34,221 results

SCRC: SCRC Abalone Research Forum

Project number: 2011-773
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Caleb Gardner
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 31 Dec 2011 - 29 Jun 2012


The CRC has a significant investment in abalone production from both aquaculture and wild catch sectors. This project will address two needs across this broad suite of projects.

The first is to engage with national and international industry members, researchers and managers, working on similar topics elsewhere in the world to avoid repetition of existing and future research, learn from their experiences, and to ensure that CRC research is cutting edge.
The second is to enhance the outcomes from these projects through engaging with and communicating to numerous national and international stakeholders.

The forum proposed here is a cost effective opportunity to address these needs for CRC projects on abalone for both production sectors. It will be held as part of the 8th International Abalone Symposium in Hobart in May 2012 so that research and participants from elsewhere can be part of the sessions.

The CRC Forum will run over at least a single day to encourage participation of industry at a conference that would otherwise be dominated by academics. Funding sought here is to subsidise industry attendance to increase participation.

The forum will be based on areas of CRC research activity:
1) Reseeding workshop
2) Marketing session
3) SnailBASE workshop
4) Aquaculture nutrition session

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925982-40-4
Author: Caleb Gardner and Nick Elliot
Final Report • 2012-06-30 • 394.30 KB


The main aim of this project was to engage with national and international industry members, researchers and managers, working on topics similar to CRC projects elsewhere in the world. The CRC Abalone Forum was run in Hobart in May 2012, in conjunction the 8th International Abalone Symposium in Hobart in May 2012 so that research and participants from elsewhere could be part of the sessions. The conference and thus the forum attracted a large number of registrants (261) from 19 countries.  The forum dealt with areas of special relevance to CRC projects and was effective in generating outputs from the CRC with many papers currently under review for publication in a refereed journal.  The forum also included sponsorship for industry registrations which contributed to the larger than usual participation of industry in this type of event (130 registrations).

The reseeding workshop was held to review and reinvigorate the concept of abalone enhancement. Enhancement operations were showcased from Japan, the USA and New Zealand. Presentations explored field methods of stock enhancement/reseeding and evaluating survival to help direct future efforts and maximise efficacy.

The CRC has substantial investment in marketing.  The forum assisted with this through the presentation of information on global production and markets. The intent was to develop a better-informed Australian research and industry community fully aware of the latest global trends.

A workshop was also held to progress the development of “SnailBASE” which involved participants from several countries.

SCRC: Masters: Impacts and predictive modelling of coastal upwelling on the South Australian oyster industry

Project number: 2011-772
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Gustaaf Hallegraeff
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 30 Apr 2012 - 29 Mar 2014


Independent collectors have been collecting water samples within harvesting areas for over 10 years. These samples have been provided to SASQAP for testing and record keeping. The information is primarily used to identify the presence of and levels of toxic dinoflagellates in the water column, which may be filtered by oysters and then cause sickness (or worse) in humans if consumed. The presence of other phytoplankton is also monitored. The data has not been compiled, or studied to determine any correlations with weather patterns, growth / condition / health of oysters or unexplained mortalities.
This project is needed by the SA oyster industry, to understand the presence of phytoplanton (or lack thereof) with weather conditions or mortality events. This will then inform growers of best farming times, provide a predictive ability to put product in the water and give some certainty as to mortality events (if in fact presence or lack of dinoflagellates has an impact).

Seafood CRC: genetic selection for Amoebic Gill Disease (AGD) resilience in the Tasmanian Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) breeding program

Project number: 2011-771
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $80,674.29
Principal Investigator: Richard Taylor
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 15 Jan 2012 - 19 Jan 2014


Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective (AquaGen, 2006). The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gillscore fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal (Olesen, et al., 2000) allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.

This project addresses various aspects of the TSGA TC 2011 R&D Strategy: (1) Fish Health (AGD)- Treatments; Selective breeding program; Epidemiology and pathobiology; Determination of what is actually killing fish; and (2) Production - Genetic health surveillance; Improving on-farm management. By helping to ensure that animal robustness is considered in the breeding goal, the project also relates to key aspects of the Seafood CRC Breeding for Profit theme (Strategy #1 Development and implementation of breeding programs for improvement of commercially important traits; Strategy #3 Appropriate application of emerging and complementary technologies and Strategy #4 Commercialisation strategies for genetics improvement in aquaculture). In addition, the animal welfare aspects of this project will assist in sustainable and ethical seafood production.


1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas SBP population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait.
2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits.
3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-4863-0455-4
Authors: Richard S. Taylor Peter D. Kube Brad S. Evans and Nicholas G. Elliott
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP
Final Report • 2015-08-01 • 1.43 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) continues to have a significant economic impact upon production of sea-farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. Reducing mortality is economically important for the fish farmer and is equally important from an animal welfare perspective. The process of freshwater bathing invariably involves a level of fish mortality. Although the main determining factor of handling loss is the proportion of high gill score fish in the population, there is evidence of resilience and susceptibility to handling events that may be independent of the level of gill pathology. Fish farmers are constantly refining techniques to minimise handling losses, but there is also a need to ensure that that animal welfare and sustainability can be incorporated in the breeding goal allowing production of robust animals through selective breeding.
The potential benefits of improved AGD resilience could be gauged on a number of levels. Disease resilience and decreased handling may potentially be worth $1.47 m to the industry.

Project Objectives

  1. Determine the level of genetic variation within the Saltas selective breeding program population associated with AGD handling resilience, and the opportunity and risk for selection for this trait
  2. Establish the level of genetic variation in the Saltas SBP population associated with cardiovascular traits and the opportunity and risk for selection of these traits
  3. Establish the level of genetic correlation between cardiovascular and AGD resilience traits
  4. Examine cost-effective and non-destructive resilience selection traits that can be applied to freshwater broodstock within the Saltas SBP

SCRC: Corporate membership of the Ehrenberg-Bass Marketing Research Institute

Project number: 2011-764
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Larry Lockshin
Organisation: University of South Australia
Project start/end date: 24 Oct 2011 - 29 Jul 2014


The previous relationship between Seafood CRC and EMBRI went wrong because the CRC was asking EMBRI to do things that had no relationship to their R&D interests. The relationship is now much better as a result of meetings with the new head of marketing where the CRC learned about what EMBRI prefers to investigate. EMBRI has an interst in the science of industry - wide marketing and has a high degree of expertise in this area as it relates to wine. The involvement of Tassal with the CRC and EMBRI is also a positive development.

The CRC needs professional input into all of our marketing projects. This input is needed at the early project develpoment phses, during execution and during reviews. We also need a capaifty to deliver professional marketing R&D if we are to gain significant interaction with supermarkets, large seafood wholesalers and large seafood producers such as Tassal that employ their own professional marketing staff.

As a way to cement a new realtionship with EMBRI it has been proposed that the Seafood CRC joins the institute as a Corporate Member.

Seafood CRC: recovering a collapsed abalone stock through translocation

Project number: 2011-762
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $175,096.72
Principal Investigator: Lachlan Strain
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 31 Dec 2011 - 29 Jan 2014


In the summer of 2010/11, the abalone stocks in Kalbarri region of Western Australia suffered a devastating mortality as result of a sustained period of elevated water temperatures, now being termed the "2011 marine heatwave" off Western Australia. Both commercial and recreational abalone fisheries have subsequently been closed to fishing to protect any remaining animals and promote natural recovery. Unfortunately however, the severe extent of the mortality (>99.9%) means that natural recovery is unlikely within the next 10-20 years. One of the key predictions of the impacts of a changing environment on fisheries is increased variability as well as increased average SST, with consequent effects of range contractions or extension of species at the edges of their natural range. This particular case represents a perfect example of this effect, as this abalone fishery (Area 8 fishery) is located at the northern end of the species (Haliotis roei) range.

The question now being asked by stakeholders is whether recovery of this fishery can be assisted using the latest knowledge in translocation, stocking and restocking methodology, which the Department holds particular expertise in. This incident provides an opportunity to test an important management strategy, namely will the establishment of a founder population be a viable tool for fishery restoration, particularly in stocks like abalone that have localised recruitment? This can be determined by comparing natural and assisted recovery rates and evaluating the genetic contribution of existing and founder populations. Such a study is relevant to all Australian abalone fisheries and an integral part of understanding how fisheries populations can be sustained in a changing environment.


1. To establish founder populations of roe's abalone in areas of mass mortality
2. To evaluate the genetic structure of existing and founder populations
3. To compare natural and assisted recovery rates of roe's abalone populations
4. To evaluate the genetic contribution of existing and founder populations to stock recovery

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-921258-39-8
Authors: Lachlan W. S. Strain Jamin M. Brown and Anthony M. Hart
Final Report • 2019-10-01 • 5.43 MB


A Roe’s Abalone (Haliotis roei) fishery in Western Australia (Area 8) suffered catastrophic mortality (99.9%) due to an anomalous environmental event in the summer of 2011. During this extreme marine heatwave there was a sustained period of elevated sea surface temperatures that rose to lethal levels for this species and effectively wiped out an entire stock at its northern distribution. Natural recovery within the foreseeable future was considered unlikely, thus providing a unique opportunity to test fishery restoration strategies for abalone. Over the course of this assisted recovery program (5.5 years) no natural recovery was observed in the region most affected by the mortality event. 
The objective of this study was to investigate the viability of recovering a collapsed Roe’s Abalone population through the creation of founder populations. Given the extent of the mortality event north of the Murchison River, near Kalbarri, Western Australia, reef platforms devoid of abalone were identified as release sites to create founder populations. For these founder populations to be viable breeding populations, the aim was to achieve at least 500 adult Roe’s Abalone at densities greater than 3 per m2 on the reef platforms.

Seafood CRC: optimisation of viral clearance from broodstock prawns using targeted RNA interference

Project number: 2011-761
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $113,712.89
Principal Investigator: Melony J. Sellars
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 31 Dec 2011 - 27 Feb 2014


Outbreaks of viral disease accompanied by morbidity and mortalities occur sporadically in Australian prawn farms and are generally worst when environmental conditions are less favourable, as in the recent 2010/2011 grow-out season. Poor survival and poor market quality caused by viral disease can impact significantly on farm productivity and even the larger and more sophisticated operations are vulnerable. As the Australian industry moves towards the use of domesticated lines of genetically improved prawn species, there is an increasing need for a method capable of clearing or markedly reducing viral infection loads from valuable broodstock, thus minimizing the risks of infection being passed to progeny, either as part of breeding programs or for commercial production. Similarly, as the infection prevalence of viruses can be high amongst wild-caught broodstock still used in most hatcheries, an easy and commercially-applicable method for clearing or reducing viral infection loads would have broad industry value. In the case of Australian farmed P. monodon, GAV has the highest economic impact of known viral pathogens whilst for Australian farmed Banana prawns (Penaeus merguiensis), it is Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV). This project will therefore optimise RNAi methods to clear GAV from P. monodon whilst also producing putative RNAi reagents suitable for accomplishing the same with the Australian strain of HPV for future use in P. merguiensis. The HPV-specific dsRNAs generated will be used in this project as non-GAV non-specific controls during optimisation of dsRNAs targeted specifically at GAV.As mentioned earlier, the industry value of this project is demonstrated by the strong letter of support from the APFA attached to this application.


1. A suite of dsRNAs targeted to GAV
2. Knowledge of the efficacy of muscle injection of the dsRNA suite in clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon with chronic GAV infection
3. Knowledge of the spawning performance of P. monodon broodstock in which GAV infection loads have been reduced or cleared using the RNAi strategy

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-4863-0375-5
Authors: Dr Melony J. Sellars Dr Jeff A. Cowley Ms Min Rao
Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

Final Report • 2013-12-01 • 402.98 KB


Economic losses due to diseases mostly caused by viruses remain a major obstacle to realizing the production potential of prawn aquaculture industries in many parts of the world. Broodstock used in prawn hatcheries in Australia are generally managed quite intensively and numbers used are generally low. Opportunities thus exist to inject broodstock with virus-specific dsRNAs to induce RNAi responses that reduce viral infection loads prior to them being mated and/or spawned to generate seedstock.

In Australia, disease caused by Gill-Associated Virus (GAV) infection results in the most substantial economic impacts to Banana Prawn farmers. Hepatopancreatic-parvovirus (HPV) or more recently named Penaeus merguiensis densovirus (PmergDNV) are the most problematic virus. This project aimed to optimise RNAi methods for clearing or reducing GAV infection loads in P. monodon broodstock and to produce RNAi reagents targeted to PmergDNV.

Juvenile P. monodon with subclinical GAV infections were collected from a farm in North Queensland and injected with different dsRNAs and infection loads in individuals were tracked. Reproductive assessment of egg and nauplii numbers and hatch rates showed that spawning performance of the females was not impaired by dsRNA injection.

This study demonstrated that the targeted injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs or a single dsRNA can reduce pre-existing infection loads in juvenile P. monodon. Similarly, the injection of a cocktail of 5 GAV dsRNAs in broodstock prawns appeared to reduce pre-existing infection loads without any adverse impacts on the ability of females to produce viable nauplii. This experiment provided the first evidence that an RNAi approach applied in hatcheries might be able to contribute to mitigation viral disease impacts in prawn aquaculture that are vertically transmitted to improve farm productivity.

SCRC: SCRC IB - Visiting existing Seriola seacage operations in Japan.(Rowan Kleindienst and Erica Starling)

Project number: 2011-759
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Erica O. Starling
Organisation: Indian Ocean Fresh Australia Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 30 Sep 2011 - 29 Dec 2011

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9808007-8-4
Author: Rowan Kleindienst
Final Report • 2011-10-20 • 947.37 KB


As a newly emerging Yellowtail Kingfish (Seriola lalandi) producer in WA, it would benefit staff members of Indian Ocean Fresh Australia to view much larger scale Yellowtail farms and understand how they are managed and how operations are conducted.

Areas of interest include:

  • Growth rates and nutritional issues
  • Fish health issues and disease management
  • Parasite management
  • Harvesting practices

This project allowed Indian Ocean Fresh Pty Ltd staff members to visit a Seriola sp seacage operation in Southern Japan. Japanese amberjack (Seriola quinqueradiata), Hiramasa (Seriola lalandi) and Kampachi (Seriola dumerili) farming has developed successfully over the last 30 years on a commercial scale in Japan and there are likely to be similarities in production issues especially in light of similar water temperatures in southern Japan and WA.

SCRC: Developing efficient diagnostic tools for assessing resistance to viral infection in abalone and oysters

Project number: 2011-758
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Peter Speck
Organisation: Flinders University
Project start/end date: 14 Mar 2012 - 29 Jan 2014


The molluscan fisheries and aquaculture industries in Australia are threatened by herpesviruses. AbHV caused mass mortalities on Victorian farms from 2005-07 and is endemic off Victorian and possibly Tasmanian coasts. Herpesviruses are known to reactivate under stress conditions, threatening future productivity in the abalone industry and limiting movement of broodstock. Recently, OsHV-1 has been detected in Pacific Oysters in NSW, where it caused mass mortality and threatens the entire Australian oyster industry.

Research in France, where OsHV-1 is endemic, indicates that it is possible to select for higher resistance to this virus in oysters (ie. there is a strong genetic effect on resistance). Work by CSIRO and NSWI&I confirms that resistance to OsHV-1 is under strong genetic control. Screening of resistance level in the context of survivors within selected families is now being incorporated as a component of CRC project 2009/743.

Because molluscs lack acquired immunity, they cannot be vaccinated. The only feasible way to counter the threat of these viruses is to identify and develop resistant populations. As part of our current CRC PhD project (2008/739), we have developed an assay for screening antiviral activity in abalone haemolymph. The next step is to identify antiviral agents in abalone and oysters so they can be used as efficient diagnostic tools for identifying virus-resistant stocks. Biological and chemical screening assays, using antiviral activity and antiviral agent respectively, will be applied to different genetic breeding lines of abalone and oysters. We need to know if these assays could be used to improve resistance and whether genetic improvement of other traits such as growth rate might be compromised. Genetic analysis will determine whether haemolymph antiviral activity is under genetic control, is positively correlated with survival after challenge, and whether there are any undesirable associated effects.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-92340-6
Authors: Dr P Speck A/Prof. K Benkendorff and Dr N Robinson.
Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

Final Report • 2014-06-01 • 205.62 KB


The project examined the genetic basis of antiviral resistance in oysters and abalone in response to the significant disease threats posed by oyster and abalone herpesviruses. Laboratory-based systems for the growth and assay of such viruses are problematic. The project undertook to measure the antiviral activity of different breeding lines of oysters and abalone using as a proxy measure the antiviral activity against the human herpesvirus HSV-1. We demonstrated that oysters and abalone have antiviral activity against HSV-1, and that this trait is heritable. We identified a hemolymph compound providing antiviral activity. Our analysis of the oyster genome identified what is likely to be a key role for the protein viperin in resistance to viral infection. The project has provided outstanding value in three important areas. First, in adding to the knowledge base directing mollusc breeding programs. Second, in enhancing knowledge of molluscan immunity to viral infections. Third, in building research and development capacity in the Australian seafood industry.

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