Student projects by:
K. Colgan: The analysis of length-frequency data of juvenile and adolescent banana prawns, Penaeus merguensis: a comparison of computer and graphical methods.
G. Cornell: Species composition and abundance of juvenile fish from Trinity Bay and Mornington Island prawn nursery...
Following approval for Project No. 1985-042 arrangements were made for FTV Bluefin to conduct filming trials in conjunction with personnel from the N.S.W. Division of Fisheries and S.A. State Fisheries, in Jervis Bay N.S.W. In addition to the work specified in Project No. 1985-042 the diving teams...
In 1981-82 the cost of fuel and oil in the Northern Prawn Fishery amounted to 25% ($M23.65) of the total costs for a prawn trawler (Hundloe 1984). In the East Coast Prawn Fishery, fuel and oi 1 amounted to 24% ($M9.77) of the costs (BAE 1984). In recent years the dramatic rise In fuel prices has...