375 results

Development of a sustainable scallop (Ylistrum balloti) fisheries enhancement program for Western Australia: Preliminary Feasibility Study

Project number: 2019-068
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $920,050.00
Principal Investigator: Clayton M. Nelson
Organisation: One Sea Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 31 Oct 2020 - 30 Apr 2023


A substantial rise in future demand for seafood is forecast with ocean fishery productivity projected to decline by up to 50% in some fisheries due to ecological disruptions. A key challenge therefore will be maintaining fishery productivity. Shark Bay and the Abrolhos Islands scallop fisheries are prime examples - following the extreme marine heat wave of 2011 lost income from these fisheries is estimated at $53 million GVP, or $155 million including multipliers.

The integration of aquaculture and wild fisheries is becoming increasingly recognised as a tool for enhancing fishery productivity (Taylor et al, 2017). Re-stocking and stock enhancement following recruitment failure could lead to faster fishery recoveries, and also be used to supplement natural recruitment to provide a more consistent and higher yield harvest from year to year. Development of supply chains for scallops into domestic and overseas high-value live markets requires consistent supply. Due to climatic variability and highly variable natural recruitment there is an urgent need to investigate scallop stock enhancement using hatchery-produced juveniles in WA.

A key element for success will be the development of reliable, efficient and scalable seed production systems, which will be based on previous research findings integrated novel, contemporary shellfish production technology. During this project, 16 million cultured scallop spat are planned to be released. The annual yield of scallops from the Rottnest SWF Zone A is 25 to 50 tonnes (whole scallop weight), or approximately 250,000 - 500,000 scallops assuming an average weight of 0.100 kg/whole scallop. This Project aims to release on average 8 million spat each year of the Project (600,000, 1,500,000 and 6,000,000 of 10mm, 5mm and 2mm spat respectively), which could contribute 45,000 hatchery-produced scallops to the catch each year assuming 2.50%, 1.00% and 0.25% of 10mm, 5mm and 2mm spat released respectively were captured, increasing yield by 8.3 – 16.6 % in the annual production, demonstrating the feasibility of scallop stock enhancement.


1. Develop and validate genetic tools to determine parentage / origin of scallops and measure genetic diversity
2. Develop hatchery and nursery protocols for consistent production of scallop spat
3. Develop strategies and methodologies for scallop spat deployment and stock enhancement sampling
measurement of seeded scallop spat survivorship
assessment of effect of spat size at deployment on survival rates
duration of growth to market size
determine impact of enhancement

Knowledge to improve the assessment and management of Giant Mud Crabs (Scylla serrata) in Queensland

Project number: 2019-062
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $689,479.00
Principal Investigator: Julie B. Robins
Organisation: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries EcoScience Precinct
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2020 - 29 Jun 2024


Critical to the Harvest Strategy for the Qld Mud Crab Fishery are processes for monitoring and assessing fishery performance. Currently, the empirical and estimated indicators for this fishery are based on non-validated harvest and effort. Proposed fishery reforms (i.e., prior reporting of landings and 'market' tagging of harvested crabs) should improve harvest data reliability. Qld GMC are effectively a data-limited species because they cannot be reliably aged, associated effort data is incomplete and potting is a passive fishing technique. Commercial CPUE may not represent changes in population abundance due to variable catchability, hyper-stability and serial depletion. Additionally, there is no index of female abundance nor a male:female ratio to inform spawning-recruitment relationships. It is generally assumed that conservative management of GMC ensures their sustainability. However, evidence from the Northern Territory Western Gulf of Carpentaria suggests that GMC are vulnerable to environmental events (drought + heat = 2015 cohort failure). Gaining a rudimentary understanding of critical aspects of the GMC life cycle in Qld would be prudent (i.e., female abundance, spawning vicinities).

A Total Allowable Catch (TAC) is a key aspect of reform to Qld fisheries. The initial TACs for Qld GMC were informed by a modified catch-MSY analysis (Northrop et al., 2019). Catch-MSY is widely applied in Australian fisheries to data-limited species (FRDC 2017/102). The assessment was performed at large spatial scales (East Coast and Gulf). However, this fails to capture regional variability in spawning-recruitment processes that impact on harvestable biomass e.g., larval dispersal due to oceanic circulation patterns and survival of juvenile crabs due to regional rainfall, flow, temperature, and sea level variations. The proposed research is needed (in the short-term) to gather appropriate quantitative biological information and to develop (for the long-term) a means to cost-effectively monitor Qld GMC populations to support a data-moderate stock assessment approach. The research also aims to address some of the critical knowledge gaps in GMC life history that have been unresolved for over 40 yrs.


1. Assess the utility of next generation genetic analysis to inform spatial stock structure of the Giant Mud Crab (Scylla serrata), using South East Queensland and northern New South Wales as a case study.
2. Develop and assess the feasibility of ‘survey’ pots suitable for long-term implementation as a means of monitoring Giant Mud Crabs.
3. Gather key quantitative biological information on Giant Mud Crabs relevant to assessment and management, including the use of tagging studies and a pilot evaluation of means to understand the spawning migration of female Giant Mud Crabs.

Fact sheet

Author: DAF
Fact Sheet • 2020-12-01 • 350.98 KB
FRDC-DAF Mud crab factsheet.pdf


Researchers from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) Queensland, CQUniversity (CQU) and the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) NSW Fisheries are collaborating on a Fisheries Research and Development (FRDC) co-funded research project on mud crab populations in Queensland. The project aims to provide a better information base to assess and sustainably manage Queensland mud crab fisheries.

Project products

Flyer • 2020-12-01 • 279.98 KB
FRDC-DAF Mud crab flyer.pdf


Researchers are asking recreational and commercial fishers in Queensland and New South Wales to report sightings of egg-bearing female mud crabs. 

The Detection of Ciguatera Toxins in NSW Spanish Mackerel

Project number: 2019-060
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $490,000.00
Principal Investigator: Shauna Murray
Organisation: University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Project start/end date: 14 Jun 2020 - 14 Jun 2023


Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) causes the largest number of seafood-related food safety incidents in Australia. In NSW and southern QLD waters, CFP is mostly related to Spanish Mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson). Ciguatoxins (CTXs) produced by marine microalgae (Gambierdiscus spp), are polyether toxins that accumulate in fish and cause CFP when fish are eaten. CTXs are heat stable, odourless, tasteless, and toxic at low concentrations, therefore it is very difficult to distinguish toxic fish. In NSW, since 2014, 31 people have contracted CFP after consuming Spanish Mackerel caught locally, mostly through recreational fishing.

Validated commercial monitoring methods for CTXs are unavailable internationally, although research tools for CTX measurement have been developed. Regulatory methods for CFP prevention are to avoid certain fish species, fish of certain sizes (ie >10kg), or fish from certain regions. In Australia, effective prevention methods have not been clearly evaluated. This results in Spanish Mackerel that are safe to eat potentially being excluded from sale, resulting in significant losses (ie > ~$200k p.a in NSW). This project addresses this issue, which was identified as high priority in the Australian ciguatera research strategy formulated at a recent workshop (27-28th March, 2019).

In 2014, FRDC (Tactical Response) and the NSW Recreational Fisheries Trust funded an initial study on the incidence of CTXs in NSW Spanish Mackerel. CTX was present in flesh and liver samples (1-7% incidence), and was not clearly correlated with the weight of individual fish. This information showed that CFP risk management may require reassessment. This project will advance knowledge by: evaluating methods of detection of CTXs; determining detailed predictive data on CTX incidence; and evaluating environmental and biological factors associated with CTX in Spanish Mackerel to allow for an evaluation of risk assessment strategies. This information will benefit industry by enhancing consumer safety and industry confidence, and enabling the sale of safe Spanish Mackerel.


1. Determine industry CTX needs and conduct of review of available CTX measurement tools (including cell based assays, ELISA kits, and LCMS) against these needs. Conduct an assessment of the currently available screening tools to determine which, if any, hold promise for industry use. Conduct a viability assessment for how a tool might be used in industry or, if none of the currently available tools are appropriate, make recommendations for future activities to develop a rapid screening tool that meets industry needs.
2. Obtain samples of flesh and liver from ~300 individual Spanish Mackerel of all sizes caught in Industry relevant regions of NSW waters over a period of 2 years, as well as length, weight, sex and site information, with the participation of the Sydney Fish Market and commercial fishing Cooperatives. Obtain samples from any individual Spanish Mackerel associated with illnesses in NSW or QLD. Measure CTX1B and other available CTX analogs using best practice methods identified in Objective 1.
3. Conduct statistical data analyses of all available data on CTX concentrations in Spanish Mackerel in comparison to biological and environmental variables.Develop recommended options for food safety risk management for Spanish Mackerel in NSW that will allow for a viable industry while protecting public health.

Assessing the population biology of Black Jewfish (Protonibea diacanthus) in Queensland

Project number: 2019-056
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $321,754.00
Principal Investigator: Samuel M. Williams
Organisation: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries EcoScience Precinct
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2020 - 28 Feb 2023


Commercial in confidence. To know more about this project please contact FRDC.


Commercial in confidence

Final report

Author: Samuel M Williams
Final Report • 4.56 MB


Assessing the population biology of Black Jewfish (Protonibea diacanthus) in Queensland

Examining the potential impacts of seismic surveys on Octopus and larval stages of Southern Rock Lobster

This report details the portion of FRDC 2019-051: Examining the potential impacts of seismic surveys on Octopus and larval stages of Southern Rock Lobster focusing on the impacts of exposure to a full-scale seismic survey on the early life stages of the Southern Rock Lobster (Jasus edwardsii),...
University of Tasmania

South Australian Pacific Oyster selective breeding program: Building POMS resistance to reduce risk for the South Australian oyster industry

Project number: 2019-039
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $936,428.00
Principal Investigator: Xiaoxu Li
Organisation: University of Adelaide
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2019 - 29 Jun 2022


Due to the recent detection of POMS in wild Pacific Oysters in the Port River, the SA industry urgently need POMS resistant oysters. Having POMS resistant oysters stocked onto farms prior to any potential outbreak will be critical for protecting the industry from significant losses and financial impacts.

To achieve a resistance level of over 90% for ≥ one year old oysters, the SA Pacific Oyster selective breeding program will need to establish at least three more generations of families for genetic improvement after the completion of the Future Oysters CRC-P project in 2019.

Establishing the SA Pacific Oyster selective breeding program requires specific techniques and skills. SARDI is the only organisation in SA that has the purpose-built hatchery facility for this species and has produced target numbers of Pacific Oyster families over the last three seasons. SARDI also has a well-established team in oyster genetics and bivalve hatchery technologies.

To support the Stage 2 development of the SA selective breeding program, Flinders Ports, in partnership with the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC), ASI, SAOGA and PIRSA-SARDI will jointly fund this project for the SA oyster industry to address POMS risks, and further mitigate the risk factors associated with the spread of POMS outside the Port River related to dredging activities in the Outer Harbour.


1. Develop selective families with 90% POMS disease resistance for ≥ one year old Pacific Oysters
2. Support the SA industry by provision of high POMS resistant broodstock for commercial spat production

Implementation of dynamic reference points and harvest strategies to account for environmentally-driven changes in productivity in Australian fisheries

Project number: 2019-036
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $552,027.00
Principal Investigator: Andrew J. Penney
Organisation: Pisces Australis Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 30 Jul 2020 - 4 Dec 2022


Recently, the risks resulting from not accounting for variability in productivity have become translated into potential risks associated with environmentally driven trends in recruitment, particularly the risk created by ongoing declines in recruitment (and/or growth) driven by climate-change induced trends in water temperature, weather and current patterns.

A number of southeast Australia fish stocks have failed to 'recover' following substantial reductions in catch and effort, and a number of research projects have concluded that some of these have undergone an environmentally-driven reduction in productivity. A productivity shift has already been demonstrated for Eastern Jackass Morwong, with the stock-recruit relationship and reference points being adjusted to reflect this change. Ecosystem and climate-change modelling have predicted increasing likelihood of similar changes in productivity for a number of Australian fish stocks.

Current harvest strategies assume either equilibrium or some average B0, and associated target (B48) and limit (B20) reference points. Use of equilibrium B0-based reference points and harvest strategies do not correctly reflect the natural dynamics of stocks where productivity changes. This can lead to sub-optimal management, either over-utilising a reduced productivity stock or under-utilising an increased productivity stock. In contrast, reference points based on some proportion of naturally variable unfished biomass (Bunfished or dynamic B0) will fluctuate to follow environmentally-driven productivity changes. Dynamic reference points have been evaluated and adopted for a number of international fisheries.

The need to adapt stock assessment methods and harvest strategies to explicitly and justifiably account for shifts in productivity has been recognised by the AFMA Resource Assessment Group for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (SESSF), not least as a result of clearly evident declines in biomass (Jackass Morwong, Redfish) or recruitment (Silver Warehou) that cannot be attributed to fishing under current productivity assumptions.


1. To review relevant international research and management approaches to account for environmentally-driven productivity change in stock assessments, reference points and harvest strategies for selected Australian fish stocks.
2. To identify and describe circumstances and fish stocks for which dynamic reference points should or should not be used in stock assessments and harvest strategies, and develop appropriate methodology for conducting assessments using dynamic reference points.
3. To identify selected candidate fish stocks showing likely environmentally-driven productivity change, conduct comparative assessments for these stocks using equilibrium and dynamic reference points, and prepare a candidate harvest strategy that includes dynamic reference points for testing in the FRDC Multi-Species Harvest Strategy project.
4. To make recommendations on future implementation of dynamic reference points and harvest strategies for Australian fish stocks.
5. To develop and improve methods for detecting and quantifying changes in productivity (growth and recruitment) in stock assessments, to relate these to environmental mechanisms causing productivity changes, and to evaluate data needs, including environmental indices, required to usefully detect and evaluate productivity change under various circumstances.
6. To consider and evaluate options for effective harvest control rules, incorporating dynamic reference points, that might appropriately respond to changes in fish stock productivity, including environmentally driven trends in productivity.
7. To identify environmental circumstances and fish stock characteristics under which it would be appropriate and advisable to move to using assessments and management approaches incorporating dynamic productivity and reference points, vs. stocks for which dynamic approaches offer no benefit compared to existing equilibrium approaches.
8. To make recommendations on future stock assessment approaches, data requirements, harvest control rules and management approaches incorporating environmental indicators, dynamic productivity and dynamic reference points for Australian fish stocks.

Understanding population structure and dynamics of Victoria’s developing Octopus fishery

Project number: 2019-031
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $561,140.00
Principal Investigator: Jayson M. Semmens
Organisation: University of Tasmania
Project start/end date: 31 Dec 2019 - 30 Dec 2022


In Victoria, Octopus spp. are predominantly a byproduct species caught across various fisheries. Pale Octopus is not differentiated from other octopus species in catch and effort reporting in Victoria, making it difficult to apply stock assessment methods or catch rate indicators. Maori Octopus (Octopus maorum) are likely caught in the Victorian Rock Lobster Fishery (VRLF); whereas Pale Octopus and Gloomy Octopus (Octopus tetricus) are caught within the Inshore Trawl Fishery, Ocean Access Fishery (OAF), Corner Inlet Fishery (CIF) and Port Phillip and Westernport Bay Fishery (PPWPBF). Targeting octopus using 'shelter traps' within the OAF off Lakes Entrance has significantly increased in 2016 and 2017. The average catch during this period was ten times greater compared with the average catch taken from 2006–2015. With the potential for a developing fishery, management is lacking fundamental information to assist in guiding and building a sustainable fishery. For example, there is no requirement to identify and report quantities of species caught. This makes any sort of assessment impossible. Presently, two license holders actively fish for octopus with a capacity to have many more within the OAF.


1. Species identification: * Develop identification keys to ensure octopus are identified to at least the three main species and to ensure collection of accurate catch and effort data.
2. Biological characteristics:* Determination of age, growth and reproduction information.* Determine population structure to inform appropriate spatial scale for management.
3. Development of appropriate biomass indicators and analysis for assessment:* Implement pot sampling regime to enhance the understanding of fishery impact particularly at relatively small spatial scales.* Development and assessment of performance indicators to monitor biomass and stock status.
4. Development of fisheries management tools: * Identify appropriate spatial management tools based on stock structure defined in objective 2a. * Identify an objective approach for setting limit and target reference points for the indicators developed in objective 3. * Provide an overview of possible management tools and their suitability for the Victorian octopus fishery given the identified biological characteristics in objectives 1 and 2.* Using a process identified by VFA develop one or more harvest strategy proposals.
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