191 results

Establishing a recreational fishing working group to develop a national implementation plan R, D and E.

Project number: 2005-322
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $78,056.00
Principal Investigator: John C. Harrison
Organisation: Recfish Australia
Project start/end date: 28 Nov 2005 - 30 Jun 2007


Clearly it is essential that the recreational sector is well organised and structured to allow for the best use of the R, D & E resources we have and to maximise the potential but more importantly ensure the sustainability of the sector.

There is currently a lack of a coordinated national approach to R, D & E from the sector.

There is no entity or vehicle in the recreational sector to manage and procure investment for R, D & E.

There is no mechanism or event for the recreational sector that allows a regular national conference.

There is no appropriate recogntion of the achievements by the sector in the field of research, management, advocacy, volunteering, etc.


1. Hold a workshop to identify priority research needs for the recreational sector - completed 11 August 2005
2. Identify a suitable entity that can be developed to progress the national priorities and complete the framework, timetable and implementation plan needed for a transition to the identified entity.
3. Finalise the RDE priorities and investment plan for RS following an industry review at a conference/workshop in the second half of 2006.
4. Hold the inaugural recreational fishing industry awards in conjunction with the conference/workshop & present the inaugural recreational sector recipient of the PDS Leadership Scholarship

Final report

ISBN: 0-9775165-4-7
Author: John Harrison
Final Report • 2007-09-18 • 535.36 KB


Following the success of the National Strategy for the Survival of Released Line Caught Fish it was considered that a national approach needed to be developed to address a broader range of recreational fisheries R,D&E issues.

A workshop was held in Hobart in August 2005 to determine the national priorities for recreational fisheries R,D&E and identify a suitable entity to develop a national approach. The workshop was attended by a range of key people from industry and from government.

The workshop determined that the most appropriate entity to develop a national strategy was an expanded Released Fish Survival Steering Committee and the workshop nominated a number of additional members to the Steering Committee. That expanded the range of expertise on the committee to be able to deal with the broader range of issues. That Steering Committee would be an interim one until a permanent committee could be established.

Following that workshop a number of proposals were produced for consideration by the Steering Committee. Options for the development of the national strategy were through a FRDC sub-program model or through the current Steering Committee approach. It was considered that the Steering Committee approach was the most appropriate.

At the workshop it was determined that the interim committee should be known as the Recfishing Services Steering Committee however this was later changed to Recfishing Research to better reflect its business.

Also following the workshop a Business Plan for Recfishing Research was developed that identified the significance of each priority issue, its current status and the strategic response that Recfishing Research should take in relation to each issue.

Keywords: Recfishing Research; Recfish Australia; National strategy; Research, development and extension; Research priorities.

Project products

Proceedings • 2.11 MB
2005-322 RDE Proceedings.pdf


A national workshop on research, development and extension (RDE) for stock enhancement, fish stocking and stock recovery was held in Brisbane on 6-7 February 2006. A key outcome of the workshop was the identification a number of priority areas for investment.

The Workshop also highlighted the importance of engaging recreational fishers and community groups from the planning to the implementation stages of stock enhancement programs – and shifting the focus from inputs (eg numbers of fish released) to outcomes (eg what type of fishery does the community want).

Workshop participants also noted that there is a need for stock enhancement planning and management to be integrated with fisheries and wider natural resource management frameworks. There is also a need to develop national protocols for fish stocking.

Proceedings • 602.08 KB
2005-322 MPA Workshop Proceedings.pdf


This seminar provided an opportunity for recreational fishers, fisheries agencies, academics, scientists, peak body representatives and others to meet and listen to presentations on the status of marine planning processes in Australia.

The Seminar was opened by the Commonwealth Fisheries Minister, Senator the Hon Eric Abetz who also provided some very useful comments and suggestions for the participants.

An exceptional collection of presentations greatly assisted the participants to gain an appreciation of the wide range of issues impacting on the recreational fishing sector through the introduction of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). The participants throughout the two days provided input through break out groups and were asked to address key questions associated with the objectives.

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