322 results

FishPath: Tailoring Management to Context in Data-Limited Fisheries

Project number: 2017-125
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $11,600.56
Principal Investigator: Bryan McDonald
Organisation: Department of Industry Tourism and Trade
Project start/end date: 14 Oct 2017 - 30 Jan 2018


A number of fisheries in Australia are characterised as being 'small scale', 'data ' and/or 'capacity' limited (hereafter small scale fisheries). Fisheries management within the context of small scale fisheries is often ad hoc and is resource intensive relative to the value of the fishery in question. An existing project (FRDC 2015-213) is developing guidelines for low cost and systematic management of small scale fisheries. A central component of those guidelines is the FishPath tool developed by CSIRO in partnership with a global consortium of experts.

The FishPath tool has significant potential for adoption as a 'standard' approach to small scale fisheries management in Australia and has strong stakeholder by-in at a theoretical level. However, the implementation of the guidelines and the FishPath tool would benefit from testing to optimise that potential. To be effective, the tool needs to provide a framework for participatory discussions about what management, harvest strategy and longer term monitoring and assessment options are best suited to a given fishery.

As a part of the existing project, a workshop has been scheduled to occur in Darwin on November 17 2017. At that workshop, a project team that will be led by Natalie Dowling (Principal Investigator 2015-213) and Kate Crosman (Evans School of Public Policy and Governance at the University of Washington) plan to introduce, test and improve the FishPath tool by focusing on stakeholder input. The existing project budget will enable the workshop to proceed with NT-based stakeholders in attendance. However, the potential value of the tool in a national context warrants broader participation. This proposal seeks support to fund the participation of key stakeholders from regional areas of the Northern Territory (e.g. Gove) and around Australia to ensure broad issues are considered and outcomes are provided against national priorities to improve productivity and profitability of small scale fisheries and in assistance to the Status of Australian Fish Stocks program.

The outcomes of the workshop are regarded as essential to determining the next phase of work in the implementation of the management guidelines and FishPath nationally.


1. To test and inform the utility of FishPath from a stakeholder perspective so that it is end-user friendly and designed to have optimal value as a decision support tool
2. To provide stakeholders with an opportunity to learn about, and influence, the application of a management decision support tool designed to remove uncertainty and improve rigor particularly with regard to small scale fisheries,
3. To provide additional extension of project 2015-213 and to facilitate stakeholder-based discussions of potential future projects to improve and implement the guidelines for low cost management of small scale fisheries.

Final report

Authors: Katherine M. Crosman Natalie Dowling Bryan McDonald
Final Report • 2021-05-03 • 1.35 MB


Fisheries are increasingly managed with involvement of fishers and other stakeholders. Stakeholders are especially critical where managers lack full knowledge of the system to be managed, resources to gather additional information, and/or resources to monitor and enforce compliance. Such ‘data-limited fisheries’ comprise more than 80% of the total global fish catch and face challenges to maintaining sustainable harvest rates. Sustainable management of data-limited fisheries may be improved by decision support that informs assessment and management choices and that is available to fishers and managers. Here we report results from a field experiment conducted with Australian fisheries stakeholders. The experiment tested FishPath, an interactive decision-support software tool for data-limited fisheries, and its influence on stakeholder buy-in to management. Participants were provided with a hypothetical fishery that mimicked commonly encountered real-world data- and capacity-limitations. In Stage 1, to establish baseline levels of buy-in, we presented participants with a shortlist of management options tailored to the fishery; participants did not interact with FishPath. In Stage 2, to test the effect of FishPath use, participants collectively input the hypothetical fishery into FishPath; the tool then presented the same management options seen in Stage 1. In Stage 3, to assess the effect of expert support, participants were randomly assigned to a control group and a treatment group after a common introduction to FishPath output. The control group explored the output without additional support, while the treatment group explored output with support from a FishPath expert. After each stage, participants were asked to rate: 1) their support for an ongoing process to select management options from the shortlist; 2) how easy or hard they expected management of the fishery to be; and 3) how effective they expected management of the fishery to be. Initial findings indicate that while FishPath use does not significantly increase stakeholder support for management (possibly due to ceiling effects, as support was high in Stage 1), it does significantly increase participants’ perceptions of the ease and effectiveness of management.

Developing a new five year Strategic Plan for RD&E Investment in the Australian wild harvest abalone industry

Project number: 2017-124
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $42,827.54
Principal Investigator: Dean M. Lisson
Organisation: Abalone Council Australia Ltd (ACA)
Project start/end date: 30 Sep 2017 - 29 Apr 2018


Abalone Council Australia Ltd is nearing the end of its first IPA with the FRDC. A new RD&E Plan is required in advance of the drafting of a second IPA. This project application is to provide funding for the development of the new 5 year ACA Strategic Plan for RD&E Investment for the Australian wild harvest abalone industry.


1. Conduct a workshop to discuss with a broad range of stakeholders the needs of Australia's wild harvest Abalone fisheries over the coming 5 to 10 years
2. Based on the workshop deliver a Strategic RD&E Plan for the industry over the period of 2017 - 2022

Review of fishery resource access and allocation arrangements across Australian jurisdictions

Project number: 2017-122
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $106,640.00
Principal Investigator: Ian Knuckey
Organisation: Fishwell Consulting Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 24 Sep 2017 - 15 Apr 2018


In 2010, the Australian Fisheries Managers Forum (AFMF) listed fisheries access and allocation as one of the top priority policy issues to be addressed. Subsequently, FRDC formed a working group to examine possible approaches to access and allocation issues to assist fisheries managers as they undertook their associated policy development around allocation matters. They produced a report on the principles and guidelines for fisheries resource access and allocation, highlighting impediments to optimising fisheries resource access and allocation in Australia and the RD&E issues requiring investment.
Seven years on, there has been a lot of developments in this area in the various jurisdictions. To assist guide FRDC's future RD&E investment on these issues, the Board requested a review of the current state of fishery resouce access and allocation across the various jurisdictions.


1. Define the elements (i.e. units to which resource access is allocated) of access and allocation
2. Review available information and provide examples of allocation and access in Australian fisheries jurisdictions and other industries
3. Describe the tools available for access and allocation and how they are implemented in each jurisdiction
4. Identify jurisdictional gaps and differences and recommend potential tools / options to fill those gaps

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-6480172-2-6
Authors: Knuckey I Sen S and McShane P.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 1.11 MB


In 2010, the Australian Fisheries Managers Forum listed access and allocation as one of the top priority policy issues to be addressed in Australian fisheries. Subsequently, the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) formed a working group to examine possible approaches to access and allocation issues to assist fisheries managers as they undertook their associated policy development around allocation matters. From this, a report on the principles and guidelines for fisheries resource access and allocation was produced (Neville 2012 - FRDC project 2011-215).

Modification of fishery assessment and modelling processes to better take account of changes in population structure, specifically animal size, on catch rate data

Project number: 2017-101
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Klaas Hartmann
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 28 Feb 2019 - 29 Feb 2020


Size selectivity is an important aspect of southern rock lobster stock assessment models and has been estimated for different fleets, pot types, and areas. Temporal changes in size selectivity can lead to biased model results and can bias parameter estimates, such as pre-recruit indices (PRIs). These biases can manifest as trends that are unrelated to changes in the population characteristic they are designed to monitor. Several mechanisms for changes to size selectivity have created particular concern due to their potential to influence management decisions.

Firstly, in some areas southern rock lobster stocks are increasing significantly and are expected to continue to do so. One way in which these elevated densities may affect selectivity is if large lobsters deter small lobsters from entering pots, thus lowering the estimated PRI (an index used in TACC setting in Victoria)

Secondly, increased price differential between lobster size classes coupled with high CPUE is creating substantial incentives for high grading, both through discards and through changing fishing practices targeting different sized lobsters.

Lastly, seasonal changes in size selectivity have been observed in South Australia and may occur elsewhere. These have not been quantified and may occur in other regions.

Understanding these changes in size selectivity and mitigating the impact on the ongoing stock assessment modelling and harvest strategies will ensure robust assessments and avoid future management bias.


1. Determine lobster density and size structure impacts on selectivity
2. Develop a method for adjusting PRI for lobster density / size structure changes
3. Develop an understanding of intra seasonal size selectivity changes
4. Develop methods for quantifying the impacts of high grading on selectivity changes on an ongoing basis
5. Adapt the rock lobster stock assessment model to include selectivity changes

Australian Fisheries and Aquaculture Statistics 2016

Since 1991 ABARES has annually published detailed production and trade data in Australian Fisheries Statistics (now Australian fisheries and aquaculture statistics) to meet the needs of the fishing and aquaculture industries, fisheries managers, policy makers and researchers. The research undertaken...
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)

NCCP: Review of Carp control via commercial exploitation

Project number: 2017-094
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $36,863.00
Principal Investigator: Paul Brown
Organisation: La Trobe University Mildura Campus
Project start/end date: 31 Aug 2017 - 30 Mar 2018


The National Carp Control Plan (NCCP) is presently considering strategies that will effect widespread control of a dominant invasive freshwater fish, the Carp (Cyprinus carpio). Carp have a significant negative impact on social, environmental and economic ($500 million per year) outcomes in aspects of water quality, amenity and biodiversity. Carp dominate the Murray–Darling Basin, making up 80-90 per cent of the fish biomass in places. In Australia, the use of a biological control agent, the naturally occurring carp herpesvirus, could significantly reduce the number of carp in our freshwater systems [1-3]. The NCCP will map out the best approach to manage the required work safely with a key step towards the potential strategic release of carp herpesvirus being community consultation.

One common theme amongst community comments about carp control is “Can we fish them all out through overfishing?” Proponents cite examples of over-exploited commercial fisheries worldwide that have collapsed. This reaction is particularly prevalent amongst the commercial fishing sector of the community [4]. Similar arguments are made against investment in many ‘technologies’ for many vertebrate pest-control strategies; particularly where the pest-animals have a value in an exploitative industry or where effective alternatives are lacking. Other fish-examples include Asian carp species in the Mississippi Basin (Visser 2017), Lionfish in the Caribbean (Downey 2017) and Aripaima or Paiche invading Bolivia (Snyder 2017).
Existing studies of the feasibility of Carp control by removal are few in Australia [5, 6] particularly in peer reviewed literature [7]. There is a clear need for peer-reviewed evaluation (including a plain-speech, magazine article version) of the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. The proposed research will inform the community consultation process about the potential for deliberate overfishing to complement or to be an effective alternative to virus release.


1. Review literature on control of vertebrate pests through commercial exploitation (with emphasis on pest-fish)
2. Use CarpSim software to explore the limits of critical factors identified in the literature review, with respect to control of Carp in Australia through commercial exploitation
3. Summarise findings of review (1) and modelling (2) in lay persons terms, in a magazine article, to answer questions such as "Can we just fish them all out with commercial fishing?"
4. Prepare and submit a research article based on review (1) and modelling (2) for publication in a peer-reviewed, open-access, scientific journal

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925983-99-9
Author: Paul Brown
Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 

Final Report • 2019-07-15 • 540.66 KB


The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal programs, local feasibility studies and descriptions of the historic carp fishery, the study identifies factors critical to success and evaluate the fisheries ecology of Carp in Australia against these factors. 
Critical factors are expected to include, but not be limited to:
Achieving a high enough exploitation rate
Commercial viability/budget available for subsidy
Accessibility/vulnerability of the whole population (refuge dynamics) 
Spatial complexity/connectivity and temporal variability in abundance
The study uses the Australian developed Carp population dynamics software, CarpSim–to explore the limits of any identified critical factors and review the scale, circumstances for (and likelihood of) successful Carp control through commercial exploitation. The study further develops  models adapted from existing published CarpSim models to describe exploited Australian carp populations. 


Valuing Victoria's Wild-catch fisheries and aquaculture industries

Project number: 2017-092
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $507,438.75
Principal Investigator: Kate Barclay
Organisation: University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Project start/end date: 28 Feb 2018 - 31 May 2022


A study which measures the contribution of Victorian wild-catch and aquaculture fisheries to community wellbeing will meet multiple needs:

• Generate detailed, spatially-defined knowledge on the economic and social contributions of fisheries to community wellbeing, and elicit where contributions could be enhanced
• Inform government (local, state) of the importance of fisheries and likely impacts of policy or management decisions on regional and metropolitan communities
• Enhance community engagement and support for fisheries through demonstrating the benefits that flow from professional fishing and aquaculture sectors into communities

Audience: 1) industry representative organizations; 2) government; 3) general public. Currently, very little data exists about the economic and/or social benefits of professional fisheries to communities in Victoria. Existing data only calculate total value of production (beach/farm gate price x volume), and the number of business owners or fisheries employees identified in the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census. There is no reporting of the multiplier effects in communities of having businesses based there, through service industries or seafood product going into markets. The lack of sophisticated information about the contributions of professional fishing puts the industry as a group at a disadvantage compared to competing resource users which do have such reporting and have been persuasive in negotiations.

Information on social contributions dovetails with economic contributions to build a picture of the overall contributions fisheries make. This can help address the lack of community support for fisheries and consumer influence on the regulatory environment, which has grown to constitute a threat to the continued viability of fisheries. While information generated via this project will not fix the problem – relationships between industry and community must be improved via sustained, strategic engagement – credible data on the social and economic contributions commercial fisheries make to Victoria is useful for boosting the industry’s ‘social license to operate’.


1. Evaluate the economic contribution of commercial wild-catch fisheries and aquaculture to community wellbeing for seven regions of Victoria, including the regional economic impacts such as multiplier effects and employment and contributions to related sectors within regions, building on previous Australian studies.
2. Evaluate the social contributions of commercial wild-catch fisheries and aquaculture to community wellbeing for the same regions, including the social aspects of economic contributions, food provision, health and nutrition, services and infrastructure, interactions with tourism, consumers, and recreational fishers, contributions to community identity and heritage, and knowledge networks, building on previous Australian studies.
3. Build on and refine a methodology to be used for ongoing social and economic evaluations of industry as part of FRDC national framework.
4. Disseminate findings, identifying the social and economic contributions of seafood production to community wellbeing for each study region, highlighting threats to sustainability and viability, as well as opportunities, in a form suitable for engaging: 1) local and state government agencies
and 2) the general public, to raise awareness of the role of professional wild-catch fisheries and aquaculture in Victorian communities.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9953662-5-1
Authors: Abernethy K. Barclay K. McIlgorm A. Gilmour P. McClean N. Davey J.
Final Report • 2020-06-29 • 6.04 MB


This project provides the first evaluation of the social and economic contributions of wildcatch professional fisheries and aquaculture of Victoria to the communities in which the industries are located and to the entire state. This project was developed in consultation with the Victorian seafood industry who identified the need to communicate the economic value of their industry, inclusive of the economic contribution of businesses supplying or being supplied by seafood producers. In addition, there was no evaluation of the social benefits of the industry to Victoria.

Project products

Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 692.68 KB
2017-092-Appendix Two.pdf


The WRI report Economic impact of Victorian commercial fisheries and aquaculture.
Fact Sheet • 2020-06-29 • 523.51 KB
2017-092 Victoria's Fisheries and Aquaculture Factsheet.pdf


This fact sheet provides an overview of the economic and social contributions of professional fisheries and aquaculture in Victoria.
Fact Sheet • 2020-06-29 • 932.38 KB
2017-092 Victoria's Fareast Fisheries Factsheet.pdf


This fact sheet provides an overview of the economic and social contributions of professional fisheries the far east region of Victoria, which includes East Gippsland.
Fact Sheet • 2020-06-29 • 931.50 KB
2017-092 Victoria's Farwest Fisheries Factsheet.pdf


This fact sheet provides an overview of the economic and social contributions of professional fisheries the far west region of Victoria, which includes Warrnambool, Port Fairy and Portland.

Fact Sheet • 2020-06-29 • 717.89 KB
2017-092 Victoria's Neareast Fisheries Factsheet.pdf


This fact sheet provides an overview of the economic and social contributions of professional fisheries the near east region of Victoria includes communities on the Mornington Peninsula and the Gippsland communities of San Remo and Corner Inlet.

Fact Sheet • 2020-06-29 • 878.30 KB
2017-092 Victoria's Nearwest Fisheries Factsheet.pdf


This fact sheet provides an overview of the economic and social contributions of professional fisheries the near west region of Victoria includes communities along the Great Ocean Rd, the Surf Coast and the Bellarine Peninsula.

Brochure • 2020-07-27 • 727.26 KB
2017-092 Victoria's Fisheries and Aquaculture Summary_web_FA.pdf


This brochure summarises the economic and social contributions of professional fisheries and aquaculture in Victoria.
Brochure • 2020-07-27 • 299.89 KB
2017-092 Victoria's Nearwest Fisheries Summary_web_FA.pdf


This brochure summarises the economic and social contributions of professional fisheries in the near west region of Victoria.

Brochure • 2020-07-27 • 371.81 KB
2017-092 Victoria's Neareast Fisheries Summary_web_FA.pdf


This brochure summarises the economic and social contributions of professional fisheries the near east region of Victoria.

Brochure • 2020-07-27 • 417.28 KB
2017-092 Victoria's Farwest Fisheries Summary_web_FA.pdf


This brochure summarises the economic and social contributions of professional fisheries the far west region of Victoria.

Brochure • 2020-07-27 • 419.12 KB
2017-092 Victoria's Fareast Fisheries Summary_web_FA.pdf


This brochure summarises the economic and social contributions of professional fisheries the far east region of Victoria.

Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


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Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


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Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


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Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


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Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


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2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


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2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


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2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


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2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


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Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


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2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


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2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


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2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


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2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


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2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


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2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


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Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
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Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


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Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


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Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney
Report • 2020-06-29 • 1.10 MB
2017-092-Appendix One.pdf


Appended Report to the FRDC project 2017-092: Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture: economic and social contributions, University of Technology Sydney

Seafood Directions 2017

Project number: 2017-090
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $68,000.00
Principal Investigator: Stephanie Margrain
Organisation: Sydney Fish Market Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 17 Jul 2017 - 30 Oct 2017


The Australian Seafood Industry operates in a diverse and dynamic environment and although the volume produced in Australia is small by world standards, the value and quality of our product and sustainability of our practices are globally recognized. For the Seafood Industry to continue to be a world leader in seafood production and quality there must be an opportunity to learn from each other and plan for the future. The role of Seafood Directions is to provide a significant opportunity for fisheries researchers, fisheries managers and others who work in support of the industry, to examine key contemporary and strategic issues and develop blueprints that will ensure a sustainable, profitable and socially resilient seafood industry in Australia. The need for Seafood Directions is indicated by the ongoing support of key stakeholders of the seafood industry, as is evident by the level of industry sponsorship and attendance at the conference.


1. Plan and deliver the 10th Seafood Directions Conference in Sydney NSW
2. Maintain a minimum of 200 registrations of which a minimum of 25% should be Harvesters.
3. Further securing access rights through promoting the sustainability of fisheries as a result of certification processes and other initiatives.
4. Setting the direction for marketing and promotion activities for the fishing industry for the next decade and beyond.

Final report

Author: Stephanie Williams
Final Report • 2017-07-07 • 901.57 KB


In May 2016, The Association Specialists were contracted to manage the biannual National Seafood Industry Conference, Seafood Directions, at the International Convention Centre Sydney.

The event included the following: 

  • The conference was held across three days (Wednesday 27 September – Friday 29 September 2017).
  • The International Convention Centre Sydney was the main venue for the conference.
  • The Novotel Darling Harbour and the IBIS Darling Harbour were the main sources of accommodation for the conference.
  • The overall conference program consisted of plenary sessions, invited speakers, 2 concurrent sessions, twenty-six abstract presentations and various panel discussions.
  • The conference featured two pre-conference activities including an overnight Huon Field Trip and an Economics Masterclass Pre-Conference Workshop.
  • The conference also incorporated daily Sydney Fish Market, Behind the Scenes Tours, from Wednesday 27 September - Friday 29 September 2017.
  • The Welcome Reception was held in the Exhibition area, in Parkside 1, on Wednesday, 27 September 2017.
  • The National Seafood Industry Awards Dinner was held in the Grand Ballroom at the International Convention Centre Sydney on Thursday, 28 September 2017. The dinner attracted nearly 400 attendees.
  • The “Power Up” Breakfast was held on Friday, 29 September and was organised by WINSC.
  • The trade component was held in the exhibition space, where each catering break was held and fourteen exhibitors showcased their products and services.
  • All plenary sessions and one breakout stream (i.e. all sessions in Parkside 2) were Live Streamed internationally to registered delegates.
  • The event attracted a total of 355 registrations.

Improved risk management of paralytic shellfish toxins in Southern Rock Lobster

Project number: 2017-086
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $885,500.00
Principal Investigator: Gustaaf Hallegraeff
Organisation: University of Tasmania
Project start/end date: 14 Mar 2018 - 7 Jul 2021


The $84 M lobster industry has been impacted by seasonal Tasmanian closures (up to 5+ months) due to PST contamination of hepatopancreas (HP) notably in the St Helens and Maria Island regions (up to 4 mg STX.diHCl/kg), and up to Flinders Island, with an estimated lost revenue cost of 780k (Campbell et al 2013). While only trace levels of PSTs have been detected to date in lobster tail meat, HP contamination poses significant trade barriers for key markets such as China and Hong Kong. While cooking of lobsters did not release biotoxins into the cooking water, HP is a sought after foodstuff (mainly used as a dipping sauce for tail meat) and consumed by 16% of fishers on the Tasmanian east coast and 22% on the west coast, but this has since decreased due to public health warnings. Limited evidence suggests that PST contamination of lobsters may also occasionally occur in South Australia and Victoria.

The monitoring, management and mitigation approaches for biotoxin risks in crustaceans (as spelled out in the DPIPWE Rock Lobster Biotoxin Plan and Decision Protocol) remain poorly developed. The current approach uses bivalve PST monitoring as a trigger for lobster testing, with a very limited number (5) animals tested at a prohibitive cost of 5k, which if positive (>0.8 mg/kg STX eq) leads to lengthy closures of large fishing zones.

The proposed work will refine monitoring tools to reduce the costs associated with PST biotoxin risk management of Southern Rock Lobster, including the application of cheaper and faster (and hence more frequent and more reliable) PST testing and also explore whether tests can be conducted in a non-destructive manner using haemolymph as a proxy.

In addition, tank studies of PST in lobster and field studies on the variation in toxicity, and the validation of a rapid test kit will help to inform the effectiveness of the current geographical zones in the management plan.

Potential impact of PST on lobster vigour will also be investigated using a combination of tank exposure and blood biomarker studies, the latter once calibrated also applied to Tasmanian field surveys.


1. Assess the applicability of Neogen PST test kits for lobster viscera
2. Exploration of Neogen PST tests on lobster haemolymph as a proxy for lobster viscera PST contamination
3. Determination of the impact of PST accumulation on lobster vigour
4. Improved definition of East Coast Tasmanian lobster management zones, based on improved understanding of dietary origin of PST (from tank studies), and improved understanding of variability ( from field studies ).

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-922708-32-8 978-1-922708-31-1
Authors: Gustaaf Hallegraeff Alison Turnbull Andreas Seger Juan Dorantes-Aranda Caleb Gardner Quinn Fitzgibbon and Hillary Revill
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
Final Report • 2023-04-01 • 8.04 MB


To examine toxicokinetics of PST in Southern Rock Lobster, an experimental study was undertaken in a biosecure aquaculture facility in South Australia. Adult male lobsters were fed highly toxic mussels (6 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1) sourced from the Tasmanian east coast for 4 weeks, then allowed to depurate for a further 5 weeks. Control (fed non-toxic mussels) and exposed lobster were harvested at regular intervals, tissues dissected and analysed for PST. The lobsters rapidly accumulated PST in the hepatopancreas (exponential rate of 6% per day), exceeding the bivalve ML within one week, and reaching a maximum of 9.0 mg STX.2HCl equiv. kg−1. Once toxic feed was removed, the lobster depurated at a rate of 7% per day. Toxins were found in lobster antennal glands at concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than found in the hepatopancreas. This is the first report of PST in lobster antennal glands which, along with the gills, represent possible excretion routes for PST. However, PST were not detected at significant levels in the lobster haemolymph, which rules out the possibility of nondestructive sampling of lobsters for biotoxin analyses.
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