34,221 results

Development of methods for obtaining national estimates of the recreational catch of southern bluefin tuna (main project)

Project number: 2012-022.20
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $193,000.00
Principal Investigator: Ilona Stobutzki
Organisation: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) ABARES
Project start/end date: 31 Oct 2013 - 17 Sep 2015


SBT has supported a valuable domestic fishery in Australia for many decades. The recent expansion in recreational SBT catches raises the need to monitor and manage recreational fishing activities; to secure investments by anglers and charter boat businesses and ensure that harvesting is consistent with the SBT rebuilding strategy.

Detailed information on catch levels, the geographical and seasonal distribution of fishing activities and the sector’s characteristics is fundamental to managing recreational fishing activities. State and Commonwealth governments are in the process of developing resource-sharing arrangements for SBT. Information collected by the project will be crucial in developing management options and resource sharing arrangements.

The development and application of an agreed methodology for obtaining regular, statistically robust estimates of recreational and charter fishing catch of SBT is also a Wildlife Trade Operation (WTO) condition for the SBT fishery, and Australia has an obligation to report all SBT catches to the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT).


1. Develop and test methodologies to provide a national estimate of the recreational catch of SBT.
2. Design a cost-effective program to regularly collect, analyse and report on recreational SBT catches and associated fishing activities

Trial and validation of Respondent-Driven Sampling as a cost-effective method for obtaining representative catch, effort, social and economic data from recreational fisheries

Project number: 2012-021
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $350,000.00
Principal Investigator: Tim P. Lynch
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 13 Jan 2013 - 5 Dec 2015


Increased affordability and sophistication of fishing technologies (e.g. GPS, electric reels) have resulted in increased efficiency and diversification of the recreational fishing sector. Fishers are increasingly targeting some species of commercial and/or conservation importance (e.g. SBT, mako shark, striped marlin, blue eye trevalla), leading to inter-sector conflict. Therefore, reliable recreational catch, effort, social and economic data are required for stock assessment and equitable resource sharing.

Unfortunately, obtaining representative data from specialised or out-of-frame components of recreational fisheries (e.g. sport fisheries, non-licenced fishers) using traditional methods is expensive and often ineffective because these components of the fishery: 1) lack a complete sampling frame to recruit fishers to surveys, 2) are comprised of fishers who are too rare to intercept in the wider community, and 3) are spatially and/or temporally diffuse. Therefore, alternative cost-effective methods are required.

Epidemiologists routinely survey rare or 'hard-to-reach' populations (e.g. HIV carriers) by penetrating social networks using Respondent-Driven Sampling (RDS). RDS works by eligible subjects receiving incentives for survey participation and recruiting other eligible peers, who then recruit other eligible peers, and so on. After weighting each subject's social network size and other known biases, RDS can generate a completely representative sample of subjects from a hard-to-reach population.

RDS was identified by leading recreational fishing survey design experts in FRDC project 2007/014 as having the potential to solve many of the problems researchers currently face in trying to obtain representative samples from recreational fisheries. RDS has not been used previously in fisheries science, but its potential application to recreational fisheries is detailed by Griffiths et al. (2010). The aim of this project is to fill a national and international need to evaluate and customise RDS for sampling hard-to-reach components of recreational fisheries, by using the specialised Tasmanian recreational set-line licence fishery as a case study.


1. To document the recruitment processes and assess the efficacy of Respondent-Driven Sampling for obtaining representative information from hard-to-reach recreational fisheries that lack a complete sampling frame
2. To develop a capture-recapture model for use with Respondent-Driven Sampling surveys to estimate the population size of hard-to-reach recreational fishers
3. To quantitatively evaluate the "RDS-Recapture" complemented survey design for obtaining demographic information and estimates of total catch and effort from hard-to-reach recreational fisheries

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-97960-1
Authors: Shane Griffiths Tim Lynch Jeremy Lyle Simon Wotherspoon Lincoln Wong Carlie Devine Kenneth Pollock William Sawynok Anthea Donovan Mibu Fischer Sharon Tickell and Chris Moeseneder
Final Report • 2017-09-29 • 6.62 MB


The objective of FRDC project 2012/021, “Trial and validation of Respondent-Driven Sampling as a cost-effective method for obtaining representative catch, effort, social and economic data from recreational fisheries” was to trial and validate the chain referral sampling method, Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS), for obtaining representative data from specialised ‘hard-to-reach’ components of recreational fisheries. This project aimed to test this new method by undertaking a RDS survey with a population of fishers who were part of a complete licence list frame. The characteristics of the sample (e.g. age, gender) from the RDS survey would then be compared to another survey collected via random stratified sampling drawn from the licence list frame. This would allow comparison of the results between methods to determine if the RDS survey can produce a representative sample of the population.

Telephone surveys have long been regarded as a cost-effective method for large-scale population. However, in recent years, a decline in landline registration, increasing exclusive use of landlines for internet connections, and changes in population demography has led to a decline in the representativeness of the landline sampling frame on the overall population. In addition, with a limited number of recreational fisheries requiring a licence—many of which also have various exemptions— a secondary list-sampling frame is not always available to researchers to select a representative sample of fishers for a survey. These factors contribute to a degradation of the ability of scientists to yield a representative sample from the population via direct telephone polling, and highlight a need to explore new methods for more effective sampling of recreational fisheries. A trial of the RDS method is needed as it may be one of the few methods that can cost-effectively attain reliable data from specialised fisheries that lack a complete licence list frame of participants. It may also be particularly useful in situations where the participants are too rare within the wider population to be sampled in sufficient numbers using traditional survey methods.

RDS is a peer-driven recruitment process initiated by a small number (4-6) of members, or ‘seeds’, from the target population who each complete a questionnaire. On completion, each person is given a small 'initial reward' and 2-3 uniquely coded coupons to pass to eligible peers. The person is instructed they will receive a 'secondary reward' if their peers recruit to the survey. When each peer is recruited and completes a questionnaire, they are also given two coupons to pass to other eligible peers. This chain-referral process continues and produces rapidly expanding recruitment chains until the sample reaches ‘equilibrium’, whereby the proportion of population characteristics (e.g. gender, age) no longer change with further sampling.

The Tasmanian government issues a number of specialised recreational fishing licences without exemptions, which provided an opportunity to trial RDS and assess its efficacy against the known population of licence holders. These include the Tasmanian recreational set-line and rock lobster fisheries. The set line fishery is specialised in terms of the species targeted and the gear used (mainly longline). The number of licence holders is around 4000. The Tasmanian recreational rock lobster fishery again has no licence exception but is larger with around 18,000 licences issued per year.

We used the RDS method to study three populations. First, we undertook a pilot survey of a staff population at the Ecosciences Precinct (ESP), Brisbane to optimise sampling and operational procedures and validate the mechanics of the RDS method. ESP housed 827 staff at the time of the survey representing CSIRO, four government departments, and three universities. This urban and socially cohesive population experienced a range of hardships during a forced re-location to ESP from various locations around Brisbane. As such, the pilot survey of their experiences during the relocation resulted in a high level of engagement in the process. The mechanics of the survey performed as planned, with ‘waves’ of respondents being recruited from an initial seeding of 7 individuals. In total, 394 coupons were issued and 197 interviews completed. All but 10 of the respondents originated from the one seed.

Subsequently, two field trials of RDS within the Tasmanian recreational set-line fishery and rock lobster fishery were conducted. As a precursor to these trials, a workshop with recreational fisheries representatives was undertaken to explore the logistical details associated with implementing an RDS survey. The workshop was attended by international RDS experts, fisheries scientists, statisticians, a fishery manager, and recreational fishing group representatives. One key recommendation from the workshop was to undertake focus group meetings with set-line fishers to seek feedback on specific aspects of the survey method (e.g., incentive amount and type), which were undertaken in Devonport and Hobart.

The survey of Tasmanian recreational set-line fishers was conducted between November 2014 and April 2015. We developed a survey tool and database “RDS-Recfish”, for implementing RDS surveys, managing coupons and incentives. A prototype of this tool was trialled at the focus group workshops and refined following feedback on the questionnaire and survey structure. RDS-Recfish was then used to implement the first RDS survey. Initially, total of six seeds were recruited to start the survey, based on their geographic location and fishing club membership status. However, long sequence chains of RDS recruits did not occur from these seeds. From 27 recruitment coupons that were circulated by the seeds, only three fishers were recruited. A follow-up survey indicated seeds had no issues distributing coupons to other fishers, however many noted ‘obvious scepticism’ when trying to explain the research objectives to potential recruits.

The second field trial of RDS involved the Tasmanian recreational rock lobster fishery. Based on the findings from our set-line study, we adapted our methods to increase the likelihood of developing long recruitment chains that expanded into the general population of fishers. This involved dramatically expanding the number of initial seeds to 41 fishers over multiple waves of recruitment, seeding across potential barriers to recruitment—namely geography and gear type—and undertaking personal briefings of seeds and a follow up survey to better understand psychological aspects of the recruitment process. While our follow up survey indicated that most seeds had passed on their coupons, only five eligible fishers were recruited from the 135 coupons distributed.

While there appeared to be no issue with distribution of the coupons by the seeds the following key mechanic of the method, which required the coupon recruited fisher to make a phone call on their own initiative back to the researcher, rarely occurred. A level of psychological inertia was not overcome by these fishers, as they were not sufficiency motivated to make this call. We think that in additional to the generous monetary reward offered, another strong non-monetary incentive may also have been required, such as was the case in the ESP study, to improve the survey response rate.

There has been widespread success of RDS in a range of highly connected hard-to-reach populations (e.g., illicit drug users) in densely populated urban settings. We think that in addition to fishers not be motivated by the solidarity of stigmatisation - they are after all participating in a legal and licenced activity with strong cultural roots – potentially their low frequency of social interactions may have been a further impediment to their motivation to make contact with the researcher.  In other RDS research including our office block EPS study close, repeated close social interactions with seeds can provides ‘peer pressure’ or ‘group-mediated social control’ to encourage participation in the survey.

Another potential impediment was the choice of contact technology. In addition to declines in land-line use there has been a further recent shift towards text based communication by the general population. The survey was dependent on voice phone calls, and paper coupons. While other methods, such as SMS, could be used to distribute coupons codes, fishers still needed to ring a phone number and leave a voice message. An option to establish communication via various on-line text forms (i.e. social media) may have improved the response. 

A further possibility for the failure, particularly of the set line case study, was scepticism among fishers that the use of research survey data will be used as a justification for implementing management measures to limit their fishing opportunities. Such negative attitudes towards research have the potential to spread through the social networks of fishers to inhibit RDS recruitment. However, in the rock lobster fisher study, there was strong support for the science aims of the work both by seeds and during the follow up survey.

Finally, we were not able to test the representativeness of the data as we could not get the mechanics of the RDS method to work for our two case study fisheries. However a simulation of the RDS methods suggested that differential recruitment by seeds of fishers can lead to substantial bias and this bias cannot be detected from the RDS sample alone.

Despite the comprehensive preparation and collective efforts of our team, international RDS experts, recreational fisheries survey design experts, fishery managers and recreational fishing advisory members, RDS did not function as anticipated in two distinct recreational fisheries trials. Through the field trials, the simple act of calling the project’s freecall telephone number appeared to present the greatest impediment to recruitment from the many fishers who accepted a coupon from their peers to participate in the surveys. Our method may not have also accounted for other specific psycho-social factors that created impediments to recruitment. Further work focusing on the motivations of fishers to participate in research surveys, their preferred communication technology, their psychological responses to incentive types, and the social inertia that needs to be overcome to recruit one’s peers, may guide researchers to continue to adapt interview methods for recreational fisheries research.

Without a highly motivated population of socially closely connected fishers, RDS does not appear to be cost-effective method for obtaining representative catch, effort, social and economic data from recreational fisheries.

Future trials of similar methods for surveying recreational fisheries may consider using other types of survey administration that do not require direct voice contact with staff (e.g. self-administered surveys online via social media) may result in more recruitment. However, such methods need careful consideration and testing prior to use since they may introduce a suite of poorly understood sampling biases that compromise the representativeness of the sample.

A repeat of previous economic surveys of the recreational rock lobster fishery, based on a representative sample of the licence frame, could provide an interesting assessment of high value placed on landing lobsters.    

The influence of fish movement on regional fishery production and stock structure for South Australia's Snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) fishery

Project number: 2012-020
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $371,409.00
Principal Investigator: Anthony J. Fowler
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2012 - 29 Sep 2014


Developing a comprehensive understanding of the movement patterns and stock structure of a fish species is crucial for identifying the appropriate scale and strategy for management.

In south eastern Australia, there are several adjacent Snapper fisheries operating in South Australian (SA), Victorian and Commonwealth waters that are managed using different strategies. The SA fishery, currently Australia’s largest Snapper fishery, is divided into contiguous regions whose relative contributions to total catch have changed dramatically in recent years. The extent to which these different regional or jurisdictional populations represent a single or multiple stocks is poorly understood because of the limited understanding of the patterns of fish movement. For example, have the recent high catches of Snapper from Northern Gulf St. Vincent and South East resulted from high levels of biomass built up through local demographic processes or have fish moved in from adjacent regions or possibly even from Victorian or Commonwealth waters? If large-scale movement is involved, it must be temporally complex as it appears to not conform to a regular, annual pattern. The need here is to elucidate the regions of origin and movement patterns of fish that currently contribute to high regional catches in SA to inform about the demographic processes that drive the spatial and temporal variation in fishery productivity. This will point to the appropriate spatial scale for management. It would also provide insight for resource allocation amongst the different fisheries, which is currently being considered by AFMF to improve resource sharing arrangements for Snapper.


1. To determine the origins of Snapper that occupy the different regions of South Australian waters, and determine if and when during their life histories that any large-scale movement took place to account for current patterns of dispersion. This will be based on a suite of otolith-based techniques.
2. To develop a better understanding of the movement behaviour of Snapper at several spatial and temporal scales throughout Gulf St. Vincent (SA), using acoustic telemetry techniques.
3. To develop a better spatial management strategy for the Snapper fisheries of south eastern Australia based on our enhanced understanding of inter-regional and cross-jurisdictional fish movement.

Final report

Final Report • 18.28 MB


From 2007 onwards, South Australia’s snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) fishery underwent significant and unprecedented changes that impacted on the management of the fishery.   This ultimately reflected our poor understanding of the movement behaviour of snapper and its consequences for stock structure.  This collaborative project that ran from 2012 to 2014 and involved SARDI and Fisheries Victoria was aimed at redressing our poor understanding of snapper movement and stock structure throughout south eastern Australia.   

The study included the largest and most comprehensive application of an otolith chemistry study for snapper, as well as the first completed acoustic telemetry study on snapper in Australia.  From the various findings, hypotheses were developed to account for the recent regional trends in population dynamics.  Fundamentally, these relate to inter-annual variation in recruitment to the three primary nursery areas of south eastern Australia, i.e. Northern Spencer Gulf (NSG), Southern Spencer Gulf (SSG), and Port Phillip Bay, Victoria (PPB).   The other regional populations of South Australia depend on supplementation through emigration from these source populations.  The latter regions included: the South East (SE) which depends on recruitment into and emigration from PPB; Southern Spencer Gulf (SSG) and probably also the west coast of Eyre Peninsula (WC) that depend on emigration from Northern Spencer Gulf (NSG); and Southern Gulf St. Vincent (SGSV) that depends on movement from Northern Gulf St. Vincent.  The relationship between the three nursery areas and the regions to which fish emigrate determines the stock structure.  As such, the three stocks that influence fishery catches in South Australia are the SG/WC Stock, GSV Stock and Western Victorian Stocks. 

Optimising the collection of relative abundance data for the pipi population in New South Wales

Project number: 2012-018
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $352,911.00
Principal Investigator: Charles A. Gray
Organisation: Sydney Institute of Marine Science (SIMS)
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2012 - 7 Dec 2014


Long-term information on the abundance and size structure of pipi stocks in NSW is needed to support new management arrangements for the pipi component of the Estuary General fishery. This will provide data that can be used to assess how successful management measures have been at rebuilding stocks and maintaining sustainable levels of harvest. It will also be useful as input information in modelling exercises that may be used in the future, particularly if output controls are used in managing the fishery. Catch per unit effort (cpue) data is not a reliable measure of relative abundance for pipis because the species forms dense aggregations so that catch rates can remain high whist abundance on a beach is actually declining. Also, the unit of fishing effort may not be standard and catches may not be representative of all sizes of pipis so that estimates of spawner and recruit abundance are biased. Further, it can be difficult for industry to sample the whole population such that abundances outside fished areas and sizes of pipi clumps remain unknown. Therefore, it is important that a fishery independent strategy be developed to verify patterns from fishery dependent sources and to collect information on those life stages of the pipis not representatively sampled during normal fishing operations. Combining the expertise of fishers with the use of non-selective sampling equipment provides the best opportunity to develop a cost-efficient fisher-independent strategy. Adopting a collaborative approach which incorporates information from fishery-dependent and independent sources gives the best chance of developing an overall cost-efficient sampling strategy. It s important that fishers be included in all aspects of the survey strategy so that they are familiar with the data collected, have confidence in the stock assessment, and are comfortable in discussing management options.


1. Determine the distribution (including the seaward range) of pipis across the beach.
2. Assess fishery dependent and fishery independent techniques in developing a practical, cost-efficient and collaborative strategy for surveying the relative abundance and size structure of pipi populations that will provide the information needed for management of these stocks in the long-term.

RAC WA: Demographic Performance of Brownlip Abalone: Exploration of Wild and Cultured Harvest Potential

Project number: 2012-016
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $299,436.00
Principal Investigator: Lachlan Strain
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 7 Jun 2012 - 29 Jun 2014


Brownlip abalone (Haliotis conicopora) is the largest and possibly fastest growing abalone species in Australia. It is a characteristically unique abalone species, reaching considerably larger maximum sizes (>230 mm), than greenlip (200 mm) and displaying very cryptic behaviour within an extremely limited habitat of caves and crevices. Due to its large size and high meat yield (approx. 35% greater meat weight per length than greenlip abalone) it is extremely suitable for the lucrative wild and brand new cultured or ocean grown, whole meat export markets.

Brownlip abalone currently comprises a small, but very valuable component of the commercial wild abalone fishery in WA (annual value: $1.6 million) and since 1998, annual catches have risen by 25% to over 40 tonnes. However it is yet to be expanded in any quantities in the ocean grown or aquaculture industries. This increase in demand has caused a necessity to further explore the brownlip abalone wild, ocean grown and cultured harvest potentials.

The limitation associated with this exploration is the restriction of information on habitat, growth and mortality of wild populations and the understanding of aquaculture systems and growth rates. The extent of habitat limitation is a key unknown for this species and identification of suitable habitat allows for the potential of stock enhancement to be assessed as a fisheries management tool. Habitat enhancement and ocean grow-out through artificially created reefs could also be considered as a unique production method. Overall the brownlip abalone has marked room for expansion in a variety of production techniques to further enlarge this untapped resources’ harvest potential.


1. Determine the growth and natural mortality of wild brownlip abalone populations.
2. Determine growth rates and mortality of cultured brownlip abalone.
3. Habitat identification to determine release mortality, growth, survival and recapture parameters for potential brownlip abalone stock enhancement.
4. Develop fishing size limits and optimal market sizes based on size distribution and growth to examine the harvest potential of the total industry.
5. Preliminary integrated length-based model and harvest/fishing sizes determined

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-877098-71-0 (Online) 978-1-877098-70-3 (Print)
Author: Lachlan Strain
Final Report • 2017-06-28 • 3.48 MB


The report provides a comprehensive evaluation of Brownlip Abalone biology and fisheries assessment to date. For wild populations, it has provided the most reliable estimates of natural and fishing mortality, size composition and the first to model growth throughout all stages of life. The project has also demonstrated the species ability to be commercially produced in Aquaculture
Keywords: Brownlip Abalone, Haliotis conicopora, Tag-recapture, Aquaculture, Growth Model, Catch curve analysis, Per recruit analysis, Integrated length-based model

RAC WA: Improving confidence in the management of the blue swimmer crab (Portunus armatus) in Shark Bay

Project number: 2012-015
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $675,281.70
Principal Investigator: Mervi Kangas
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2012 - 29 Jun 2015


There is a critical need to improve the management of the Shark Bay crab fishery, especially since its expansion to become the highest producing blue swimmer crab fishery in Australia. This rapid growth has caused scientific understanding of the stocks to lag behind, raising questions on the viability of current catch levels and a precautionary approach to management in the absence of adequate stock assessment. Recent declines in recruitment and catch rates have highlighted the need to address knowledge gaps on the factors influencing recruitment, biology and stock status of the Shark Bay crab fishery before a decision-rule framework can be developed to allow both sectors to fish this valuable resource to its sustainable level. A recent external scientific review confirmed this lack of knowledge is hindering the development of future effective management strategies and resource sharing arrangements. Determination of key fisheries and biological parameters and development of stock assessment models will empower scientists and managers to better understand the resource and make the best decisions for allocation between the trap, trawl and recreational sectors. A socio-economic analysis of individual fishers and collective industry business operations will identify the role, value and importance of blue swimmer crabs to the viability of the trap and trawl sectors. The social and economic role of the commercial and recreational crab fishery within the wider Gascoyne and Western Australian community will highlight direct and indirect benefits of this fishery, which are not fully understood at present.


1. To examine key drivers of blue swimmer crab recruitment in Shark Bay, particularly environmental factors associated with low recruitment
2. Determine the socio-economic significance of the blue swimmer crabs to the commercial trap and trawl sectors in Shark Bay
3. Hosting the Third National Workshop on Blue Swimmer Crab in 2015

Revolutionising fish ageing: Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy to Age Fish

Project number: 2012-011
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $179,612.00
Principal Investigator: Julie B. Robins
Organisation: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries EcoScience Precinct
Project start/end date: 3 Jun 2012 - 29 Mar 2014


Estimates of the age structure of fish populations are central to assessing the status of fished stocks, evaluating management strategies and the impact of fishing. Determining fish age is usually done by counting growth checks in fish otoliths. This is generally a laborious, time-consuming process involving considerable preparation of the otoliths (resin-embedding, cutting and polishing) prior to ring-counting. This proposal aims to develop and validate a rapid innovative method for ageing fish based on an analysis of otoliths by NIRS. With increasing costs and, in some jurisdictions, diminishing R&D budgets, collection and ageing of representative fish samples becomes increasingly difficult. If NIRS is as efficient at determining fish age as the preliminary study suggests, it will be a breakthrough of global significance.

Commonwealth and State legislation requires that fishery resources be managed sustainably. Age-based stock assessment methods are one of the most informative tools available for assessing Australia’s fisheries. The collection of otoliths from recreational and commercial catches is undertaken across a wide range of fisheries as part of fishery monitoring and assessment programs.

This proposal addresses the need and QFRAB priority for:

• Developing innovative tools and technologies for managing Australian fisheries

• Developing more efficient, cost-effective ways of obtaining the information needed to undertake age-based fishery assessments

• More reliable fishery assessments by improving the availability and quality of age information from fish population samples


1. Evaluate Near Infrared Spectrometry (NIRS) as a reliable, repeatable, cost-effective method of ageing fish
2. Determine the effect (if any) of otolith storage time (years/ months) on NIRS estimates of age.
3. Determine the effect of geographic location (including latitude) distribution on NIRS algorithium stability.
4. Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of ageing fish by NIRS vs. standard otolith ageing, and develop optimised fish sampling regimes with respect to ‘cost’ (defined in terms of labour, lab time, field costs, etc).

Final report

ISBN: 978 0 7345 0449 4
Authors: J.B. Robins B.B. Wedding C. Wright S. Grauf M. Sellin A. Fowler T. Saunders and S. Newman
Final Report • 2015-05-14 • 5.87 MB


Results from the current ‘proof of concept’ study indicate that near infrared (NIR) spectra collected from fish otoliths have potential to estimate the age of Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) and Snapper (Pagrus auratus), with performance varying between species and locality of capture. A case study of hypothetical running costs suggest significant cost savings could be achieved if NIRS is used to supplement standard fish ageing methods. However, there is considerable time (i.e., at least 3 years) and start-up costs to develop and validate NIRS calibration models for fish age to a point where only model maintenance is required (i.e., running costs). Results also indicate that NIRS may be particularly useful for spatial (e.g. stock) discrimination. The potential applicability of NIRS was recognised by end-user
stakeholders in Queensland and the Northern Territory, who are proposing further research work.

Understanding what NIRS measures in fish otoliths and how this is correlated with age (or geographic location) was a common desire of fisheries end-users in all jurisdictions, because this knowledge could reduce error and would significantly enhance the applicability of NIRS technology in fisheries science.

Assessing the impact of marine seismic surveys on southeast Australian scallop and lobster fisheries

Project number: 2012-008
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $694,119.95
Principal Investigator: Jayson M. Semmens
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 31 Aug 2012 - 5 Jun 2016


Seismic surveys are commonly undertaken within southeast Australian waters, often overlapping commercial fishing grounds. The fishing industry is now very concerned about the potential of intense low frequency acoustic signals produced during these surveys to disturb, harm or even kill fisheries species. The limited number of studies conducted to date generally report that fish can demonstrate behavioural responses to seismic activities, including startle and flight responses, displacement, dispersal, and disruption of feeding or breeding activity. These behavioural responses could in turn result in changes in commercial catch rates. Conversely, the bulk of the available literature examining the effect of seismic surveys on invertebrates suggests that they may be relatively resilient to seismic sound. However, there have been very few dedicated studies of the effects of marine seismic surveys on invertebrates, and as such the testing protocols have not directly considered invertebrates. In the light of a general lack of well-designed studies examining the effect of marine seismic surveys on invertebrates and in the absence of any detailed specific studies on commercial scallops and southern rock lobster, fishers in both Victoria and Tasmania have lobbied for dedicated research targeting these valuable resources. This study aims to use a field and laboratory experimental approach to determine the impact of marine seismic surveys on these important fisheries species. The results obtained will also be broadly applicable to scallop and spiny lobster fisheries throughout Australia, and mollusc and crustacean fisheries in general.


1. Determine the impact of intense low frequency acoustic signals on adult southern rock lobsters, including berried (egg carrying) females
2. Determine the impact of intense low frequency acoustic signals on adult commercial scallops
3. Outline threshold distances for potential impacts of seismic surveying

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-95910-8
Authors: Ryan D. Day Robert D. McCauley Quinn P. Fitzgibbon Klaas Hartmann and Jayson M. Semmens
Final Report • 2016-10-19 • 6.52 MB


The present study, undertaken by University of Tasmania’s Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies in conjunction with Curtin University’s Centre for Marine Science and Technology, was developed to investigate the potential impact of seismic surveys on economically important fishery species. Substantial overlap exists between important fishing grounds and areas of interest for oil and gas exploration within southeast Australian waters. The fishing industry is now very concerned about the potential of intense low frequency acoustic signals produced during these surveys to disturb, harm or even kill fisheries species. Studies conducted to date generally report that fish can demonstrate behavioural responses to seismic activities, including startle and flight responses, displacement, dispersal, and disruption of feeding or breeding activity. These behavioural responses could in turn result in changes in commercial catch rates. There have been very few dedicated studies of the effects of marine seismic surveys on invertebrates, and the limited information on invertebrates suggests that they may be relatively resilient to seismic sound, however, further research is required before the impacts of seismic activity on commercially important invertebrates can be dismissed. In the light of a general lack of well-designed and scientifically rigorous studies examining the effect of marine seismic surveys on invertebrates and in the absence of any detailed specific studies on commercial scallops (Pecten fumatus) and southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii), fishers in Victoria and Tasmania have lobbied for dedicated research targeting these valuable resources. This study aimed to use a field and laboratory experimental approach to determine the impact of marine seismic surveys on these important fisheries species. The results obtained are broadly applicable to scallop and spiny lobster fisheries throughout the world, and bivalve and crustacean fisheries in general.

Aquatic Animal Health Technical Forum

Project number: 2012-002
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $51,000.00
Principal Investigator: Nette Williams
Organisation: CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory
Project start/end date: 14 Jun 2012 - 29 Jun 2015


Aquaculture is expanding not only overseas but also in Australia and this has attracted a cadre of young scientists with little experience in aquatic animal health. Although not all “aquatic” techniques are unique there are some aspects that are specific to aquatic technical skills and procedures. In addition, some of these inexperienced scientists/technologists feel that they are on their own and are even intimidated to request assistance. In some instances they don’t know where to go or whom to ask for input or direction.
The “aquatic animal heath” discipline involves a relatively small number of specialists that do not get the opportunity to convene at meetings/workshops/ conferences as often as those involved in the terrestrial animal health sphere.
The forum activities will include;
1) the planning and hosting of annual training workshop

2) further development of the established email discussion group

The forum would be open to all aquatic animal health specialists and industry personnel eg. fish farm staff who will be encouraged to register as a member of the forum. The forum will include annual workshops for participants with a variety of skills and levels of experience and who are resident at government laboratories, universities and colleges. This will build on the previous skills workshops that have been conducted in 2010 and 2011, which has assisted in the development of functional networks for the exchange of information and enhancement of the skills of the aquatic animal health service providers and on farm staff.
In addition to developing a valuable national resource - a repository of technical knowledge – the forum provides mentoring to the new generation of laboratory technicians, students and staff at diagnostic laboratories, teaching institutions and aquaculture enterprises.


1. To further develop the email discussion group for the Aquatic animal health technical forum
2. To ensure the continuation of technical information transfer between forum members
3. To organise annual workshops at various institutes that provide specific aquatic animal health services.
4. To open the forum to international participation and thus enhancing the knowledge base of the forum members, for example exotic diseases.
5. To canvass State Departments for potential funding contributions to enable the continuation of the forum beyond 2015.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-4863-0593-3
Author: Lynette M Willliams

Aquatic animal health subprogram: Strategic planning, project management and adoption

Project number: 2012-001
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $434,642.00
Principal Investigator: Mark S. Crane
Organisation: CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory
Project start/end date: 13 May 2012 - 29 Jun 2016


AAHS provides a cohesive national approach to aquatic animal health R&D in Australia by providing leadership, direction and focus for health R&D and other related non-R&D activities. AAHS was renewed in 2008 based on national need, previous performance and strong stakeholder support. Key strengths include its strategic focus and the establishment of a network of aquatic animal health experts and research providers. Continuation of AAHS on the basis of a shared financial commitment by stakeholders from industry and governments is highly desirable.

Australia’s aquatic animal sector is free from many diseases that occur overseas, providing us with a competitive advantage in both production and trade. While the number of aquatic animal species and the absolute number of aquatic animals being farmed in Australia is increasing annually, new diseases caused by emerging infectious agents (e.g. abalone herpesvirus, oyster oedema disease, ostreid herpesvirus) continue to threaten the sustainability of significant enterprises and the call on health services to support this expanding industry is growing.

In addition to aquaculture, aquatic animal health R&D is required for the other aquatic animal sectors, including wild-capture (c.f. Streptococcus agalactiae in grouper), recreational and ornamental (c.f. gourami iridovirus), that share the aquatic environment. Thus health services need to be coordinated across these sectors to ensure synergy while avoiding duplication. FRDC, through AAHS, plays a major role in addressing research needs and training in aquatic animal health. With its incumbent expertise and experience, AAHS is able to direct these activities in the most pressing areas.


1. To manage a portfolio of R&D projects that are directly concerned with aquatic animal health and are not covered by other FRDC subprograms.
2. In consultation with key stakeholders (industry and aquatic animal health specialists) develop strategic directions for R&D.
3. Facilitate the dissemination of information and results
4. To manage and report on the AABERA workshop - national aquatic biosecurity.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-4863-0697-8
Author: Mark Crane
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