750 results

Benchmarking for health and productivity in aquaculture

Benchmarking is a form of evaluation undertaken by comparing a measure with a standard. With its widespread adoption across many industries, benchmarking was identified as an important area for development in aquatic industries through the national strategic plan for aquatic animal health (AQUAPLAN...
Agriculture Victoria

SCRC: Retail Transformation: Identifying opportunities for creating consumer focused Australian Salmon value added products. (Curtin)

Project number: 2008-794.30
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: David Harris
Organisation: Curtin University
Project start/end date: 31 Dec 2009 - 30 Dec 2010


There is a need to:

1. Develop low value Australian seafood options in order to give the Australian seafood consumer the chance to purchase local seafood at accessible price points.

2. Evaluate the sensory characteristsics, product acceptability and perception of Australian Salmon from a consumer perspective. The attributes evaluated will include, but not be limited to, taste, texture, appearance, mouth feel portion size, etc. This information should relate to pricing and potential product forms that appeal to consumers. This will demonstrate if the species has the potential to be a sustainable, consumer commercial fishery. There is currently no consumer research information of this type available.

3. Show what attributes consumers value in seafood.

4. Understand the composition profiling, nutritional values and bio chemical factors that:

a) influence the spoiling of desirable characteristics;
b) influence the overall degradation of this particular species

This will fill gaps in the current research that is being undertaken.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925982-36-7
Final Report • 2010-12-31 • 1.19 MB


There are many different factors that affect fish purchasing decisions. These range from personal preferences for sensory characteristics to environmental and financial concerns. In understanding why a particular species of fish is or is not popular in the market place all these influencing factors need to be considered.

The aim of this study is to gain some understanding of the factors that influence consumers when considering purchasing Australian salmon.

Develop and implement a communication strategy for the SmartStart Health Intervention Program to key stakeholders including the Australian and State Governments departments of education and health

Project number: 2004-257
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $29,500.00
Principal Investigator: Robert de Castella
Organisation: SmartStart (Australia) Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2004 - 30 Jul 2005


The attempts by SmartStart (Australia) to introduce the SmartStart Health Intervention Program to various States has been limited by a lack of resources. There has been extensive consultation with Australian Government agencies, most of whom have agreed with the concept and stressed the importance of promoting the need for a commitment to a national benchmarking program through the State Governments and their Education and Health Departments. The Australian Government Ministers and Departments of Education and Health have been very supportive of the concept and have given positive indications of support. Due to the fact that both education and health are predominately State responsibilities, it is essential that SmartStart has an opportunity to present its program and the findings and issues identified from the last five years of its operation to all the major States and other significant State based stakeholders.


1. To develop appropriate communication kits.
2. To identify and inform relevant government agencies of the potential national benefits of their investing in the SmartStart Health Intervention Program.
3. To obtain support from the relevant government agencies.

Final report

ISBN: 0-9757618-0-3
Author: Robert de Castella

FRDC communication of evidence-based information on the healthfulness and sustainability of seafood to Health Professionals

Project number: 2018-092
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $69,043.99
Principal Investigator: Nicole Senior
Organisation: Professional Nutrition Services
Project start/end date: 8 Jul 2018 - 20 Dec 2018


The present application will build extensively on the previous nutrition research of Somerset and Bowerman by engaging health professionals in evidence-based and practical communication material which they can use to assist consumers in integrating seafood towards more healthy and sustainable dietary choices.

Dr Gabrielle O’Kane, a board member of the Dietitians Association of Australia, has also been conducting multi-disciplinary research focusing on the barriers and drivers of fish consumption in Australia. On the 18 May 2017, Dr O’Kane gave an oral presentation ‘Aligning sustainability and nutrition goals in Australian seafood consumption’ at the 34th National DAA conference in Hobart, reporting on the findings of the advice related to seafood consumption provided by APDs and PHNs to their clients. The findings showed that APDs and PHNs are uncertain as to where to find reliable evidence-based information on sustainable seafood stocks. The conference had over 600 delegates and there was keen interest in the Nutrition in Public Health, Community and the Environment stream of concurrent sessions, of which this presentation was a part. See the link http://daa2017.com.au/cms/wp-content/uploads/DAA-2017-Final-Program-as-of-24-April-2017.pdf. Dr Carolyn Stewardson was able to assist Dr O’Kane with sourcing clear, summarised information on the status of Australian wild fish stocks in advance of the conference, which was well-received by delegates. One of the key take home message of Dr O’Kane's presentation was to check the sites www.fish.gov.au and www.fishfiles.com.au.

There is a clear gap in the provision of evidence-based information on (i) performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks and (ii) the health benefits and recommendations around eating fish, to this sector. Dietary recommendations for fish intake presents a conflict between desired outcomes for environmental sustainability and health.


1. Gather evidence-based information about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks(Original objective: Translate FRDC's nutritional data and fish stock status information into simple, credible educational resources for health professionals and consumers according to their expressed needs and wants)
2. Translate this into a credible educational resource for health professionals according to their expressed needs and wants(Original objective: Effectively disseminate these resources through DAA, PHAA and Practice Nurses Association to health professionals in Australia for distribution into the wider community)
3. Effectively disseminate this resource to nutrition professionals and practice nurses in Australia for distribution into the wider community


Author: Senior Nicole and Stewardson Carolyn
Magazine • 2019-05-01 • 4.19 MB
2018-092 Food_Australia_April-May 2019.pdf


Seafood is a nutritionally important food and an inherent part of Australian eating culture. However, consumers are often unsure which seafood to eat. This is for a range of reasons, including not knowing enough about the defining features of differing species or how to prepare and cook them, as well as concerns about sustainability.
In 2018 the FRDC commissioned resources to better equip health professionals to support their clients and communities to eat the recommended amounts of seafood and encourage them to choose Australian sustainable seafood. The suite of resources includes an evidence review of seafood and health, an online brochure and a collection of family friendly recipes using Australian sustainable seafood species. The resources can be accessed at www.fishfiles.com.au
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.
Final Report • 2020-02-01 • 3.85 MB


The overall goal for this project was to translate, integrate and communicate contemporary scientific knowledge on the performance of fisheries management/status of Australia’s fish stocks, and the health benefits of eating seafood, to the Australian community through a partnership between Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs), primary health care nurses, public health nutritionists, food technologists, home economists and the FRDC.
This research is important because health professionals are an important influencer group on food choice and a key channel for food education.
Both health professionals themselves, and their clients, will benefit from this research. It provides scientific, evidence-based information health professionals can trust when educating patients and communities about seafood for health and sustainability. It provides them with information they need and want, but it also provides information they can share with their patients, clients and communities. Ultimately, it can steer Australians toward more sustainable seafood choices.
The key finding is that providing evidence-based information of seafood for health and sustainability to health professionals fulfilled an unmet need in this group that allows them to better support their patients, clients and communities.
As a result of this project, FRDC and seafood sector stakeholders can consider health professionals an additional influential channel for disseminating information of seafood
health and sustainability. The primary outcome of this project was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and recommendations of seafood, and the performance of fisheries management/status of Australian fish stocks via empowering health professionals to relay evidence based information (new resources and the FRDC website) to the wider community. Importantly, these resources were developed according to needs and wants of health professionals and consumers.

Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram: Development of a national aquatic animal health curriculum for delivery by tertiary institutions

Project number: 2014-403
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $39,980.00
Principal Investigator: Stephen B. Pyecroft
Organisation: Adelaide Research and Innovation
Project start/end date: 30 Jan 2014 - 29 May 2014


The project will address the Aquatic Animal Health Sub Program priority (4) for the Development of a national aquatic animal health curriculum for delivery by tertiary institutions.
Trained professionals in aquatic animal health are needed to support the continued development and sustainability of the aquaculture sector within Australia. The productivity and marketability of the aquaculture and fishing industries depend directly on the capacity to promote, monitor, manage, research, and regulate the health and welfare of a wide range of species in a wide range of aquatic environments. Currently training opportunities and resourceful corporate knowledge exist across the country covering only a subset of the core attributes required to meet industry, government and service needs. It is necessary to review available training capacities to develop a standard national curriculum to educate relevant veterinarians and other aquatic health professionals.

It will also fulfill the requirements of a number of FRDC priority Program themes.
Theme 1 Biosecurity and aquatic animal health by enhancing the development of capability, systems, knowledge and technologies to detect and identify pathogens to mitigate their impact on aquatic animals, ecosystems, profitability and viability.
Theme 12 &13 Workforce development by specifically planning through focused educational outputs for future workforce needs and Innovation Skills by aiding in the building of human capability to produce and adopt knowledge technologies and innovative practices
Theme 14 Extension and adoption. Having consistently qualified scientific support for the fishing and aquaculture industries there will be timely delivery of accessible, accurate RD&E outputs to all stakeholders.
This project plays a pivotal role in fulfilling Objective 5 of Aquaplan 2014-2019, Australia's National Strategic Plan for Aquatic Animal Health.


1. A review of the need, scope and end user market for a national curriculum in aquatic animal health
2. An understating of the current content and provision of aquatic animal health education within the tertiary sector in Australia.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-95826-2
Author: Dr Stephen B Pyecroft

Tactical Research Fund: Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram: establishment of the Aquatic Animal Health Technical Forum

Project number: 2008-357
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $14,000.00
Principal Investigator: Nette Williams
Organisation: CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory
Project start/end date: 18 Jun 2009 - 29 Apr 2010


There are technicians in various locations within Australia who have a diverse range of skills and experience in the aquatic animal health area. These skills are valuable to all involved and perhaps they should be demonstrated/discussed and information exchanged in an informal but structured forum.
As the “aquatic” discipline does not involve as many people as the terrestrial laboratory field there is not as much exchange of information, techniques and outputs. Some staff feel that they are on their own and are even intimidated to ask or don’t know where to go or whom to ask for input or assistance. Although not all aquatic techniques are “unique” there are some aspects specific to aquatic technical skills and procedures. Providing the opportunity for aquatic animal health technical staff to interact, establish networks and exchange ideas and information would enhance Australian laboratories’ capabilities to provide high quality services to stakeholders.
This group would provide valuable technical knowledge, additional sources of information and mentoring to other laboratory technicians, students and staff at teaching institutes.
The funds are requested to assist technical staff to travel to the AAHS Cairns conference (July 2009) to particiapte in a technical forum and a workshop to be held in March 2010.


1. Establish an email discussion group initially consisting of contacts from known aquatic animal health laboratories.
2. Develop a current listing of active aquatic animal health technicians and their capabilities.
3. Organise an inaugural meeting of potential forum participants attending the AAHS Cairns conference, July 2009.
4. Following the inaugural meeting prepare an operational plan for the further development of the forum.
5. Plan a workshop in March 2010, including technical presentations and a business meeting.
6. Review the effectiveness of the forum (eg. level of participation and participant feedback on benefits for professional development).

Final report

ISBN: 978 0 643 10170 8
Author: Lynette Williams

Enhanced usage of contemporary scientific findings on health benefits of seafood to promote fresh seafood consumption

Project number: 1996-340.90
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $68,547.43
Organisation: Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)
Project start/end date: 29 Dec 1999 - 21 Mar 2007


Add Text


1. Extension
2. Review and print second edition of What's so Healthy about Seafood?

Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram: strategic planning, project management and adoption

Project number: 2001-093
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $284,064.00
Principal Investigator: Mark S. Crane
Organisation: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2001 - 15 Aug 2004


Overseas experience demonstrates how diseases reduce profitability, sustainability and competitiveness of aquatic animal industries (for references see ATTACHMENT 6). Despite a rapid and continuous expansion in aquaculture, Australia has not experienced significant disease emergencies in farmed aquatic animal populations. However, pilchard mortality events in 1995 and 1998 have provided warning signals and demonstrated the need to increase our capability to respond to – and preferably prevent – aquatic animal disease outbreaks.

Since 1992, the FRDC as the biggest research investor has contributed more than $11million to over fifty projects related to aquatic animal health. Due to project diversity and cross-linkages to several FRDC Programs and existing Subprograms, well-facilitated project management is a fundamental requirement to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in delivering and extending results and would be facilitated by a dedicated Subprogram with its leader and supporting infrastructure.

With the development of a strategic R&D plan for aquatic animal health as a highest priority task, the Subprogram would contribute to preventing duplication of research, increase cooperation amongst researchers and thus achieve one of AQUAPLAN’s key priority objectives. It would thus underpin stability in aquatic animal health research and provide a greater level of service to research output beneficiaries.

The FRDC Subprogram would not only manage traditional R&D projects, but also develop Program Activity Plans and deliver projects under an AFFA/FRDC Agreement ([…] for the delivery of Program Activities under the Building of a National Approach to Animal and Plant Health program). FRDC will be advised by FHMC’s AQUAPLAN Business Group (ABG), chaired by ASIC and NAC, fulfilling the role of the Subprogram steering committee. Thus, the national approach can be developed in tandem to the R&D strategy, and guaranteeing links among the two. Significant components of the AQUAPLAN Workplan could be achieved.


1. Coordinate the FRDC Subprogram Aquatic Animal Health (project applications, workshops, communication) including the Program Activities funded under the AFFA/FRDC Agreement (Agreement between Commonwealth of Australia and Fisheries Research and Development Corporation ABN 74 311 094 913 for the delivery of Program Activities under the Building of a National Approach to Animal and Plant Health program).
2. Set strategic directions for aquatic animal health R&D in Australia.
3. Facilitate the dissemination of information on, and results from, aquatic animal health R&D.
4. Develop and implement a dedicated communication strategy for aquatic animal health R&D in Australia.

Final report

People development program: Primary industries health and safety collaborative partnership 2012-2015

Project number: 2012-409
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $150,000.00
Organisation: AgriFutures Australia
Project start/end date: 31 Oct 2012 - 29 Jun 2015


About 150 persons die from non–intentional injury each year on Australian farms. Between 300 and 350 male farmers and farm workers die a traumatic death from all causes each year. The mortality rate in Australian farming is approximately four times that of the all-industries rated (19.5 per 100,000 employees compared to 5.5 per 100,000 employees) (Durey and Lower, 2004).
The rate of workers compensation claims from agriculture, forestry and fishing in 2001-2002 was 27 per thousand employees. There are about 4,500 claims each year made by workers in the agricultural and horticultural industries. Also self employed farmers are not obliged to report injuries so that the incidence reported may be an underestimate.
In the four years 1989-1992 a total of 55 people were fatally injured while involved in work related fishing industries (NOHSC, 1999). Between 1991 and 2001 a total of 16 professional fishermen drowned as a result of falling or being washed from commercial fishing vessels in Victorian waters.
Available statistics indicate that there is a higher rate of suicide among rural populations generally, and farmers in particular. For example, in the period 1988 to 1997, 921 suicides were identified for farm managers and agricultural labourers (Page & Fragar, 2002). The ABS reports that between 1988 and 1998, the suicide rate was up to 17 per 100,000 persons per year in rural areas, compared to 12-13 per 100,000 in the capital cities.
The health status and determinants of health (e.g. death rates, income etc) are generally worse in rural and remote areas than in metropolitan areas. There is a need to identify factors that contribute to this discrepancy, particularly as it is likely to apply to farmers and fishers.
There is a prevailing opinion that many farm and fishing injuries and deaths are preventable.

Lack of awareness of occupational health and safety, and a culture of safety, still fails to be effectively dealt with across all States of Australia. The OHS data identifies that the commercial fishing industry has rates of claims that are average for the overall Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry sector, but that claims for fatal injuries in aquaculture and non fatal in marine (or wild capture) fisheries are both increasing relative to employment. The most ‘at risk’ group in the industry are those between the age of 20 to 24 years, with those aged 45 – 54 years being the next most at risk
group, and will receive injuries from non powered hand tools, to their upper bodies


1. Develop supporting information and data to continue to deliver well-targeted and effective research and extension projects.
2. Change the health and safety culture to enhance farming, fishing and forestry competitiveness and the wellbeing of the families and communities involved.
3. Provide solutions through R&D for key industry health and safety risks.

Final report

Author: AgriFutures Australia
Final Report • 4.18 MB


FRDC invested in the Primary industries health and safety collaborative partnership - there is no final report, however the following three (3) products were developed:

- Health and Safety in the Australian Fishing Industry - RIRDC Publication No.  11/021

- Adoption of Health and Safety Change on Australian Farming and Fishing Enterprises - RIRDC Publication No. 10/222

- RIRDC Completed Projects in 2009 - 2010 and Research in Progress as at June 2010


Project products

Report • 2010-12-01 • 349.74 KB
2012-409 Research in Progress – Collaborative Partnership for Farming and Fishing Health and Safety 2009-10.pdf


The Collaborative Partnership for Farming and Fishing Health and Safety Research in Progress June 2010 contains short summaries of continuing projects as well as those that were completed during 2009-2010. This Program aims to undertake R&D and research application activities that improve the:

  • Physical health of farming and fishing workers and their families
  • Mental health of farming and fishing families
  • The safety of the work environment and practices in farming and fishing industries.

This report is an addition to RIRDC’s diverse range of over 2000 research publications which are available for viewing, free downloading or purchasing online at www.rirdc.gov.au.  Purchases can also be made by phoning 1 300 634 313.

Report • 2011-03-01 • 1.38 MB
2012-409 Health and Safety in the Australian Fishing Industry.pdf


This project emanates from the identification of gaps in occupation health and safety (OHS) data for the fishing industry by the Collaborative Partnership for Farming and Fishing Health and Safety Program across all three of its objectives. The research is important as it provides a basis upon which to understand the OHS issues and challenges of the fishing industry and where further efforts and investment could most effectively be targeted.

The primary beneficiaries of this research are the commercial fishing industry, research and funding providers. The information contained in this report provides a clear guidance to the industry of its OHS circumstance relative to other primary industries (forestry and agriculture). It identifies the most ‘at risk’ groups in the industry, and the existing and emerging high risk elements of the industry. It also identifies those areas and issues that are in most need of further investment, and those which would produce the most effective outcomes in terms of reducing the incidences of OHS claims in commercial fishing.

The key finding is that a lack of awareness of occupational health and safety, and a culture of safety, still fails to be effectively dealt with across all States of Australia. The OHS data identifies that the commercial fishing industry has rates of claims that are average for the overall Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry sector, but that claims for fatal injuries in aquaculture and non fatal in marine (or wild capture) fisheries are both increasing relative to employment. The most ‘at risk’ group in the industry are those between the age of 20 to 24 years, with those aged 45 – 54 years being the next most at risk group, and will receive injuries from non powered hand tools, to their upper bodies.

The importance of this report is that on the basis of the best available statistical data (which represents in the vicinity of only 18% of the industry’s participants), it provides some fifteen suggestions and recommendations for the industry and funding agencies to consider in regard to research, communication and training in the commercial fishing industry. It is the most useful basis that has been provided in recent years for framing a coherent approach to redressing the OHS issues in the commercial fishing industry and to arrest increasing rates of OHS claims.

This project was funded by the Collaborative Partnership for Farming and Fishing Health and Safety.

This report, an addition to RIRDC’s diverse range of over 2000 research publications, forms part of our Collaborative Partnership for Farming and Fishing Health and Safety Research and Development Program, which aims to improve the physical and mental health of farming and fishing workers and their families, and the safety environment and work practices in farming and fishing industries.

Most of RIRDC’s publications are available for viewing, free downloading or purchasing online at www.rirdc.gov.au. Purchases can also be made by phoning 1300 634 313.

Report • 2011-03-01 • 703.67 KB
2012-409 Adoption of Health and Safety Change on Australian Farming and Fishing Enterprises.pdf


This research report extends the evidence base regarding effective interventions and adoption in relation to the farming and fishing industries. Specifically, it aligns with the objectives of the Collaborative Partnership for Farming and Fishing Safety addressing physical and mental health, along with the safety environment and work practices. The findings of this report will assist the Collaborative Partnership for Farming and Fishing Safety to undertake the necessary work that will inform a portfolio of farm and fishing health and safety programs that are underpinned by “best practice”.
Report • 4.18 MB
200-313 - RIRDC Publication No 17-038.pdf


This report details the experience of the cognitive-based safety training provided to crews and skippers of the Northern Prawn Fishery in 2015 and 2016 as a way to increase safety on board fishing vessels through enhancing safety attitudes and behaviours.
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