523 results

Design standards for experimental and field studies to evaluate diagnostic accuracy of tests for infectious diseases in aquatic animals

Project number: 2015-045
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $24,000.00
Principal Investigator: Mark S. Crane
Organisation: CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory
Project start/end date: 31 May 2016 - 30 Mar 2017


In aquatic animals, experimental studies are often used to study the pathogenicity of an etiologic agent; to study interactions between the host, pathogen, and environment; and to evaluate the comparative performance of existing and novel diagnostics. In the latter case, specimens are sometimes collected from animals at different stages of infection post-challenge to demonstrate temporal changes in diagnostic sensitivity post-challenge. Diagnostic accuracy studies should be designed to assess a test’s fitness for a designated purpose, and the design should also inform reporting in peer-reviewed journals. Reported studies should include clear descriptions of purpose and intended application, and authors should discuss the limitations of their results in the context of other available or currently-used tests to facilitate informed decisions by end-users. In human medical research, standards exist for various aspects of diagnostic test research, including guidelines for accurate and transparent reporting and for quality assessment of methodologies in systematic reviews of diagnostic-accuracy studies. Similar standards are required for animal, including aquatic animal, research. It is anticipated that the established criteria, from human clinical research for evaluating diagnostic accuracy studies, can be adapted to develop a standardized set of criteria for the design of field and experimental studies to assess diagnostic accuracy for infectious diseases in aquatic animals.


1. Evaluate (a) design criteria reported for diagnostic studies of OIE-listed diseases of finfish, molluscs and crustaceans and (b) test design and accuracy recommendations from OIE, peer-reviewed literature in aquatic animal health and other sources (e.g. aquatic animal health experts).
2. Develop a list of gaps or inconsistencies in current design criteria and reporting for OIE-listed diseases in aquatic species, based on collected recommendations from Objective 1.
3. Compile consensus-based standards in an applicable format for diagnostic studies in finfish, molluscs and crustaceans for use by research journals and laboratories.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-4863-1280-1
Authors: Mark St. J. Crane Peter G. Mohr Nick J. G. Moody
Final Report • 2019-06-01 • 433.17 KB


Design and reporting quality are important parameters for assessing aquatic animal studies on diagnostic test sensitivity and specificity however standards for experimental design are lacking. As part of this study, design guidelines to improve the quality of published studies on test specificity and sensitivity on natural disease events well as experimental infectivity trials.

Thus important metrics for consideration at the design phase of diagnostic accuracy studies (DAS) include study purpose, targeted disease state (clinically diseased vs infected but apparently healthy), selection of appropriate samples and specimens, laboratory analytical methods, statistical methods and data interpretation. Implementing standards for designing DAS will assist in appropriate test selection for specific testing purposes and minimize the risk of reporting biased estimates of diagnostic sensitivity and specificity. In addition, with respect to pool-level sensitivity, using the developed protocols in DAS will ensure that the effect of pooling samples for the specified disease agents and hosts on diagnostic sensitivity will be clearly defined.

People development program: 2011 Aquatic Animal Health Training Scheme– Dr Richmond Loh

Project number: 2009-315.13
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $7,590.00
Principal Investigator: Richmond Loh
Organisation: The Fish Vet
Project start/end date: 3 Jul 2011 - 29 Jul 2012


The recent biosecurity risk assessment of the ornamental fish industry suggests current practices are insufficient and that ornamental fish poses a biological threat to native fish, commercially cultured fish and recreational fisheries. There is negligible disease surveillance with ornamental fish after they depart quarantine facilities. There is a large pool of veterinarians across the country who can conduct disease surveillance, mirroring the practices of the livestock industry. I have generated interest from veterinarians through the sale of a self-published book, “Fish Vetting Essentials”, an e-mail list I have collated and the Unusual and Exotic Pets special interest group of the Australian Veterinary Association.

I am unique in that I service the needs of a diverse variety of clients that employs the full range of activities that is assumed of a veterinarian – from individual pet fish medicine, through to large operations involving food fish; in clinical practice through to laboratory diagnostics and education.

The “Aquavet I” course I am applying for covers the most diverse range of duties, in a most cost-effective package, that an aquatic veterinarian would perform, with an emphasis on ecosystem health. This scholarship would give me an opportunity for accelerated learning and to fill the gaps in my knowledge. Upon completion of the course, I will be better positioned to provide for the end users and to impart the knowledge to other aquatic animal health providers in Australia, promoting the FRDC brand.


1. 1 Expand the skill-set of the principal investigator, to increase the versatility, for the provision of aquatic animal health veterinary services to stakeholders/end users - encompassing fish and invertebrates, under their various forms of existence - home aquaria, public aquaria, aquaculture and wild.
2. 2 Experience alternative teaching techniques for teaching aquatic animal health units, and use the skills and knowledge gained to improve course delivery to students
and impart knowledge via participation in conferences and publications.
3. 3 To foster stronger relationships with the international network of fish veterinarians for future collaborations nationally and internationally.

Aquafin CRC - Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Subprogram: development of an AGD vaccine: phase II

Project number: 2004-217
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $500,823.00
Principal Investigator: Chris Prideaux
Organisation: CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory
Project start/end date: 30 Mar 2005 - 21 May 2008


Health is one of the major issues associated with intensive culture industries, including aquaculture. Unhealthy stock relates to unhealthy industry – higher production costs, reduced viability, poor market and public image. Outbreaks of infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) in Scotland resulted in some salmon companies going into receivership. The use of medication increases production costs and negatively impacts on the market.
In Australia, salmon aquaculture is relatively disease free, which provides a possible marketing advantage. However, Amoebic Gill Disease costs are 9.4% of the gross value of production; a significant production cost for farming Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. The disease outbreaks seem to intensify as the industry develops and now are prevalent not only during summer months but also in winter. Outputs of the CRC Health Program such as improved treatment of AGD infected fish, AGD risk forecasting ability and vaccine production against AGD will increase the profitability and competitiveness of the Australian salmon industry.
AGD is severely limiting further expansion of the industry because it ties up resources that could be directed elsewhere, and it limits farming sites due to reliance on freshwater for bathing. Current treatment of AGD while environmentally friendly is not viable in the long-term and alternatives are required. Other treatments may be more reliant on antibiotics or chemicals, a risk to the image of the industry. Although vaccine development can be seen as a high-risk research target the potential rewards justify the risk


1. To identify potential protective antigens from N. pemaquidensis using a combined DNA/protein approach.
2. To identify and characterize attachment molecules involved in the infection process of Atlantic Salmon by N. pemaquidensis..
3. To demonstrate protection of Atlantic salmon against clinical AGD via cDNA and/or recombinant protein vaccination.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-921424-41-0
Author: Chris Prideaux
Final Report • 2009-03-20 • 1.05 MB


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) is considered to be the most significant health problem for farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania, costing the industry an estimated $15-20 million pa. It is caused by the presence of Neoparamoeba spp. on the gills and if untreated can lead to death. Although some control of the disease is achieved by freshwater bathing, this procedure is not considered a viable, long-term solution. It is not fully efficacious – more than one treatment is usually required; it is very labour-intensive; it requires large volumes of freshwater, and is stressful to the fish, which further impacts on their health and growth. Furthermore, recent experience indicates an increase in the required frequency for freshwater bathing in an attempt to control the disease.

Vaccine development is part of a multifaceted approach to develop short-, medium- and long-term solutions to the control of AGD; development of a sub-unit vaccine being the long-term approach of the overall research strategy. The essential objective is to develop a set of strategies and tools to provide the salmon industry with a substantial reduction to the economic impact of AGD in an economically and environmentally sustainable way.

The most significant outcome of this project is the commencement in July 2007 of sea trials for the experimental DNA vaccine made up of six antigens shown to provide a relative increase in protection of approximately 40 percent in laboratory based amoebic gill disease (AGD) trials.

Keywords: Atlantic salmon, Neoparamoeba, DNA vaccine, recombinant protein, response

SCRC: Piloting Commercial Scale Supply of Mass Selected Sydney Rock Oysters

Project number: 2013-709
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Jane Clout
Organisation: Select Oyster Company Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 9 Jun 2013 - 29 Apr 2015


The recent Morten Rye Review of Australian Breeding Programs and their Commercialisation recognised NSW’ SRO breeding achievements as an ‘an excellent platform for full implementation of a highly effective family based, multi-trait selection program for SRO’ but recommended the following for SOCo & SRO:
• Development of a reliable hatchery technique for consistent high volume production of SRO spat, and a reliable source of supply which preferably should be a commercial hatchery: Work currently undertaken independently of SOCo
• Facilitate effective family based multi-trait selection (incorporating quantitative genetic advice)
o Prepare an operational breeding plan based on sound quantitative genetics and selection theory
o Establish effective data recording (nucleus and performance testing) and database management systems
• Establish a management team with the core responsibility to coordinate breeding program activities in close collaboration with PSFI and with technical input from a competent provider of quantitative genetic services (e.g. CSIRO).

NSW DPI is also looking to industry to progressively adopt management and self fund the current MSBP breeding program. Significant progress toward this goal has been achieved for the MSBP and the appointment of a manager and the divestment of routine operations of the program would signal industry’s acceptance of and commitment to the program and provide a strong incentive for DPI to continue to invest in pair mated program development.

For SOCo to achieve the aim set out in the review it must invest in program mechanics alongside private commercial investment in hatchery technique for SRO to address production barriers.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9756045-1-9
Author: Select Oyster Company P/L
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.

Aquafin CRC - Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Subprogram: establishment of challenge for AGD

Project number: 2004-215
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $652,222.00
Principal Investigator: Barbara Nowak
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 16 Jun 2004 - 31 Jul 2008


Strategic plan
This proposal is part of the FRDC Industry Development Program, Strategy – Aquaculture Development – Production and Production Systems. The project includes a technician and a postdoctoral research fellow (Dr Philip Crosbie) as co-investigator and they will both be provided with suitable professional development opportunities through the Education Program of the Aquafin CRC. Later in the project it may be possible to adopt a PhD student with an independent scholarship or include Honours and Masters projects as they are required and become available. Thus, the project will contribute to the Human Capital Development Program, Leadership and Vocational Development. This proposal includes several key research areas outlined in the Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram Strategic R&D Plan, namely the Nature of disease and host-pathogen interactions and Training and capacity building. Relevant priorities being: to provide improved knowledge of the biology of disease agents (in this case the AGD-causing organism), and an improved knowledge of host responses to disease agents which will be partially addressed by monitoring the specific antibody response to N. pemaquidensis antigens (Nature of disease and host-pathogen interactions). Both the research and service components of this proposal will expand the technical skill base in aquatic animal health and facilitate R&D knowledge transfer (Training and capacity building). This project will underpin other projects that contribute to the Aquafin CRC Health Program Outcomes ie. reduced economic impact of disease (AGD) in finfish (Atlantic salmon) farming.

Need for this research
The continued existence of Atlantic salmon farming in Tasmania is threatened by AGD. Production is expected to increase over the next few years and this will undoubtedly lead to an increase in the incidence of AGD. The AGD control method of freshwater bathing has increased in frequency with the growth in production over the past few years and this trend is expected to continue. This will present a growing cost burden to salmon growers, it is therefore imperative that the impact of AGD on the industry be reduced so as to maintain viability for the future. Multidisciplinary teams have been assembled to achieve this outcome via a number of projects. The projects are complementary and in some cases interdependent where progress in one area is dependent on progress in another area. This is particularly the case with the service component of the current proposal and the vaccine development program, where supply of infective material and a means of controlled testing of candidate vaccines are integral to success. Vaccine development requires identification of specific antigens from the pathogen that will elicit a protective immune response in the host, hence the need for significant quantities of infective material. Similarly, success of the treatment of AGD investigation is dependent on supply of cells for initial screening of a battery of potential therapeutants in vitro before attempting field trials. The research component of the proposal, which is the development of a standard AGD challenge method that can be used in experimental tanks, is essential for the success of these projects. We need to be able to consistently induce AGD in fish to economically appraise alternative treatments and candidate vaccines before moving onto costly field trials. Inducing experimental infections is widely recognised as one of the cornerstones of vaccine development (Nordmo, 1996).

The major benefit will be enabling progress in the vaccine development and alternative treatment projects to be made. We will have in place a model to economically appraise novel treatments, experimental vaccines and other less specific means of prophylaxis such as immunomodulation. Ultimately the project will contribute to a collective outcome of lessening the impact of AGD on salmon producers and reducing the estimated 10-20% of production costs that is currently spent controlling the disease. Other benefits include a better understanding of risk factors contributing to AGD, and the opportunity to investigate the virulence mechanisms of the organism. Overall the project will contribute to research output and service. The systematic development and subsequent use of challenge models will yield publishable material. The service aspect will be in the supply of amoebae to collaborators and provision of a means to test novel therapeutants, experimental vaccines and immunomodulatory compounds.

Nordmo, R., 1996. Strengths and Weaknesses of Different Challenge Methods. In: Fish Vaccinology (ed. By Gudding, R., Lillehaug, A., Midtlyng, P.J. and Brown, F.) Developments in Biological Standardisation. Basel, Karger p 303-309


1. Standardisation of AGD challenge models (research)
2. Use of challenge to appraise trial vaccines developed in the vaccine development project (essential service)
3. Provision of gill-associated and cultured amoebae to collaborators (essential service)
4. Cryopreservation of virulent amoebae (research)
5. Maintenance of infection tank (essential service)
6. Provision of freshwater salmon for experiments in other projects (essential service)

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-86295-460-1
Author: Barbara Nowak
Final Report • 2008-10-20 • 1.35 MB


This project has increased our knowledge of Amoebic Gill Disease, in particular about the pathogen and the dynamics of infection.  We have described a new species of neoparamoeba, Neoparamoeba perurans, and showed that it has been consistently associated with AGD worldwide.  Stocking density, acclimation to sea water and amoeba batch variability affected AGD infections.  During this project challenge protocols were developed, which have been successfully used and their results correlated well with field challenge.  This project provided crucial support for all AGD research through provision of amoebae and salmon for all AGD projects and running experimental challenges for trial vaccines.

The main objectives of this project were to provide essential service for AGD research.  During this project we standardised existing AGD challenge protocol and developed a new in vivo gill attachment challenge assay.  Both challenge protocols have been successfully applied in AGD research.  Research on virulent amoebae resulted in a description of a new species, which consequently has been shown to be involved in all AGD cases worldwide.  This discovery led to the development of new diagnostic tests, which are now available for confirmation of AGD infections and further research.

In conclusion, this project has not only provided essential support for all AGD research by supplying amoebae and salmon and running AGD challenges for the experimental vaccines, but also increased our knowledge and understanding of AGD.

Keywords: Amoebic Gill Disease, salmon, aquaculture.

The prevention of occupationally-related infections in western rock lobster fishermen

Project number: 1998-338
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $158,901.00
Principal Investigator: Thomas Riley
Organisation: Western Australian Fishing Industry Council Inc (WAFIC)
Project start/end date: 25 Aug 1998 - 16 Jan 2004


The incidence and severity of infection associated with WRL does not appear to have changed vastly since 1949, despite penicillin therapy and a heightened awareness of the infection by those in the industry. Infection may result in loss of working days. Severe cases may progess to more serious conditions such as septic arthritis and endocarditis, potentially life-threatening conditions. The inappropriate and unnecessary use of antibiotics is of great concern currently as antibiotic resistant bacteria emerge world-wide. The emphasis is now on preventing infection rather than treating it with antibiotics when it does occur. More advanced techniques for the recovery and detection of E. rhusiopathiae have been developed, including the use of selective media and a molecular method. Further study of these infections, utilising more appropriate techniques, is warranted to determine the exact role that E. rhusiopathiae has in this infection. Also, the role of other organisms causing apparent infection in fishermen of all types needs to be evaluated. This will allow preventive strategies to be developed which will, in turn, result in less infection and reduced exposure to antibiotics.


1. To determine the role that E.rhusiopathiae plays in "crayfish poisoning".
2. To determine the distribution of E.rhusiopathiae in the work environment
3. To develop interventions and strategies to reduce the incidence of "crayfish poisoning"

Final report

ISBN: 1-74052-106-4
Author: Thomas Riley
Final Report • 2004-01-15 • 5.71 MB


The Western Australian rock lobster industry is the most valuable single species fishing industry in Australia and earns $400 million annually.  “Crayfish poisoning” is the common name for a painful wound infection affecting lobster fishermen and other industry workers in Western Australia.  Despite improvements in working conditions and antibiotic therapies, evidence suggests that infection continues to be a source of morbidity for workers. Although rare, life threatening severe infections can result from these skin infections.  Little is known about the aetiology of these infections; however, there are some similarities with another occupationally related human infection, erysipeloid, caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. The aims of the project therefore were to elucidate the cause(s) of “crayfish poisoning”, with particular reference to E. rhusiopathiae, and to assess interventions for preventing or treating infection.

An epidemiological and microbiological investigation of “crayfish poisoning” was conducted.  The potential pathogens isolated or detected from 47 suspected “crayfish poisoning” wound swabs were:  Staphylococcus aureus, 22 (47%); Acinetobacter spp., 18 (38%); Streptococcus pyogenes, 11 (23%); Erysipelothrix spp., 9 (19%); Vibrio alginolyticus, 7 (15%); other Gram negative bacilli, 16 (34%).  While S. aureus was the predominant organism found, Erysipelothrix was detected in 19 % of the samples. Strep. pyogenes was also frequently isolated, as was Acinetobacter spp.  An objective of this project was to establish the role that Erysipelothrix plays in these skin infections.  Clearly it does play a role but the natural history of this disease needs more work.  Both S. aureus and Strep pyogenes are common skin pathogens.  It is likely that their growth may obscure the growth of Erysipelothrix, hence our use of a molecular diagnosis.  The other potential confounder, however, is time to presentation.  Erysipelothrix is typically a sub-dermal infection and the skin is not broken.  When the skin does beak the opportunity exists for other organisms like S. aureus and Strep pyogenes to infect the wound.  The hypothesised progression of diseases therefore is Erysipelothrix infection first followed by the others.  However, by the time the other organisms appear, Erysipelothrix may have disappeared.  The Acinetobacter spp., Vibrio spp. and other Gram negative bacilli are likely to be environmental contaminants.  This is not to say that S. aureus and Strep pyogenes are not important in the overall problem of skin infections in fishermen.  They are both potentially serious pathogens.

From the epidemiological survey carried out the following information was obtained: 68% of cases were young deckhands; 52% of infections were on the fingers; 22% on the feet, 15% on the arms, and 15% on the hands; at the time of the injury 43 % were not wearing gloves; and 20 % of cases had a previous skin breach. The presenting signs were erythema (redness), cellulitis (skin breakdown), blisters, furuncles (boils) and paronychia (inflammation of the nail); and systemic symptoms presented in 33%, fever in 29% and lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes) in 18%.  Antibiotics were given in 94% of cases, mainly flucloxacillin, 56%.

To assess the distribution of Erysipelothrix spp. in the aquatic environment, a survey of 19 Australasian seafoods was conducted and methodologies for detection of Erysipelothrix spp. evaluated.  Twenty-one Erysipelothrix spp. were isolated from 52 seafood parts.  Primary isolation of Erysipelothrix spp. was most efficiently achieved with broth enrichment, followed by subculture onto a selective agar containing kanamycin, neomycin and vanocmycin, after 48 h incubation.  Selective broth, with 48 h incubation, was the best culture method for detection of Erysipelothrix spp with polymerase chain reaction (PCR).  PCR was 50 % more sensitive than culture.  E. rhusiopathiae was isolated from a variety of different fish, cephalopods and crustaceans, including Western Rock Lobster (Panulirus cygnus).  There was no significant correlation between the origin of the seafoods tested and the distribution of E. rhusiopathiae.  An organism indistinguishable from E. tonsillarum was isolated for the first time from an Australian oyster and a silver bream.  The fishermen’s work environment was heavily contaminated with Erysipelothrix spp.  Overall, Erysipelothrix spp. was widely distributed, illustrating the potential for erysipeloid-like infections in fishermen.  Additional isolates were also obtained from a survey of an abattoir.

The susceptibility of 60 E. rhusiopathiae strains from various sources to 13 antimicrobial agents was determined. Penicillins and cephalosporins remained active against E. rhusiopathiae and should continue to be recommended for treatment.  Ciprofloxacin minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were particularly low (MIC90 0.06 mg/l), offering an alternative agent for the penicillin allergic patient.  E. rhusiopathiae is still resistant to vancomycin (MIC90 64 mg/l), highlighting the importance of early diagnosis of E. rhusiopathiae infection in cases of endocarditis. In addition, 31 E. rhusiopathiae isolates were tested against several commercially available home disinfectants. Most were effective in killing E. rhusiopathiae with minimum bactericidal concentrations of 0.001% for Pinocleen, and 0.03% for Domestos, Linely and the Wheelie Bin Phenyl Cleanser. These disinfectants could be used following mechanical cleaning of work environments, such as fishing boats and equipment, to reduce the risk of infection with E. rhusiopathiae.

Keywords: Western rock lobster, skin infections, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae.

SCRC: Industry Bursary Oyster Consortium Members - group study tour to New Zealand (Ian Duthie)

Project number: 2010-730
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Rachel King
Organisation: Montagu Tas Oysters
Project start/end date: 31 May 2010 - 31 May 2011

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925982-64-0
Author: Ian Duthie
Final Report • 2011-06-01 • 2.32 MB


This study tour sought to expand our understanding of the New Zealand shellfish industry with particular focus upon the oyster industry and why/how they are able to effectively export NZ$16.9 million worth of oysters overseas, much of it value added. The Australia market receives 75.1% of this production, mostly as frozen half shell. Participants involved in the study group possessed experience across a broad section of the Australian oyster industry from hatchery/nursery/grow--‐out, marketing, research and development. This enabled them to evaluate the growing methodology, environment, and structure of the New Zealand oyster industry.

The tour group comprised of a good mix of grassroots producers, new industry entrants, second generation, oyster researcher and hatchery operators. This enabled a full dissection of the structure of the NZ industry, and identification of advantages and disadvantages they possess. The opportunity to view the way the mussel industry is structured and operates also proved to be insightful, with possible linkages to the future development of the Australian oyster industry. This study tour provided the opportunity for the group to “look outside of the box”, to a country with a very similar demographic and political structure, but which is able to deliver with value adding and a strong export focus; to develop an understanding of why and how the NZ industry has been able to achieve this will provide for great opportunities for the Australian oyster industry, and the individual members of the group.

Aquafin CRC - Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Subprogram: effects of husbandry on AGD

Project number: 2004-214
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $209,941.00
Principal Investigator: Barbara Nowak
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 16 Jun 2004 - 30 Nov 2007


Strategic plan
This proposal is fulfilling objectives of Aquafin CRC Centre Agreement and it is within the key research areas for Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram Strategic R&D Plan.
Aquafin CRC Centre Agreement:
This proposal fulfils the objective to reduce economic impact of disease in finifish farming (Program 3 Health) and provide environmentally friendly approaches to disease management (Program 3 Health). It falls within Subprogram 3B Management and control of Amoebic Gill Disease of Atlantic salmon.
Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram Strategic R&D Plan:
- aquatic animal health management
This proposal will establish AGD management on the farm
- best practice
Results of this project will contribute to the development of Regional Codes of Best Practice for Health, which is one of the priorities in the R&D Plan
- nature of disease and host-pathogen interaction (improved knowledge of the host-response to disease agent)
Parasitic protozoans are one of the priority groups for this key research area. This proposal also will contribute to evaluation of host-pathogen ineractions for intractable diseaess and identify risk factors to develop disease minimisation risk.
- training and capacity building (human capital development)
This proposal will provide training for one postdoctoral fellow and contribute to consolidation of knowledge and capability for parasitology of aquatic animals, which is one of the priorities

Need for research
There is a clear need to broaden the almost exclusive approach of managing AGD by treatment only. Identification of husbandry practices that lower disease incidence will be of immense value in curtailing the currently excessive costs of treatment. Understanding the reasons for reduced disease incidence within different salmon sub- populations at the farm level will have numerous flow of benefits to other AGD related research. In the recent AGD research survey of Tasmanian salmon producers it was stated that:

”Section role of farm management still needs some work particularly in the area of mature fish and lights. Farm observations show mature and lit fish being susceptible to infection and triploid fish having an apparent resistance to infection. We feel that study of the mechanisms involved in these examples should lead to a better understanding of the host-pathogen interaction”.

Disease outbreaks are a function of the interaction between host, pathogen and their environment. Under culture conditions it is impossible to prevent interaction between a pathogen and its host; however, the proposed study presents an opportunity to gain further knowledge, which can directly influence current industry approaches, regarding the effects of manipulating the host and its environment.

Investigation of infection in relation to these different production strategies; ie, artificial lighting, triploids and maturation will improve management of AGD and lead to reducing AGD impact on the industry. This project will provide industry with a more detailed appraisal of AGD in the field, over a longer time period, incorporating multiple treatments and seasonal changes. The advent of enhanced understanding of AGD provided by this project will provide salmon industry with alternative, environmentally friendly strategies to lower production costs of which AGD mitigation is a significant part.


1. To determine effects of husbandry procedures on AGD outbreaks
2. To examine effects of stock (including maturation status, sex, ploidy) on AGD outbreaks.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-86295-412-0
Author: Barbara Nowak
Final Report • 2008-09-09


Before this project our knowledge of the effects of husbandry on Amoebic Gill Disease (AGD) was limited.  This project allowed on-farm assessment of effects of husbandry procedures and stock characteristics on AGD severity. Furthermore, we investigated the potential to re-use fresh water for more than one bath. Preliminary results were promising.  Further trials, including some on a larger scale should be undertaken to confirm that re-use of freshwater bath has a commercial potential.

Out of season smolt subjected to artificial lighting regimes and transferred to estuarine sites, where a marked halocline is present, required earlier bathing than fish from cages where no artificial lighting was used.  However the advantage of fish subjected to artificial lighting not maturing would outweigh the disadvantage of the need for an earlier bath.  This is because maturing fish were more affected by AGD than non-maturing fish.  Neither supplemental oxygenation nor high-energy diet affected AGD.  There was no statistically significant difference between males and females with regard to AGD.   There was no evidence that ploidy had an effect on AGD, however the trial was compromised by the priorities of commercial farm management. There was no significant effect of gill damage on the severity of Amoebic Gill Disease.

In conclusion, this project has not only increased our understanding of the effects of husbandry on AGD but also has enhanced our ability to investigate AGD in the future. This will ultimately lead to direct benefits for the salmon industry.

Keywords: Amoebic Gill Disease, salmon, aquaculture, freshwater bathing

Investigation of common microorganisms and pathways in pearl oysters affected by health issues

Project number: 2019-196
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $771,627.00
Principal Investigator: Cecile J. Dang
Organisation: Western Australian Agriculture Authority
Project start/end date: 30 May 2021 - 30 Sep 2025


Commercial in confidence. To know more about this project please contact FRDC.


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