justified. Development of a method to grow in vitro virulent protozoa capable of infecting fish is an essential objective. The current library of N. pemaquidensis isolates obtained from fish with AGD is small and in continuous culture for almost 10 years. There is an urgent need to re-isolate N. pemaquidensis and expand the library to ensure an adequate range of phenotypes and genotypes. Preservation of N. pemaquidensis is an essential requirement of the AGD programme as it will maintain strain integrity, a vital objective for vaccine development. The complexity of growing N. pemaquidensis has proved a major limitation to studies on AGD. A centre of expertise in the culture of N. pemaquidensis should result in guaranteed supply of organism. A reference laboratory will ensure standardisation of cultures and uniformity of research outcomes.


1. To provide a knowledge base for development of novel treatments and vaccines
2. To identify factors leading to binding of the parasite to fish gills
3. To identify gill conditions which increase the susceptibility of the fish to AGD
4. To develop techniques for in vitro work on Amoebic Gill Disease
5. To expand the library of N. pemaquidensis strains
6. To implement a long term preservation for N. pemaquidensis based on freezing technology
7. To develop improved culture systems based on monoxenic and axenic techniques
8. To develop cell factory capability to produce high density cell suspensions of N. pemaquidensis
9. To develop cell purification techniques to produce pure cell suspension of N. pemaquidensis derived from cell culture and gill associated disease.
10. To implement cell characterisation techniques for strain differentiation
11. To investigate culture strategies to develop infective strains of in vitro grown N. pemaquidensis

Final report

ISBN: 1-86295-222-1
Author: Barbara Nowak
Final Report • 2005-01-17 • 3.54 MB


This project significantly increased our knowledge and understanding of Amoebic Gill Disease (AGD).  We developed tools and techniques applicable to further research on AGD and other fish diseases.  This project contributed to education and training in the area of fish health. Five PhD students and three postdoctoral fellows were involved in this project.  Development of case definition for AGD and increased understanding of AGD outbreaks in the field were of particular interest to the salmon industry.  Diagnostic services (Fish Health Unit, DPIWE) collaborated by providing expertise and adopting this project's results.
Prior to this project, our knowledge of Amoebic Gill Disease (AGD) was fundamentally limited. An improved understanding of host-pathogen interactions was required to provide a basis from which to develop effective strategies for future control and treatment of the disease.   This was achieved by the development of new techniques and adaptation of existing ones for the study of ecto-parasitic gill disease.
This project addressed the need for understanding disease development and progression. Sequential histopathology in both laboratory and field infections identified developmental stages of AGD, in terms of host response and pathogen proliferation and the disease’s strong association with salinity and temperature. This work enabled the introduction of an AGD case definition, providing consistent and repeatable disease interpretation for future studies.

South East Fishery Industry Development Subprogram: strategic planning, project management and adoption

Project number: 2001-238
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $110,403.00
Principal Investigator: Ian Knuckey
Organisation: Fishwell Consulting Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 24 Apr 2001 - 9 Jan 2007


To achieve the complementary outcomes of sustainability and economic benefits to the stakeholders in the SEF, a whole of chain approach to R&D is required (which is in accordance with government direction on R&D planning). Current practice focuses on the biology and fishery management which has precluded more innovative ways of adding value. Following a workshop held in November 1999 (Canberra) a recommendation was made that FRDC develop a subprogram to support the industry development component of R&D for the SEF. This application will develop the subprogram over the next year and produce a Strategic Plan that incorporates a whole of chain approach.


1. Coordinate the FRDC SEF Subprogram (applications, workshops, communication)
2. Conduct an annual research workshop to present research outcomes from the subprogram and to define research objectives for subsequent years.
3. Facilitate travel of industry representatives and the subprogram leader to biannual steering committee meetings.
4. Coordinate the preparation of a Subprogram newsletter, media releases, and workshop publications.
5. Integrate with other FRDC and externally funded SEF projects to ensure maximum leverage of industry funds and avoid duplication.

Final report

Rock Lobster Post Harvest Subprogram: striking a balance between melanosis and weight recoveries in western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus)

Project number: 2001-235
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $247,194.00
Principal Investigator: Hannah Williams
Organisation: Curtin University
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2001 - 30 Jun 2005


Currently, melanosis is prevented by increasing cooking time, which results in reduced weight recoveries. At present, cooked weight recoveries average between 93-95% of landed beach weight. An average increase of 1% over the entire industry would result in an increased return of $1-2 million per season (see B2: Background). Thus there is significant scope for improvement. In addition, prevention of melanosis would result in further savings of approximately $1 million per season (see B2: Background).

For the industry to consistently achieve maximum cooked weight recoveries, whilst reliably controlling melanosis, a systematic investigation of the impact of processing on these factors is essential. The information generated by this study will be used to define best processing practices in order to increase overall quality of the product and profitability of the industry.


1. To establish the impact of temperature and food additives on the activity of P. cygnus haemolymph phenol oxidase (PO) in vitro.
2. To establish the impact of current commercial practices on weight recovery and melanosis formation.
3. To establish the impact of post-harvest transportation on PO activity, weight recovery and melanosis formation.
4. To determine the effects of anti-browning agents on weight recovery and melanosis formation.
5. To validate the use of experimentally determined cooking profiles for improvement of cooked weight recoveries and prevention of melanosis.
6. To formulate recommendations and guidelines that will enable industry to apply the findings of the study.

Final report

ISBN: 1-7-4067-411-1
Authors: Hannah Williams Glen Davidson and John Mamo
Final Report • 2005-07-01 • 5.51 MB


Each year 4-5,000 tonnes of western rock lobster are cooked and exported to countries such as Japan and Taiwan. When existing cooking methods are used a proportion of cooked western rock lobster go black, this results in a product that is unacceptable to the customer

The blackening of the flesh is known as melanosis and is caused by an enzyme called polyphenoloxidase (PPO). Melanosis is a major problem for the western rock lobster industry and it has been estimated that it costs the industry over $1 million per year. Finding a solution to the problem of melanosis by stopping PPO activity is therefore necessary. Currently, cooking is the most common method used in food processing to stop enzyme activity. However, as the PPO enzyme is evidently still active after export lobsters have been cooked it was important to first understand what was happening to the enzyme when it was heated.

This study showed that when lobsters were heated to an internal temperature between 60 and 80°C there was a large increase in enzyme activity. It was not until after temperatures reached 90°C, or more, the enzyme activity stopped. Overall it was found that for 50% of the cooking time, temperatures only reached between 60-80°C. Therefore they did not get high enough to kill the enzyme; rather, current cooking methods actually increase the enzyme ‘s activity.

Upgrade of national fisheries database to include images an common names of Australian fishes

Project number: 2001-231.90
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $17,693.64
Principal Investigator: Patrick Hone
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 28 Jun 2005 - 30 Jun 2005


Management decisions should be based on good quality data. Any steps taken to improve an inadequate baseline will eventually improve data quality and the subsequent cost effectiveness of obtaining these data. Any part of the baseline where confusion can arise should be identified and improved as soon as possible. The fisheries coding system knees to be enhanced to improve its functionality to clarify names and assist users when obtaining or vetting fish data. It will also prove an important baseline for a variety of other industry uses. The resources are presently available to improve this baseline and these may not be available in the future. It also coincides with a period of activity whereby the names our seafood will be standardised and legislated. The project is timely and should be completed now.

In addition to the commercial fishing industry, fish names are frequently referred to by an extremely broad variety of groups including administrators, aquarists, editors, educators, lawyers, legislators, recreational fishermen, scientists, seafood consumers and writers. The need for a standard list of common names of Australian fishes was eloquently flagged by eminent Australian scientist, Gilbert Whitley, some thirty years ago (see attached excerpt from his paper, appendix 4). A national nomenclatural standard covering all Australian fishes is long overdue - no such standard presently exists for secondary commercial any bycatch species. CAAB has now been adopted as the industry wide coding system but would be considerably more useful if it contained standardised common name information and an image of each species.

The unavailability or inconsistency use of common names of fish has created a problem for all sectors of the seafood industry. It has also led to serious confusion when interpreting catch return sheets and fisheries data based on common names. Even the guidelines of this application form (ie Project title and identification) request the use of the approved marketing mane of each species. However, most secondary commercial and almost all bycatch species have not been allocated a single approved common name.

Whereas the process of establishing single names for the main commercial species has been contentious, it is likely to be much simpler for the remaining fishes. If approached properly, the task only needs to be done once. The final product should be definitive work on the common names of Australian fishes requiring minimal alteration in the future.

The recently published Australian Seafood Handbook has created many enquiries from governmental and commercial groups wanting to gain access to images held in the CSIRO fish image library. However, in it s present form, this image collection cannot be accessed cost effectively.. The bulk of the collection is in celluloid format and the digital component has bot been assigned to a search and retrieval oriented database. Hence, it is presently grossly under utilised. A logical step is to digitise the collection and make the images freely available on the CAAB website, simultaneously improving accessibility and making CAAB more user friendly.


1. To compile a draft list of common names of all Australian fishes for consideration by the Fish Names Committee and other stakeholders groups.
2. To scan and database high quality, digital images of Australian commercial and bycatch fishes and demonstrate their value in product promotion through associate websites and posters.
3. To upgrade the fisheries coding system website (CAAB) to include common names and images of Australian, fishes, enabling both easy and free access by industry.
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