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Support for Harvesting Strategy development for South Australia’s Lakes and Coorong fishery for Pipi (Donax deltoides)

Project number: 2008-008
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $184,847.00
Principal Investigator: Greg Ferguson
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 28 Jul 2008 - 30 Jun 2010


Effective strategies for stock assessment and sustainable management have not been developed for cockle fisheries. Development of the fishery for maximum economic value must be conducted within a framework of sustainable exploitation. The South Australian cockle fishery has recently moved to management under a TAC. Consequently there is potential to develop a harvest strategy that matches target size and product availability with market requirements. To achieve this requires development of robust indices of relative abundance as well as detailed knowledge of the market requirements and potential management tools.


1. Protect sustainability by developing an indices of relative abundance for cockle/clam populations
2. Identify key market requirements to maximise return from pipi fishery
3. Identify available and other innovative management tools for pipi/clam fisheries
4. Evaluate temporal closures as a management tool for the pipi fishery
5. Develop and evaluate a method to provide catch and effort data with fine spatial resolution to SARDI in an electronic form
6. Develop Biological Performance Indicators for commercial pipi/clam fisheries
7. Provide a harvesting plan for pipi that is informed by information on market demand, market prices and relative abundance and distribution of pipi and reproductive development of pipi "
8. Develop formal Harvesting Plan using information all objectives.

Standardising data collection across the southern rock lobster fisheries of South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania

Project number: 2008-003
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $116,450.63
Principal Investigator: Adrian Linnane
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 14 Jul 2008 - 30 Aug 2009


The primary focus of this project is to address recommendations by the Department of Environment and Heritage (DEH) aimed at strengthening the effectiveness of the management arrangements for the South Australian Rock Lobster Fishery (SARLF), namely:

"PIRSA to pursue complementary management arrangements with other Australian jurisdictions responsible for managing southern rock lobster fisheries to ensure that all removals and other relevant impacts on the stock are properly accounted for in stock assessments."

This project also reponds to demands for increased levels of accuracy, efficiency and timeliness brought about by new reporting relationships and the managements needs of the fisheries. e.g ecological assessment under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (1999); Threatened, Endangered and Protected Species reporting; management of the resources on a finer spatial scale; industry and environmental programs (e.g. Clean green); and the conduct of common research across jurisdictions and associated sharing of data.


1. To address the recommendation provided to the fishery by DEH in relation to persuing complementary management arrangements with other Australian jurisdictions responsible for managing southern rock lobster fisheries
2. To provide a framework that aims to standardise the collection, storage and analyses of data across the major fishery jurisdictions
3. To provide a framework that aims to standardise fisheries model development across the major fishery jurisdictions
4. To review current biological and stock assessment data across States
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